Everyone called/emailed EXCEPT mom

by Bubbamar 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bubbamar

    Everyone in my family - sister, aunts, uncle's step-mom - called or emailed about Hurricane Ivan -- EXCEPT my mom. Of course it hurts my feelings - but I don't know why I would expect or hope for a caring gesture like that from her. She has never, in the last 20+ years, given me any reason to think that she cares about anyone or anything other than her JW cult practices. I guess her recent half-way nice letter fed my delusion that she might care if I got blown away by a deadly storm. She knows from the news at this point that I am fine - but it hurt and I'm pissed off all over again.

    What's that scripture??? You will know them by their works. Yes it's quite obvious really.

  • blindfool

    Jesus talked about knowing true believers by the love they show. This is one of the things that makes me confident that the WTBTS is in no way the one and only true religion. I can think of several churches of many different faiths that show way more love for their fellow human beings than the JW's.

    How can a loving people turn their backs on their own sons, daughters, parents because they disagree with them about something.

    My mother is a Presbyterian elder and I don't go to her church. She still calls and does everything she can for me. The only problem is she gets mad if I don't call or see her enough. I know she cares though.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    My mom once told me , that it would be better if i died before Armageddon, then at least I would have a chance to be in paradise.

    I know where you're coming from !!!!!!! lol


  • Sunspot


    Sorry to hear that. I didn't realize that you were in Florida! (Or in the path of these hurricanes in whatever state!)

    My nonJW son called my elder-wife's daughter to see how they were doing and left a message before and after the hurricane----and she never bothered to call back. He was the best man at her wedding, but since he is close to me---she's decided he's toast now since he moved back up north.

    My youngest daughter and her son live in Polk County and have been fairly lucky so far....but it's tough on US watching these nasty storms/hurricanes heading right for our loved ones. Nothing like actually BEING down there, I'm sure---but it's scary all around!

    I told my youngest daughter just before Frances was about to hit---that I wanted her to go to her ROOM, NOW! (I meant her room upstairs here in upstate NY!)

    Take care, Bubbamar.....



  • Bubbamar

    Thanks for the hug Annie!

    I told my youngest daughter just before Frances was about to hit---that I wanted her to go to her ROOM, NOW! (I meant her room upstairs here in upstate NY!)

    That's sweet. I hope she appreciates having a "room" to go to and a mom who wants her there. The feeling of having a "home" to go to is priceless. I miss being able to "go home" but I'm learning to do that for myself!

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