Absolute Certainty and the True Believer

by Dogpatch 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Randy and Terry. I am absolutely certain that this article you posted will be of help to many others who have not made a decision to leave the Society yet. Many lurking here will read this and be convinced that the Society has been rain dancing since it's existence.

    Thanks for posting this. I don't know nothing!


  • Blueblades

    Wait a minute, I do know something, I'm a grasshopper, Kung Fu.


  • Carmel

    Terry your post is thought provoking. However, it reminds me of many of the Watchtower and Awake articles that start out on good solid ground of information, facts even, then slowly slides into generalizing and pretty soon, unfounded quicksand. Sorry to be so harsh but to paint all religious beliefs, all religions based on ones experiance in one or two, is poor science. If you make a statement about "all religion" then the first exception to that statement makes the statement false. Just as in proving a theory wrong by one piece of conflicting data forces the scientist to reconsider his/her paradigm. For instance, not all religions are plagued with the rituals and ritualistic practices to which you take justifiable exception. Neither are all religions dependent upon the need for greater and greater stimuli to keep the membership in line. Confomity and being in a comfort zone, so to speak, is sought by many, but not all religions encourage conformity. One that I know activily advocates diversity.


  • seven006


    Are you speaking of a New Age type religion?

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