Proof of Jesus existance

by Jew 86 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jew

    To all Christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised Messiah being Jesus of Nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?


  • El blanko
    El blanko

    The proof of the pudding is in the tasting - or so my mother used to tell me

    How can I prove that you exist?

    Hi by the way

  • dh
    To all Christians, or others, is there any proof of the promised Messiah being Jesus of Nazareth and if so, how can you be sure if he existed?

    I think you have to already be part of a specific religious belief structure to even believe there is such a thing as a Messiah, and imo to be part of that takes faith, like believing the god in the bible is almighty is a 100% faith based belief, because there is no evidence to back it up. Since I don't much believe there is a Messiah, sent to save mankind, it doesn't make much difference to me whether the guy you are calling Jesus of Nazareth was him or not, but the thread looked lonely with no replies.

    I think the gospel and other stuff from the period (which no doubt other people will give more detail on) is proof that the person Christians refer to as Jesus existed as a human being, but to say that this man was the Messiah is all down to how strong or blind your faith is, depending on how you look at it.

    dh of 'or others' class

  • logical

    Who knows? I sure dont. I give up on all this stuff, its way too much. I dont have a relationship with God / Christ like other Christians claim to have, they say its because I lack faith, or because I dont really want one (like they would know that ) Or maybe I just am not wanted by God / Christ?

    I see constant evidence just in the bible itself that the bible is a load of crap and see from the fruits of religion that ALL religion is just evil and there for one purpose only.... to control mankind and keep the population at war. This book is the main source of what Christians use to prove Jesus is the Christ... yet the book is as corrupt as George W Bush.

    If God and Christ really exists then either Satan has properly fucked it all up, erased and/or corrupted all evidence (as seems most likely) or he himself is playing with us, or has just abandoned us. The latter 2 I dont want to believe.

    I dont see any evidence of mankind being "saved", on the contrary, it seems to be condemned with the introduction of 2 more major, and many minor world religions since the Jews. If the prohecy in Revelation 13 is to be believed, it sure as hell symbolises religion.

    If a person claiming to be the messiah came along I most likely would reject him. I have unfortunately fell for people wiht that line, so no matter how much proof someone came up with I wouldnt believe, unless God himself revealed it to me. I dont accept any spiritual guidance off other people.

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Who knows? I sure dont. I give up on all this stuff, its way too much. I dont have a relationship with God / Christ like other Christians claim to have, they say its because I lack faith, or because I dont really want one (like they would know that ) Or maybe I just am not wanted by God / Christ?

    I know that feeling well

  • Narkissos

    Just my 2 c.

    There were a number of "Jesus" characters in the 1st century AD. Maybe one of them lies under some of the Jesus traditions in the NT, but certainly none of them adds up to anything close to the "Messiah" or "founder of Christianity".

    IOW and in a sense, the Jesus you are asking about definitely did not exist in real life.

    Btw, as dh said, there is no such thing as "the promised Messiah" in the Hebrew Bible (the Christian Old Testament) itself. The messianic expectactions build up along different lines in the last centuries BC (in the Dead Sea Scrolls, for instance), using literary elements from various parts of the OT out of their original contexts (which were generally not futuristic "prophecies"). And the Christian Messiah, or Christ, figure didn't really measure up to any of those expectations. It was something else yet. So the assertion "Jesus is the Messiah" is not "truth" in any objective sense, only a Christian declaration of faith which can be interpreted in very different ways according to the type of "Christianity" you look to.

  • gumby

    Jew......welcome to the board

    I was raised a witness, got out, was a christian for about 7 or 8 years, then began asking questions just as you are.

    Take the time to read some books on the critical side of the bible.........reason on the information and substantiate the facts presented, then make a decision. And..........hang out here awhile and you'll get a good idea of both sides of the coin.


  • ozziepost
    you'll get a good idea of both sides of the coin

    Hmmm.....says who??

  • myelaine


    millions of people over the last 2000 years have come to believe and have great faith in a humble carpenters son from a dust bowl named Nazareth.. This same son displayed the righteousness and satisfied the justice (life for a life) required of the Hebrew God. Some Jews recognised Him then and millions of people from diverse cultures have recognised Him since. Some have claimed life altering - to- complete life changing experiences. All in a personal one on one "confrontation" for lack of a better word. Mass delusion? For what purpose? I think there is reason to believe, based on the improbability of 2000 years of mass delusion, that this Jesus, this carpenters son, is the promised Messiah.

    love michelle

    p.s. God called the Hebrews "a stiff-necked people" and took into account that, as a nation, they may not accept Jesus as the Messiah, because of this Jesus declared "If you don't believe(in) Me, at least believe(in) the One that sent Me. Jesus also said that He would return in glory in the future. Based on the "mind picture" the Jews have of the comming Messiah, the Jesus that has promised to return in glory, is more fitting and more apt to be accepted by the Jews. In fact, when Jesus came the first time He (symbolically) fit the mold of the redeemer(making it possible to co-habitate with God) more than He (literally) fit the mold of the savior of the earth. Which is what the Jews are waiting more expectantly for.

  • ozziepost

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