by Happy Guy :) 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    I am in need of a favour. I am trying to locate a copy of an article from Awake October 8, 2004. Page 13. Entitled, "Jehovah, you found me!"

    Anyone with access to this article and the ability to scan and post it; please do.

    Normally I detest having to read the sick minded cult ramblings which spews out of the WT mouth like vomit but in this case I am willing to endure the pain and suffering. I do not know the word for word contents and that will ultimately prove it's worth but it MAY and I repeat MAY be of some usage in connecting WT Brooklyn to a certain attitude which promotes a certain culture or environement. Without getting into the detailed legal explanations, this MAY and I repeat MAY be of some help in the legal arguments which involves the sexual abuse cases. Based on my limited knowledge it's significance is that it is a very recent expression from WT even though it would be a very small piece to a much larger puzzle of WT attitude involving minors and relationships with JWs that are to be kept a secret (in this case from parents). I am told this is but one attitude which WT flatly denies it promotes. To those who are not legally minded you may not draw the connection but that will be for the lawyers to draw there own conclusions.

    I will thank all those in advance for assisting in getting this WT propoganda posted.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi Happy Guy:

    Just happen to have that mag. (Locals are still trying to get me to come back)

    But....sorry I haven't posted for such a long time, I forget how to insert a picture. Can anyone help me?


    Had Enough

    ***OK....I think I've figured it out..I'm editing this post to try to add the 3 pages I scanned. Hope this works!!

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Thank you very much. Unfortunately I do not know. I still don't even know how to quote others on this board propelry in that nice boxed outline.

    Please make sure you check back tomorrow on this thread because I am sure someone else will post a response to your question. once again, thank you.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi Happy Guy:

    I think I've figured out the attachment procedure so I've edited my first reply to you and tried to attach the scans. I see them so I hope you see them too and I hope this helps you in your goal.

    Had Enough

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Thanks. I have a problem though. They are too small. When I save them and enlarge them on my desktop the image is distorted. Is there a way to get them to be larger on this post?

    and, more importantly, from what I can see I wonder if this is the same article. The article I seek is about a 13 year old who secretly studies the JW material and meets with them secretly behind her parents back until when she turns 19 and gets baptized.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi again:

    Yes that's the article about the little girl, now "Nelly Lenz", who wanted to go to the meetings but wasn't allowed to after her mother stopped studying, so she finally got baptized at 19.

    I've tried re-attaching them at a largest size but "an error" occured so I chose the medium size on my 3rd try, but don't know how to fix it if it isn't readable. Sorry.

    I'll check in again in the AM to see if anyone has any suggestions on how to make it larger.

    Had Enough (but not of trying) <----sorry 'bout the's late

  • ozziepost

    Had Enough:

    Just popping into this thread to say a big G'day !

    Long time, no see, and now look at you, you give us some real information.

    Well done!!!

    Cheers from Mrs Ozzie and Ozzie

  • Satanus


    You can specify a higher quality for the pics at the time that you attach them. At 24k, it's a bit small.


  • Elsewhere

    Hadenough... I will PM you my email address so that you can send the full-size images to me. I have a website that I can post them on so that you don't have to worry about image sizes.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi Elsewhere: I've sent the files to you just now and thanks for your offer.

    Hi Satanus: I tried using the paperclip icon and uploading my files which are around 1 mb each, but even when choosing the largest option of 500x500 (I think), I got an error message and so then I clicked the middle size and they still ended up being attached as only 24 kb. I haven't figured out what else I can do to fix it right now but will master it YET!!! Grrrrr

    G'DAY OZZIE: Thanks for "popping in" and saying Hi. I STILL haven't been able to get to participating much or even viewing JWD more than once every few weeks or so. I sure miss it and still plan on getting back into the old swing of things. I just happened to see this thread late last night and knew I had that mag brought to me last week. Old friends still drop by with them once in awhile so I look through them to see what's up. Hope you and Mrs. Ozzie are keeping well and happy.

    Had Enough

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