How Many States / Countrys Are Represented Here?

by Big Jim 200 Replies latest jw friends

  • felix a
    felix a

    Currently living in SLC - Utah... Mormon country... Yeee Haaah!!!!!

    Prior to this I was living back in Michigan where I grew up for about a year. And before Michigan I was in Brooklyn, NY for about 17 years.

    David P

    "If God were condemned to live the life which he has inflicted on men, He would kill Himself."

    Alexander Dumas

  • Number 6
    Number 6

    Northampton, United Kingdom.

    Originally from nr Glasgow, Scotland but born in Birmingham. So neither Scottish nor English really!

    I am not a dub I am a free man.
    (The poster formerly known as "Mr. Angry")

  • lisaBObeesa

    D wiltshire,

    Adobe Wells mean anything to you??

    oh, and PS, I was raised a JW, left at 18 by choice, not DF or DA. Been out 14 years.

  • Lindy

    I met Beverly Butdorf right before she moved away. She impressed me as being nice and I was sad that she left. Not to many there that I took a shine to the few meetings that I went. But Wadsworth was no where near the "twilight zone" that Ashland congregation was!

  • waiting

    Hey felix a,

    Prior to this I was living back in Michigan where I grew up for about a year.

    It only took you a year to grow up? Congratulations........

    waiting - a wondering mother of 3 children who all 3 took decades to grow up. Looooonnnnng Decades.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Yeah, thats real close to me.
    I live in Casa De Amigos.
    My email is [email protected]

  • circe

    To Waiting:

    I immediately pointed out the miss-wording of my husband's post to him as soon as I had read it. Whadayaknow, two posts down you pointed it out as well.

    Personally, I'm not sure if my husband grew up much during the year we were in Michigan.

    K'lyn (aka Circe)

  • Enlighted UK
    Enlighted UK

    To Englishment: I am guessing either Blackpool, Brighton, Margate or Yarmouth (has Yarmouth got a pier??)

    BTW I am from Sussex, England - near neighbours to Anglise!!

    Enlighted UK

    Enjoy your life, it is the only one you'll have.

  • waiting

    Hey Circe,

    There used to be such a fine poster over at H20.....any 'semblance?

    When I read your husband's description of himself, it just made me smile. So manlike, don't you think? Until I married my husband at his ripe age of 38, I honestly think he thought he was born grown up.

    Took me a while, but I convinced him otherwise.

    Nice to meet you.


  • Fredhall

    Let me speak for Kent Steinhaug

    He is from planet Crap

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