Did You Take Insults From the Householders Personally?

by GermanXJW 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW

    I remember that people could really get rude in the House-to-House-ministry. Some JW just shrugged their shoulders and imagines how this very person got destroyed in Armageddon? Others covered it with "love": people are unknowing and misled. God knows their hearts and will decide.

    Then there were people that were really hurt because they took the things personally.

    When I was a JW I would not show but sometimes I was hurt by the expressions.

    How about you?

  • Englishman

    It only happened to me once, but I recall it very well.

    I said to the rude householder: "You don't think that I actually enjoy doing this work, do you?"


  • ballistic

    I pioneered and I can only recall literally one or two offensive people, although one of these went to set the dogs on us. But the elder I was with told me to walk away very slowly and unafraid. I walked away and that elder really made me feel like I was walking on holy spirit. god, the brain washing goes so deep doesn't it.

  • Joyzabel

    Good answer Mike! And to think you remember it after all these years.

    Yes, I would say I took it personally. I would have to tell myself that they weren't rejecting me, but Jehovah?. *smile* That was one thing that amazed me in dealing with people. They were generally kind and willing to help. Approach their door with a flat tire and you'll see a totally different person. Approach their door as a JW and then Satan? comes out.

    I was really uncomfortable with all the JW's sayings in responce: "I'm sorry your Catholic, too" "You'll see when Armegedon? comes", "I get dibs on this house in the New System?", etc, etc, etc.

    *trying so hard to remember the dub stuff, it is really fading, yeah!!!*


  • Quotes

    I think so.

    I specifically remember a door where the householder(tm) cut me off after my lame WT presentation, and said in upset shocked terror: "Well, you are nothing but trapped by a CULT!!!!!!!!" and slammed the door. Both what she said, and how she said it, really hurt me. It was like a slap to the face.

    Purely on (misguided) instincts, I angrily snapped back at her (as the door was swinging closed) "You shouldn't make claims like that when you don't know what you are talking about!!!!!!" (my voice raising to a shout after the door finished closing, to make sure she could hear).

    My response was enough out of line that my door-knocking companion told me to "Take it easy."

    In retrospect, I have two thoughts on this matter:

    (1) "Me Thinks [I] Doth Protest Too Much" and
    (2) I really wish she would have been more calm and tried to reach me with logic and reason; I might have escaped the CULT sooner. I am reminded of that episode of the Simpson's, when Homer snaps back at Chief Wiggum: "Does that ever work???!!!"

    ~Quotes, of the "Non-confrontational rescue strategies work best" class

  • gumby

    About the only thing that would rattle me at the doors was the "you don't fight for your country" speech.

    Nothing ticked me off more than that. .....a redneck, big mouth, nationalistic, "love America or leave it" kinda guy with tacky white trash red white and blue flags pasted all over his property. Pathetic.


  • Annanias

    Not really, but maybe I was lucky and only got the dumb ones. I spent most of my time trying to keep from laughing. Gumby - I had a redneck get pissed at me and tell me, "You won't stand up for what you believe." I think I know what he was trying to say, but the 15 functioning brain cells that he had probably got tuckered keeping his lips from moving as he read the title of the magazine. The only time that I can remember where I might have felt a little upset was when a Baptist fanatic grabbed the Bible out of my hand to see that it was a NWT and then jammed it back into my hands with a snort and some mumble about "garbage". What I'd like to see here is a thread where we all describe our most whackiest householders. I had a skinny old lady take the magazines, and then started into some sort of religious fervor. She worked herself up into this kind of froth as she went through the holy roller littany of "Jesus is my saviour. He came here to die for us. He's our friend!" and so on. Then she started hitting herelf with the magazines that she had rolled up. Now, you gotta picture this. Here I am, in my suit with my BB and here's this skinny little gray haired thing ranting on about some sh*t, making little popping noises with the magazines as she whacks herself in the chest like those muslim dudes do with their whips. Pretty soon, the magazines get frayed as hell and little pieces of WT and Awake start floating down like some sort of heavenly dandruff or something. Me and the guy I was with just look at each other, turn and walked out of the apt building. I just knew that the neighbors were huddled behind their doors with shocked looks on their faces, "My God, Francine! Those Jehovahs are beating Mabel with their magazines. Maybe we should call the police!"

  • gumby


    I had a skinny old lady take the magazines, and then started into some sort of religious fervor. She worked herself up into this kind of froth as she went through the holy roller littany of "Jesus is my saviour. He came here to die for us. He's our friend!" and so on. Then she started hitting herelf with the magazines that she had rolled up.

    LMAO !

    I had a similar one. Myself and another brother....my best friend, had a lady take the magazines, read the cover,,,,then got all demonized acting, grabbed our collars and led us out of her house screaming all kinds of jesus stuff. I'll never forget it!

  • Soledad

    I had many many householders tell me how stupid I was to spend a beautiful Saturday morning bothering people when I could be at the beach, at the park or shopping. It seemed pretty obvious that I did not want to be there. That always stayed with me. One Saturday morning while walking around some neighborhood I looked up, turned around, walked back to my car and went home!

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    I remember being with my mother on a Saturday and a guy yelled at my mom, "She should be at home watching cartoons!!!" (talking about me of course!)

    I remember thinking, There's cartoons on Saturday?

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