Lots of JW stuff on eBay!

by Nancy Drake 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    I mentioned this in a few other posts, but I was wondering if anyone else noticed that there is a lot of JW literature on eBay!!

    Many JW cool "accessories" as well. Example....they are selling this exciting lot!

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Check it out!!!

    Secret Santa look no further!

  • abbagail

    LOL. I have a ton of old WT lit but a lot of it is, as you would imagine, underlined and highlighted in yellow-pink-blue, lol.

    Speaking of the songbook, I got out my old large-brown-one just the other day because I was curious... I wanted to count the number of songs about Jesus v. Jehovah. In the back index, there are...

    28 songs re: - "Jehovah God"
    16 songs re: - "Praise, Bless Jehovah"
    Total: 44

    ...and ONLY a measely...

    07 songs re: - "Jesus Christ"

    For someone "whose name is above every other name," I think the WT cut Jesus a raw deal...

    "Kiss the Son Less God be Angry" -- Maybe they oughta update the songbook before it's too late! ;-)

    I dunno about everyone else, but I am thrilled to learn WE ALL can be part of the 'marriage supper of the lamb,' something we had to read about for years in JW-land but were told, in no uncertain terms, that NONE of us were "invited."


  • meggidon555

    yeah my mom still get some of that stuff

    28 songs re: - "Jehovah God"
    16 songs re: - "Praise, Bless Jehovah"
    Total: 44

    ...and ONLY a measely...

    07 songs re: - "Jesus Christ

    if they read there own insight book and stopped to think


    (Je´sus) [Lat. form of the Gr. I·e·sous´, which corresponds to the Heb. Ye·shu´a` or Yehoh·shu´a` and means "Jehovah Is Salvation"].

    it would be zero

    (jehovah is salvation) is salvation sound redundant

  • Dolllie

    Are the JW items getting any bids???

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