You Have Got To Read This ! Comments Please?

by Big Jim 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    So when do we get to the part about "black helicopters" at Watchtower Farms?
    I have to tell you now, I know it for a fact to be all TRUE!!!!
    When I was 16, I was a summer worker for a week at WT farms. Being a good little dub, my sponsors gave me the "other" tour. Oh boy I can't wait to tell this story!
    If you go in the auto repair shop at WT farms, place a 1972 Toyota Hi-Lux truck's brake drum on the brake lathe backwards and turn on the lathe, a secret door opens to an elevator that goes down.
    That elevator takes you to their massive underground facility which stretches to the Ohio border and houses 8 million personnel.
    They have a military training center where the TSF (Theocratic Security Force) trains with the latest equipment and techniques.
    The hanger houses an impressive air force of black helicopters and jet fighters with technology adapted from the 83 alien craft the JW's have captured over the years. (ever wonder where all those crashed UFO's went?))
    The computer center is a super-powered internet surveillance operation that captures every message sent by and about jw's and apostates. It even uses alien technology to view apostates through their computer monitors, televisions, and microwave ovens.
    I gotta go now, I keep hearing helicopters flying low over my apartment. They're black ones with no markings. Wait, someone's at the do

    "Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!

  • sf

    You said:>

    "Trouble is on this sort of stuff on Freemasonry etc it is virtually impossible to unearth real truth because it is so well protected and organised.
    ...Your whole belief system is challenged...a bit like when you realise your religion isn't the truth."

    Yes! Well protected, thus NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE TRUTH OF THE "WATCHTOWER MATTER" is! Not you, not me, not any of us. We never will either! Well-oiled "machines" are JUST that...very "slick".

    Why are they called SECRET SOCIETIES? Are they secret? Or is there a place where one can go to learn the entire truth re: this "WATCHTOWER MATTER"?

    sKally (hope my disconnection doesnt cause a non-post here)

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    I'm reading along on this thread and my attention was caught by the reptilian beings that control the earth

    it reminded me of the series V back in the 80's, granted that they did not physically change but the idea was there aliens/reptiles and world domination quite the blend i tell you

    and not too long ago X-files had an episode where a doctor had genetically altered himself to mutate himself into a lizard at will.

    sci-fi is only a century or so ahead of reality. . .

    so anyhows i come across Bendrr's reply and he had me going up until i read about the underground facilities, border reaching Ohio i was like damn that is nuts and i am being taken for a ride on a black unmarked chopper. . .

    speaking of, they used to hover over florida years ago, seen them many times


  • Prisca
    That elevator takes you to their massive underground facility which stretches to the Ohio border and houses 8 million personnel.

    That explains the number of JWs that seem to slip through the cracks when we examine the number of JWs baptised vs the actual JWs in the annual reports!

    Btw, I have it on good authority that the Sydney Bethel branch was built close to the the Army barracks so that they could easily liason with ASIO (Australian Secret Intelligence Organisation). Apparently, the branch was built there so that secret information gained on Chinese JWs that moved to Australia could be used to track down Chinese JWs living in Hong Kong (now under Chinese rule). Several Chinese restuarants situated in the suburbs of Fairfield and Cabramatta are actually spy stations for gaining information on Chinese JWs who dine there.

    They also use information gleaned from Aussie JWs that the Intelligensia can use on tracking "special pioneers" in the US and Europe. Operations are on hand to utilise that information so that they can proceed with their plans to take over the world media, so that the WTS can control what is screened on TV and the internet. It is possible that back-to-back playings of "From House to House" and "We are Jehovah's Witnesses" will be played continuously for 24 hours a day!

    Don't say I didn't warn ya!

  • HoChiMin

    All that are out should be glad their out of the WT. As for believing any of that "weird stuff" about their past is certainly spurious at best.


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