Have You Been Googled?

by simplesally 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • slipnslidemaster

    OMG!! Slipnslidemaster!!!

    OMG! Everything that I've ever done is on Google!!! Crazy. It's kinda violating in a way. Your whole online life spelled out for all to see.

    p.s. If the link doesn't work, try cutting and pasting: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=slipnslidemaster

  • truthseeker1

    I hope thats not me, but i have been accused of having a thrid leg...

  • Xena

    I'm sure that I'm lost in a sea of Xenas

  • Billygoat

    When I google "billygoat" why do a bunch of pot plants and bongs come up?!?!?!?! (Amongst the genuine goat pictures.)

  • truthseeker1

    You a little heavy on the weed, billy?

  • Billygoat

    Uh...no. Seriously...Is billygoat a name for pot or something? Gosh...the fun I could have with that little piece of knowledge.

  • Stefanie
    Stef, I am not sure how you got that link

    It was under SimpleSally.

    Under web not pics..

    If you type in your screen name under the web section all the posts you have ever made come out!

    I wish i wouldnt have looked, i dug up a bunch of shit from my past that i was trying to forget..

  • Elsewhere

    If you think Google is bad, wait until you see the Wayback Machine!

    This place literally logs ever change on every web page out there.

    If you ever want to see how a web page has changed over time, or you need to prove that a web page said something in the past, this sevice will do it.

    This is the nature of the internet... once something is out there it will never go away. Always remember that when you post!


  • simplesally

    Did you know there is a lesbian in Texas whose screen name is SimpleSally?

    Sure glad I live in California so we don't get confused.

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