manufactured drug alternative??????

by Lee Elder 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    hello Ransford,

    Just for the record I had open heart surgery a few years back and WITHOUT any blood or blood products.

    When I discussed the issue of blood there was no argument. They assigned the best surgeon on the staff to do the operation— a doctor who had the lowest transfusion rate in the hospital.

    Surgeons who insist on using blood are often one step removed from butchers. A good surgeon minimizes blood loss. I would not recommend a doctor so incompetent that he/she HAS to have blood ready to back up their slashing. - Ransford

    It's good that your surgery went well. That doesn't mean all surgery goes well, with or without blood of any type or fraction. Most doctors/hospitals don't give full blood transfusions - cost too much & inefficient. The same transfusion can be broken down to help many people through fractions - even acceptable to JW's.

    Doctors aren't stupid....they usually try their best. Because of insurance problems & legalities, they also try to go along with their patients. They did their best with you. If you had died, they would have stated that.....and that they were going along with your wishes. But you'd still be dead.

    "A good surgeon minimizes blood losses." Well, no duh. I assume your surgery was scheduled? Good for you. Now.........what about the woman giving birth who starts to bleed out - an emergency situation? What about the car accident victim who's leg is cut so bad his arteries are gushing? What about.............need I go on?

    Good surgeons loose patients too - some with blood, some without. Just because you survived means just survived. The next patient may die.

    Hey Lee,

    Thanks for the thinking material. Blondie's thinking, btw.


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