You Know's Seared Conscience

by Seeker 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tina

    Typical fundy bullshit rex lol. Both are unacceptable. And I wont be surprised lol. I put no stock in a book of myth. Can't be
    surprised in what you know isnt true lol. I think you're the one who is gonna be surprised when you just die and that's it! It's over-nanda nothing zilch lol. Too funny

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Getting to ya, am I Tina? Not so easy taking on a fundy who knows the Book as opposed to your friends, is it?
    You know that I am right and you are just unwilling to admit that all of us have accountability to God for our life and actions. You need to walk into a Bible teaching church and get acquainted with your Lord and saviour.
    Then you will know what I have been telling you is true.
    May God bless your efforts.

  • MDS

    You Know,

    I don't suppose you have ever read the book of Job? Job conversed for days with his apostate accusers; round after round after round; argument and counter-argument. He would make a speech, then his accusers would counter; then Job would respond to their argument. God didn't condemn Job for that. In fact, the whole thing took place by God's allowance.

    Also, lets remember that at the end of the "discussion" between Job and his "ill-advised" Advisers, Jehovah required Job to "pray" for them, so that they could regain their spiritual "relationship" with God.

    Do you do this each night, for your "apostate" brothers?

    Job 42:8 says in part,

    "...and Job my servant WILL HIMSELF PRAY FOR YOU. His face only I shall accept so as not to commit disgraceful folly with you, for you have not spoken concerning me what is truthful, as has my servant Job." -- Job 42:8 NWT

    Despite all of the venomous poison you spew out here daily against your arch "enemies" the "apostates," still, are you willing to do the same for your "apostate" opponents here -- namely pray for them, just as your heavenly Father, Jehovah God recommended to Job? (Remember, Job is the example you chose to speak of to describe your actions on this board.)

    In fact, are you doing that now...praying for your "apostate" enemies, that they will learn the truth, and repent?

    Further, do you "weep for your enemies", for the "apostates" on this board as you understand them to be & as you regularly call them, just as Paul practiced during his day for his spiritual "enemies"? Those who were truly "apostate" during his day. "Weep for them."

    Philippians 3:18 says,

    "For there are many, I used to mention them often but now I mention them also with weeping, who are walking as the ENEMIES OF THE TORTURE STAKE OF THE CHRIST,"

    Do you do this, following Paul's example?

    Just wondering...


  • chipster


    very thought provoking questions that you have posed....i wonder if Jehovah and the faithful angels wept for Satan and the apostate angels when they were cast out of heaven in 1914.......not sure...was just wondering.....will jehovah weep for satan when he is finally crushed after being responsible for the death of his only begotten son?? just wondering....

  • Tina

    No rex,
    You never 'get' to me lol. I find you rather amusing. I feel no accountability to any mythical entity. How could I when I don't believe it/ they /he /she exist.

  • MDS


    ...i wonder if Jehovah and the faithful angels wept for Satan and the apostate angels when they were cast out of heaven in 1914...

    ...that's a WTS teaching that cannot be proven scripturally. Its simply not true.

    ...will jehovah weep for satan when he is finally crushed after being responsible for the death of his only begotten son?? just wondering...

    An IMPERFECT person sins...turns "apostate"...dies... you "weep"...maybe pray for them. (Like Job's advisers, and Paul's contempararies who turned apostate.)

    A PERFECT person, one who is completely free of sin and any tendency toward wrongdoing, but who consciously turns and makes a 180 degree path toward a practice of sin, like Satan (especially considering all of the harm and damage this evil critter has done to hapless millions)...I don't think so. The Lake of fire, everlasting destruction is the appropriate destination and resting place...for such a one...with of course, no "weeping" nor "praying" for him.

    He made his decision...he made his choice... opinion...

    But, I'll tell you what...maybe you should PRAY FOR SATAN, and WEEP for him... maybe the two of you can become "friends" and maybe Satan will give you part of his "kingdom" to rule. However, after "weeping" and "praying" for him, still, he may ask you to "bow down" and do an "act of worship" toward him...although he did appreciate the "weeping" and genuine concern you've shown him...but you know, business is business. -- Luke 4:6,7

    Something tells me you didn't think I would respond...did you?


    Proverbs 26:4,5 -- "Do not answer anyone stupid according to his foolishness, that you yourself also may not become equal to him. Answer someone stupid according to his foolishness, that he may not become someone wise in his own eyes."

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