Part II of Survey! Please Respond Again.Thank's.

by Big Jim 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    The first survey I asked how you were brought into the non-truth.

    My next survey is along the same line, however what I would like to find out is on the average how many hours you spent in the field service and were you ever able to bring anyone into the non-truth via field service or via incidental witnessing.

    And how long you were associated with the Borg?

    Thank You In Advance For Your Input.

  • paulvarjak

    Published from age 6 to 16 at 10 hrs/month = 1,200 hrs
    age 16-21 regular pioneer at 1,000 hrs/year = 5,000 hrs
    age 21 - exodus at 10 hrs/month = 720 hrs

    6,920 hours in 21 years
    4 innocents (damn)

  • alamb

    26 years (6 pioneering) 9200+ hours
    drug 2 down with me
    one is now an elder

  • Free2Bme

    20years associated.
    Only brought 1 person in who may or may not have stayed. Had studies that came in but can't say I brought them in. Thankfully.
    60 hrs a month for about 2 or 3 years. Rest of the time about 15hrs apart from the final year when it trailed off to a couple a month. I wouldn't like to try and calculate an average from that.


  • Fredhall

    Associated in the truth for 100 years

    Spent 120 hours each month

    Help countless others in the truth

  • RunningMan

    Reported: 3300 hours
    actually put in: 2000 hours
    response: never even got a sniff of interest

  • JeffT

    In 1973. Out 1988 (in reality, although our letter was dated early 1989.)

    First couple of years pretty high hours, aux pioneered several times etc. After about 1979 dropped off to 6-10 a month. Last of couple of years was very irregular.

    Neither one of us pulled anybody else in.

  • Roamingfeline

    In off and on for 27 years. Baptized for 15 of them. Averaged 2-8 hours per month field service, aux pioneered one month of that entire time.


  • NameWithheld

    Raised in it, out completly by age 26. Before that pioneered for 4 years - so averaged 90 hours at that time. Before/after pioneering was probably safe to say I was 'average' at 10-12 hours/month. Except for last two years was more like 0-2

    Big fat zero 'converts'

  • VeniceIT

    Published from age 6 to 18 at 10 hrs/month = 1,440 hrs
    age 18-22 regular pioneer = <4,000 hrs(I quit going in service)
    I brought one girk in who I studied with from school. She's ben R Pionering for her 2nd year now. ohhh YIPPEEE


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