Dinosaurs...What are your thoughts?

by Crooked Lumpy Vessel 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    Interesting thought, mysterio....but consider this:

    Insects are very small, even compared to small mammals, let alone people or dinosaurs. The mass of every human on the planet works out to about 971,813,840,000 pounds, and the biomass of insect life on earth is about 12 times that of human life. In other words, there is a total insect mass of 6X10 9 tons on the planet. Megafauna, and dinosaurs in particular, require large habitats and sustainable populations are comparatively small compared to that of humans, and miniscule compared to that of insects. Since there is 49 million square miles of habitable land on the planet, there would be about 122 tons of insects every square mile. A massive brontosaurus weighed about 40 tons. So today, right now, there's an insect biomass equivalent of 3 brontosauruses living in every square mile in the habitable world, roughly speaking. A dinosaur's equivalent of insects are probably living in just your own immediate neighborhood. And that's a density that could never exist in such large megafauna as large dinosaurs throughout the total area. So largest individual size does not necessarily imply greatest comparative biomass for the species.

  • Pleasuredome

    the dinosaurs never really existed. god put those fossils there to test our faith.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    the thing is dinosuars were not that big. There have been mamals as massive as dinosuars and there still are. Look at whales. Most dinosaurs were small things. Hence creatures that grew big were unkillable. It would be like racoons vs elephants. But as they got bigger some of the small predators learned team work. And the big ones got bigger. Statistically the grow big strategy worked. Because you can support less apex predators per mile than smaller predators. Also giant killing machines are easier to spot.

    I think God got tired of playing pokemon atnd wanted to play civilization.

  • Terry

    What an artist or artisan makes reveals who they are. A carpenter who builds a table that has rough edges that allows splinters and uneven legs that allow rocking or a slanted top that provokes spilling tells us something about his expertise and sense of excellence.

    A dressmaker that sews clothing that doesn't fit; a cook who produces food that is unhealthy or inedible; a toymaker that builds dangerous or obnoxious toys---all these artisans reveal in their handiwork who and what they are.

    Child psychologists make a study of the artwork of children to look for signs of mental or emotional disturbance. Why? When a human is creative they put something of themselves and their mental ambience into the finished product.

    So to, if there were an Intelligent Designer and Creator of heaven and Earth and animal and man; the character of that creator would be visited upon the creation itself.

    When I look at the millions of years of dinosaurs and what that ended up being and then I look at animals and mankind---I think I get a pretty good picture of where all this comes from.

    Hint: it isn't a healthy, happy, stable and loving intelligence! More like haphazard happenstance and the chaos of unbridled forces clashing and reshaping over eons.

  • ezekiel3

    Why, they were sacked of course!


    g90 2/8 p. 11 What Happened to the Dinosaurs? *** Some dinosaurs (and pterosaurs) may indeed have been created in the fifth era listed in Genesis, when the Bible says that God made "flying creatures" and "great sea monsters." Perhaps other types of dinosaurs were created in the sixth epoch. The vast array of dinosaurs with their huge appetites would have been appropriate considering the abundant vegetation that evidently existed in their time.?Genesis 1:20-24.

    When the dinosaurs had fulfilled their purpose, God ended their life. But the Bible is silent on how he did that or when. We can be sure that dinosaurs were created by Jehovah for a purpose, even if we do not fully understand that purpose at this time. They were no mistake, no product of evolution. That they suddenly appear in the fossil record unconnected to any fossil ancestors, and also disappear without leaving connecting fossil links, is evidence against the view that such animals gradually evolved over millions of years of time. Thus, the fossil record does not support the evolution theory. Instead, it harmonizes with the Bible?s view of creative acts of God.

    Disposable creation: makes perfect sense to me .

  • MerryMagdalene

    After reading Leolaia's comment,it dawned on me It doesn't really matter what happened to the dinosaurs in their old form-- they were probably reincarnated as insects! Same with the other poor extinct creatures-- recycled-- among us in another form. Or, maybe (if that's too pagan), the Biblical God in His infinite and unknowable wisdom and mercy will resurrect them. I think the Society should start including them in their pictures of Paradise , just to show he is just and loving after all and does not desire that any should be destroyed.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    More like haphazard happenstance and the chaos of unbridled forces clashing and reshaping over eons.

    Um this is the guy that decided you need a super gaint star several times the magnatude of our own to become a supernova to make any element heavier than iron (iron causes the start to implode btw ejecting it into the universe). The iron in our hemoglobin allows us to live. Therefore God blew up several solar systems just to make our blood work. Now you really expect something like that to be healthy, happy, stable and loving intelligence!

  • peacefulpete

    Steven J. Gould claimed that 90% of all species that ever lived on earth are extinct. This is one reason why he found fault

    with a notion of gradual change in evolution - it was more like survival of the luckiest.

    Gould never found fault with gradual change in evolution. He and Eldridge merely incorporated a systematic statistical phenomenom that suggested that there are periods of cascade and inflation to any whole system. Others have disagreed finding other explanations (such as simple random sampling combined with the way evolution works best in isolated satelite populations) for the apparent spurts pauses in the fossil record. Gould was a foremost advocate of evolution and championed Darwin.


  • Maverick

    My thoughts???? I think they are all dead! Mav

  • peacefulpete

    The largest dinosaurs died likely from a one two punch of global climate shift and astoid impact. However the newest research has sealed that birds are dinosaurs in every way other than name. Feathered and 4 chamber hearted (hence likely warm blooded) dinosaurs have come to light because of some extrodinary fossil preservation.

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