How do you handle JWs interacting with your children?

by Nosferatu 34 Replies latest social family

  • flower

    I haven't had the conversation with my fam about not teaching my son their religion but I am very close to saying something if he keeps coming home and mentioning God. I dont want to rock the boat right now and I dont know what the reaction will be. Right now I just dont let him visit on meeting nights or service days.

  • Devils Advocate
    Devils Advocate

    Merry -

    Have you told your daughter how destructive the JW religion is? If you don't you may face losing her when she gets older -- if your mother sucks her into the LIE -- and I don't believe you want that to happen, do you?

    When my kids ask about their grandparent's religion I openly tell them how they are repsonsible for the deaths of millions (blood issue), how they harbr criminals(child molestation), and how they destroy families (shunning), not to mention how they don't get to enjoy the holidays or birthdays like we do. I've even gone so far as to explain why they are a cult and what the characteristics of a cult is. The last thing I want is to lose my kids to those magazine peddling mindless zombies.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Devil's Advocate,

    I agree with the points you make, but my daughter is only 3 so we don't talk about religion at all. We have far more important things to talk about and do! I don't want her mind warped by anything dogmatic, so until she is of an age to be questioning, reasoning, and curious about such things we're keeping it a non-issue, which is why I won't allow unsupervised visits with her JW Grammy (even though I dearly love my mom) and no Bible Story Book, no Great Teacher Book, no meetings!!! When she is old enough I will do my best to make sure the TRUTH about JW religion (among others) will KEEP HER FREE

  • Devils Advocate
    Devils Advocate

    Oh, sorry....I was thinking your daughter was older. Three years old would be a tad soon, wouldn't it? My mistake...

  • MerryMagdalene

    No problem! I figured it was just an oversight

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