A Very Sad Shell-Shocking Day

by Amazing1914 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41
    Blaming the ex-JW community, and only the on-line community that doesn't act in a way that pleases them, is a cop-out.

    Lady Lee's words say it all, imo. We are all on this planet to live up to our own potential. This should not be restricted to a "Christian/Biblical" format. This negates everyone else's right to be and to believe and to feel. I was a Christian. Now I am not. Why should my love and sincerity be negated by such narrow-mindedness? I don't believe in such a narrow paradigm. But, on the other hand, I give respect for those who do. I also would wish the same respect, but, I realize that people are where they are in their growth and development and do not blame them for this. But, I will not allow them to blame ME for their developmental limitations, nor feel it necessary to adopt their views. Live and let live.


  • gumby

    Where's Jim?


  • Sunnygal41
    As the old karate master in the movie Karate kid said, walk right side of road, safe, walk left side of road, safe, walk middle of road, SQUISH!

    I LOVE Mr. Meeahgee! I wish they would put his homilies into a book.......I'd buy it in a sec!

  • wednesday

    It is true, what we say does impact others. Occ i get a Pm from someone sayiing my post have helped them very much.. Generally these are people who have never publically responded to my posts. U jsut never know who is reading your posts.

    i'm sorry about your friends, but xjws as u know, are not a new religion, just a bunch of poeple that learned the one they were in was false. we all have to find our way.

  • Amazing1914

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for so many kind comments. You give good perspectives and advice. The couple I speak of left the religion 20 years ago, in 1984. I was an Elder at the time, and traveled to see them to try and get them back into the organization.

    In 1992, when I was leaving the religion, I called to let them know. They took me in right away. We had been close ever since.

    I think the difference for me is that I got my family out, as well as built new connections of many former JWs and many never-JWs. From all I can observe, this couple never may many connections outside the religion. I suppose this is why I tend to take some responsibility, because I just wondered if I could have done something different for them. But, after reading what all of you say, I realize that there is little I could have done.

    I am hoping that they do get a dose of what cause them to leave in the first place, and get back out. I left the dorr open to them in case they do. Hopefully, if they make it back out, they will build a better sense of community and support system that will fill the void.

    Thanks again everyone, Jim W.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I addressed their e-mail in great detail, acknowledging both the flaws of many ex-JWs,

    Well, darn. Didn't anyone tell them that ex-JWs are just regular flawed human beings? If JWs aren't perfect, and we all know they are very, very far from perfect, then why the heck would ex-JWs suddenly become perfect when they leave?

    If people see the super major flaws in the org and provided they don't have some inherent need to be part of a religious organization: they will not be put off by those on ex-JW sites who seem to go to the opposite-of-strict-JW extreme.

    Your friends obviously need to be part of some organization. They found that many ex-JWs don't have that need. They also found that many ex-JWs don't feel the need for religious restrictions in their lives. So they slink back to the org. and beg forgiveness. That is not all of us though.

    I was very prim as a faithful JW, or at least I really tried to be. I had such serious doubts though that I kept coming back to the ex-JW sites. I remember coming in chat here on JWD and watching the talk there deteriorate into sophomoric sexual banter. I was disappointed but I still stuck around and read.

    Some ex-JWs are going to engage in buffoonery. It's just a fact. If people really see the fallacy in the org then the ex-JW buffoonery is not going to send them crawling back to the WTBTS org.

    JWs run around thinking that if they can just appear to be nearly perfect then people will beg to get into the org. Thank goodness we can leave behind living under that kind of pressure when we leave the org.


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