How many members on here in total, & q about pre-1975 jws

by gypsywildone 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    The August 15, 1981 WT was kid's stuff compared to the September 1st and 15th 1981 Watchtowers.


  • blondie

    That's true, Farkel. Even Blondie gets tired of cutting and pasting. If you want the share the highlights, please do. I do have a daily crap limit.


  • onacruse


    Now the WTS just counts on most JWs to have been born after 1975 or have not been JWs then. Then the rewrite history by omission.


    Doing the straightforward math, far fewer than one-in-ten JWs today were around in 1975; and those that still are have added another 30 years to their life-debt to an organization, a debt which is almost impossibly difficult to repay by pure and simple honesty with fellow JWs who didn't go through that time. I know (as do most all of us) more than one JW that has engaged in a revisionist memory of those days.

    The same as happened after 1925. It wasn't until the "generation" of elective elders and displaced Bible Students died off (approx late-40s) that the WTS was finally able to rid itself of their pestiferous memories and influence...a "clean" slate once again.

    And so the milleniums-long cycle repeats.

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