When are book studies held?

by little1 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • little1

    I would like to know if there is a certain day that book studies (i.e. the group reading of the book of Daniel, etc-all JWs together) are held. When I was dating the JW he always told me book studies were on Friday nights and so he couldn't see me on Friday nights (unless he wanted sex on a Friday night). Recently I've seen him here and there and everywhere on a Friday night and am beginning to wonder if this was another lie he told me to keep from being "committed" to me.

    are book studies always held on a certain night or do they change?


  • Brummie

    In England they are held on a Tuesday eve unless the KHall is shared by a few congregations, then they would be held on a Thursday eve for some.

  • Markfromcali

    It depends on the local meeting times. From what I remember the BS is on Thu. if the TMS and Service Meeting is on Tue and vice versa, or it might just be on an odd day of the week since many of them are at private homes.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi little1 - the book studies are on lots of different nights, even sometimes Saturday mornings. They can be moved temporarily for various reasons too - Circuit Overseer visits, District Conventions, rotations maybe, etc. And people get reassigned from time to time, and that can sometimes affect what day or night your new book study will be on.

    You can also "visit" another book study occasionally, and the other book study might be held on a different day and time.

  • little1

    I thought I had seen people here mostly refer to them on Thursday nights. Never heard Friday mentioned. He lied about so many things I'm sure I'd never get them all sorted out! The biggest lie he told was "I don't lie" HAHAHA! He always said, "Liars are the worst of sinners." Guess he convicted himself there.

  • Markfromcali

    Little I guess you mentioned your relationship before but I don't remember the details. (my short term memory is much better than my long term) Are you still seeing him or what is going on now?

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi again little1. He sounds like a really messed up person - I'm sorry he mistreated you that way.

    Just to further explain about the difference in my area as to the scheduling of book studies - when many congregations share one Kingdom Hall, meetings get scheduled in less than "standard" fashion! For instance, I've been in Halls where 5 congregations share one Hall. So we've had our Public Talk and Watchtower on Saturday, our Theocratic School on Monday (!!) and our book study on Friday. Talk about cramming the meetings all together (not to mention messing up your weekend!)

    But glad to say, meeting hell is no longer an issue in my life!

  • little1

    Mark-you have a pm


    It amazes me that they have so many people attending that they have to have so many meeting in one hall! I know it's like that around here, too. It scares me to think that there are so many deluded people around!

  • blondie

    I have attended book studies on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, Tuesday and Saturday mornings, but never Friday nights (cuts into the weekend entertainment). But I can see kingdom hall with several congregations sharing it, have one scheduled on Friday nights.


  • willyloman

    I was in a hall once where the elders moved the service meeting to Friday nights in order to "build up enthusiasm for Saturday morning field service." There were three congos meeting at the hall and when the CO visited the other two, the meeting schedule got shifted around for those weeks and we wound up meeting on Friday night for the school and service meeting, so the PO and his staunchest allies commandeered an elders' meeting and said if we always meet on Friday, the information will be fresh on Sat morning and everyone will want to go out in FS. The vote was not unanimous, but the motion carried.

    Of course, it didn't have that effect at all. Instead, what happened was that attendance at that meeting dropped steadily until we were forced to move it back to the regular night. Too many people planned social activity on Fridays and people going away for the weekend often left on Friday. Teenagers, particularly, hated it.

    It's one more piece of evidence that JWs are less excited about the "theocratic" lifestyle than the WTS says they are.

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