6 pubs reveal one of the possible reasons for WTS association with UN

by Pole 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pole

    Hi Jim_TX,

    Thanks for your comment:

    Since you are digging... if you do your homework, you will find that there were committees that the UN had going in some of these countries - that members of the WTBTS sat on... I am not clear as to which ones... but I seem to remember reading about it on one of the internet sites.

    So - in fact - they were actually on committees that were formed by the UN to try to help in these countries where religious suppression were taking place, etc.

    I think I've already done this part of my homework :).

    However, the title of this thread is "one of the possible reasons for WTS association with UN". So far I haven't seen anyone pointing to this correlation between articles about the UN and articles abuot the persecution of JWs (or "great achievements" of WTS) in the same issues of WT and Awake. So here is where I thought I'd be innovative.

    I found it very interesting how they 'toned down' their depiction of the UN... boy! what a change from that big thick red 'Revelation' book they released in the '60s.

    I thought Revelation was released in the late 1980s, but I'd have to check it. Anyway, if I'm right, then your conclusion is even more substantiated. The time between this doctrinal change would be much shorter then.



  • Scully

    Hi Pole

    The "Revelation" book from the 60s was called "Babylon the Great has Fallen - God's Kingdom Rules!" It isn't featured on any of the WT CD-ROMs though.

    The "Revelation Climax" book was a late 1980s publication and has had at least one new edition (read: "revision") since then.

    By the way, there are some older threads from earlier this year that feature some of these pre-1991 quotes that you are seeking. I'll do some digging and see if I can find anything.

    Love, Scully

  • Bryan

    they had to submit at least six examples of how they were promoting the UN?s activities

    I think the timing is irrelevant.

    From what I'm reading, it seems that the WB&S only had to provide "examples". Therefore, the supporting articles could be posted after the '91 acceptance into the UN.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Watchtower & Awake! references for 1988

    (Note that this is only the tww magazines - no WTS books or booklets are included in this list so that it will not be overly long.)

    According to the official WTB&TS reference CD, the 1988 Watchtower used the phrase "United Nations" 19 times. The AWAKE! used it 16 times. I will offer the entire paragraph containing each instance of the phrase so that the reader can judge if the tone is positive, neutral, or negative.

    The WATCHTOWER, January 15, 1988 "Jehovah - Our Strength" pages 723, 724

    No Joyous Song in ?Babylon?!

    11 That, indeed, is the situation today throughout the realm of ?Babylon the Great.? No joyous song is to be found there. Her religious leaders are confused as to the gods they should worship. This was clearly borne out at the interreligious gathering at Assisi, Italy, on October 27, 1986. There, in connection with the United Nations? International Year of Peace, Pope John Paul II assembled the leaders of the principal religions of ?Babylon the Great.? They all prayed for peace, some Buddhist monks for as long as 12 hours in one day. But to whom did they pray? Was it to Mary? Or to Christendom?s holy Trinity? Or to the Hindu trinity? Or to the thousands of gods of Buddhism? Or to Allah? Or to that lowly animal, the fox, that Shintoists worship? Or were the most acceptable prayers those of an American Indian of the Crow tribe? He was reported to be ?glorious in a majestic headdress,? while he lit a pipe of peace and uttered his prayers ?into the smoke as it rose like incense in the cold air.?

    The WATCHTOWER, January 15, 1988 "Trust in Jah Jehovah" page 16

    3 The Lord Jehovah?Jah Jehovah?will indeed abase the proud and deliver those who trust in him always. Though once a ?little one,? spiritual Israel has become ?a mighty nation,? ?the righteous nation.? Through the open ?gates? of Jehovah?s citylike organization, there has entered also a mighty throng of goodwill companions numbering more than three million. Together they make up an international brotherhood, the population of which exceeds that of at least 57 of the nations making up the so-called United Nations. But God?s ?nation? and those associating with it are truly united. Earth wide, their inclination is to obey his righteous principles. The organizational ?walls? of God?s ?nation? provide a bulwark against Satan?s efforts to tamper with its faithful conduct in support of truth. The enemy cannot break up the loyal forward march of God?s people! Our trust always rests in ?Jah Jehovah, the Rock to time indefinite.??Isaiah 54:17; 60:22.


    The WATCHTOWER, March 1, 1988 "My Life in Jehovah's Spirit Directed Organization" page 15

    I found great joy in returning to the many warm brothers at Brooklyn Bethel. I had come in time to attend the history-making convention in Cleveland, Ohio, September 18-20, 1942. There, Brother N. H. Knorr, the Society?s new president, gave the talk ?Peace?Can It Last?? This brought new light on Revelation 17:8. It was revealed that the Allied powers would prevail and that a new international ?peace beast? would arise. This did occur when, after the war ended in 1945, the United Nations was organized!


    AWAKE! April 8, 1988 "The Last Days--Famine, Plague, Pollution--and Kingdom Preaching" page 11

    8. Revelation 17:3, 8-11?The League of Nations and the United Nations.


    AWAKE! April 8, 1988 "The Last Days--What's Next?" page 14-16

    Careful students of the Bible will not be fooled ?whenever it is that they are saying: ?Peace and security!???whether it emanates from the United Nations or independently from the great powers themselves. The Bible clearly shows that true peace and security can only come from righteous rulership, God?s Kingdom government by Christ.


    Bible prophecy indicates that at some point the radical political elements in the United Nations will turn against the world?s meddling religions and unmask them, destroying their power and control over the superstitious people.?Revelation 17:16, 17.


    [Blurb on page 16]

    Bible prophecy indicates that radical political elements in the United Nations will turn against the world?s meddling religions


    The WATCHTOWER, April 15, 1988 "In Our Fearful Times, Whom Can You Really Trust?" page 12

    Misplaced Optimism

    9 How different all of this is from the optimism that existed when the world entered the 20th century. There had been decades of comparative peace, and it was felt that peace and prosperity would reach new heights. But in 1914 World War I shattered that outlook. In 1945, after a more terrible second world war, the United Nations Charter was signed. The nations put into writing their vision of a postwar world of peace, prosperity, and justice. A recent report said: ?The final document was signed by 51 countries, representing every continent, race and religion.? Yet there was one religion that was not represented, nor wanted to be, Jehovah?s Witnesses. They knew that those promises of peace, prosperity, and justice would not be realized by any nation of this world or by any association of them, such as the United Nations.

    [study questions]
    9. (a) What has happened to the optimism that existed at the turn of the century? (b) Why would Jehovah?s Witnesses not have wanted to sign a United Nations document in 1945?

    10. What is the reality today compared to the dream of the United Nations back in 1945?


    AWAKE! May 8, 1988 "Tracking Down the Causes of Pollution" page 5

    ?Everything Is Growing?

    Professor Kurt Hamerak, writing in a German scientific journal, claims that ?all environmental problems are essentially caused by growth, above all by the unexpectedly rapid growth in population.? World population has more than doubled just since 1950. In addition, we are living in what a United Nations? study calls a ?world of exploding cities.? By the year 2000, an estimated three fourths of the people living in developed regions will be located in urban areas. When population density increases, so also do the possibilities of pollution.


    AWAKE! May 8, 1988 "Watching The World" page 30

    Gulf-War Casualties

    The war between Iran and Iraq has now gone on longer than World War II, and the two warring Islamic neighbors are still firmly locked in this seven-year-old conflict. What gives this war its ?staying power?? For one thing, notes Work in Progress, the newsletter from the United Nations University, numerous countries have been eager to supply the war?s hardware?weapons. As a result, says the newsletter, ?the Iraqis deploy Soviet MIG fighters armed with French Exocet missiles, while the Iranians counter with American F-5 jets and British Chieftain tanks.? Demos, a publication from the Dutch Interuniversity Demographic Institute, estimates that there have been from 330,000 to 600,000 casualties so far?an average of 125 to 225 persons killed each day.


    The WATCHTOWER, June 1, 1988 "The Long March of the World Powers Nears Its End" pages 27 - 28

    As the prophecy had stated, this eighth king ?was? from 1920 until 1939. It ?was not? from 1939 until World War II ended in 1945. Then it ascended ?out of the abyss,? reactivated as the League?s successor, the United Nations.

    High Hopes Unfulfilled

    Delegates from 50 nations signed the United Nations Charter in San Francisco on June 26, 1945. Its preamble began: ?We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind . . . ?


    Like the League, the UN has accomplished a great deal in social fields. But it has neither guaranteed peace nor stopped war. Former prime minister Harold Macmillan of Britain told the British House of Commons in 1962 that ?the whole foundation on which the United Nations was built has been undermined.?


    Originally many people viewed this organization with almost religious fervor. They believed that this ?image? would do what the Bible says only God?s Kingdom will do: establish lasting peace, justice, and a truly united world. They strongly disagreed with Bible prophecies that showed that men?s efforts could not be the true source of peace. However, as the UN reached the age of 40, historian Thomas M. Franck said that ?it is . . . much less effective than we had hoped in 1945.? As U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz commented: ?The birth of the United Nations certainly did not transform the world into a paradise.?

    The UN has not succeeded because human governments have not eliminated the true obstacles to peace: nationalism, avarice, poverty, racism, despotism, and the influence of Satan on the world. People cling to these governments, not because the outlook is bright but because they have no better hope.?Revelation 12:12.

    The existence of the United Nations, and the effort that so many people have put into it, shows how deeply people of the earth realize the need for a change. That change will come but in a different and more effective way. Which way?


    AWAKE! June 22, 1988 "True Christianity Unites All Races!" page 10

    During the past six years, thousands of Witnesses, blacks and whites, have also volunteered their labors in the construction of large new facilities on the outskirts of Krugersdorp, South Africa. After enjoying a lunch with this interracial work force, the manager of a firm that installed specialized equipment said: ?They should bring the United Nations here to see how it is done.? Hundreds of Witnesses now use these facilities to translate and produce Bible literature.


    AWAKE! August 22, 1988 "The Nuclear Dilemma" page 6

    Radiation: An intense burst of neutrons and gamma rays is emitted. Moderate exposure causes sickness characterized by nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. Damage to blood cells lowers resistance to infection and delays the healing of injuries. High exposure to radiation causes convulsions, tremor, ataxia, and lethargy. Death follows within one to 48 hours.

    Irradiated survivors are susceptible to cancer. They are also more likely to pass on hereditary defects to their offspring, including lowered fertility, spontaneous abortion, malformed or stillborn children, and nonspecific constitutional weaknesses.

    Source: Comprehensive Study on Nuclear Weapons, printed by the United Nations.


    AWAKE! August 22, 1988 "An End to Nuclear Weapons--How?" page 9

    In his analysis of the causes of war, scholar Kenneth Waltz observes that ?a world government is the remedy for world war.? But he adds: ?The remedy, though it may be unassailable in logic, is unattainable in practice.? Others agree. Author Ben Bova stated in Omni magazine: ?The nations must unite into a single government that can control armaments and prevent war.? However, he also says: ?Most people regard such a world government as pie in the sky, a science-fiction dream that can never come true.? The failure of the United Nations underscores this dismal conclusion. The nations have been unwilling to give up their sovereignty to that organization or any other!

    AWAKE! September 22, 1988 "Page Two" page 2
    Page Two

    ?The silent emergencies?

    James P. Grant, executive director of UNICEF (United Nations International Children?s Emergency Fund), thus described the unheralded deaths of millions of Third World children. He referred, though, not to casualties of the highly publicized African famine, but to victims of silent calamities: deaths by malnutrition, not starvation; deaths by dehydration, not thirst; deaths by disease, not drought.


    The WATCHTOWER, October 1, 1988 "The Sign: Have You Seen It?" page 6

    ?There will be . . . food shortages.? (Luke 21:11)

    Food shortages normally accompany war. World War I was no exception. Terrible famines followed in its wake. And since? Reports a special paper The Challenge of Internationalism?Forty Years of the United Nations (1945-1985): ?While there were about 1,650 million malnourished persons in 1950 there were 2,250 million in 1983; in other words, an increase of 600 million or 36 per cent more.? A devastating famine followed Africa?s recent drought. ?In one year,? states the magazine Newsweek, ?as many as 1 million Ethiopian peasants and 500,000 Sudanese children died.? Thousands from other countries also perished.


    [Picture Credit Lines on page 6]

    Jerry Frank/United Nations

    U.S. Air Force photo

    AWAKE! October 22, 1988 "Watching The World" page 30

    Working Children

    In many Third World countries, changing attitudes and worsening economic conditions have forced increasing numbers of children out of school and into the working world. According to figures published by ILO (International Labor Organization), a United Nations agency based in Geneva, Switzerland, at least 100,000,000 children under 15 (perhaps double that number) are working worldwide. Even if schools are free in their country, children do not attend because their parents feel that it will not change their children?s future employment prospects. The ILO claims the exploitation of children can neither be ?abolished nor kept under control in the immediate future.?


    The WATCHTOWER, November 1, 1988 "The Way To End Wars" page 5

    However, even before those bombs fell, preparations were being made for setting up an organization like the defunct League of Nations. The result was the United Nations Organization, which basically had the same objective as its predecessor?that of maintaining world peace. What has it achieved? Well, there has been no world war since 1945, but there have been numerous smaller wars in which millions of people have died.


    However, the Bible shows that in spite of the debacle of the League of Nations and the present impotence of the United Nations Organization, the nations would not cease their own efforts to make peace. Indeed, the time will come when they will think they have succeeded. There will be a great cry of ?peace and security,? but this is to be followed by the ?sudden destruction? of this corrupt world. Being in the dark, men will be taken by surprise by this turn of events, which will come ?as a thief in the night.??1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.


    AWAKE! December 8, 1988 "Drugs--The Probelms Escalate" page 4

    The drug problem has grown so much that a United Nations study said that it is at the point now of endangering ?the very security of some states.?


    The WATCHTOWER, December 15, 1988 "Fear God and Give Him Glory" page 20

    3 During the world war of 1914-18, Great Britain, as the seventh world power, received a ?sword-stroke? that could have been fatal. But the United States of America came to her rescue. Since then, America and Britain have cooperated as a dual world power, which John goes on to describe as a wild beast with two horns, coming out of an established human society, ?the earth.? This two-horned beast takes the lead in making an image to the first wild beast and breathing life into it, portraying how the Anglo-American World Power became chief sponsor and life-giver both to the League of Nations and to its successor, the United Nations. The first wild beast has a number-name, 666. Six is an imperfect number?short of the Biblically perfect seven?so that six to the third degree suggests the woeful imperfection of today?s human rulers. Though Jehovah?s Witnesses respect government and are exemplary in obeying the laws of the land in which they live, they courageously refuse to worship ?the wild beast? or its image.?Revelation 13:3-18; Romans 13:1-7.


    7 Ancient Babylon was the fountainhead of false religion, which expanded earth wide to become a demonistic world empire, labeled appropriately ?Babylon the Great.? In course of time, Rome became prominent in that religious empire, for it was under Rome that apostate Christianity developed. Rome continues to be a world center for Babylonish religion. This was clearly apparent in 1986 when the world?s religious leaders answered the call of the pope of Rome by assembling with him at Assisi, near Rome, to pray in behalf of the International Year of Peace proclaimed by the United Nations.


    AWAKE! December 22, 1988 "Today's Religions--A Quiz" page 17


    Match the name to the statement. (Answers on page 21.)

    1. __ ?Religion is the opium of the people.?
    2. __ ?Cleanliness is, indeed, next to Godliness.?
    3. __ ?The League of Nations is the political expression of the kingdom of God on earth.?
    4. __ ?The guardians of hell inflict torture.?
    5. __ ?It is a holy war, and it will continue until the abdication of the shah.?
    6. __ ?God helps those who help themselves.?
    7. __ ?Let some fresh air into the Church.?
    8. __ ?Call no man your father.?
    9. __ ?The peoples of earth turn to the United Nations as the last hope of concord and peace.?

    A. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
    B. Karl Marx
    C. Buddhist writings
    D. Federal Council of Churches
    E. John Wesley
    F. Jesus of Nazareth
    G. Pope John XXIII
    H. Pope Paul VI
    I. Aesop (Greek fabulist)



    Mark ?T? or ?F? for ?True? or ?False.? (Answers on pages 24 and 25.) According to the Bible:

    1. __ The Kingdom is a spiritual state within the hearts of the friends of Jesus.
    2. __ The Kingdom is a real government.
    3. __ The Kingdom is represented on earth by the United Nations.
    4. __ Without human help, the Kingdom of God will destroy the kingdoms of this world.


    Who Said It?

    Answers to quiz on page 17.

    1. B Karl Marx
    2. E John Wesley
    3. D Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (representing various Protestant denominations) December 18, 1918, in an adopted declaration sent to U. S. president Woodrow Wilson
    4. C Buddhist writings quoted in the ?Nikayas of the Pali canon?
    5. A Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as quoted in Encyclopædia Britannica, 1985 Book of the Year
    6. I Aesop, in his fable Hercules and the Waggoner
    7. G Pope John XXIII, January 25, 1959, in explaining why he intended to call the Vatican II ecumenical council
    8. F Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 23:9)
    9. H Pope Paul VI during his visit to the United Nations in 1965


    The Kingdom of God

    Answers to quiz on page 18.

    1. False

    When Jesus said ?the kingdom of God is within you,? he was speaking to hostile Pharisees, his enemies, not his friends. (Luke 17:21, King James Version) What, then, did Jesus mean when talking with these Pharisees? Modern Bible translations, such as the Revised Standard Version, render Jesus? words: ?The kingdom of God is in the midst of you.? The Kingdom was in their midst, since Jesus, the one designated to be King of that future Kingdom, was there among those Pharisees.

    Thus the Encyclopædia Britannica states: ?By ?kingdom? He seems to have meant not principally the realm of God, but the reign of God . . . In this sense it is valid to describe Jesus? view of the kingdom as futuristic . . . Jesus Himself appears in the Gospels as the herald . . . Therefore He could say to His enemies that the kingdom was ?in the midst of you? (Luke XVII, 21, not ?within you?); for He himself was the sign of the kingdom in their midst.?

    2. True

    That God?s Kingdom is a real government is made clear at Isaiah 9:6, which says of the coming Messiah: ?The government shall be upon his shoulder.? (American Standard Version) ?The princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder.??New World Translation.

    3. False

    The Kingdom of God could not be represented on earth by the United Nations, for Jesus plainly taught: ?My kingdom is no part of this world.??John 18:36.

    God?s Kingdom is nonpolitical; it is brought about by God without human help. As the Encyclopædia Britannica puts it: ?It is therefore foreign to Jesus? teaching when Christians speak of their ?building the kingdom.? Clearly, He directed His hearers to that which was to come when He spoke to them about the kingdom.?

    4. True

    The Bible prophecy recorded at Daniel 2:44 clearly shows that God?s Kingdom will destroy the kingdoms, or governments, of the world. It says: ?In the days of those kings [modern-day governments] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. . . . It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.?

    As to the blessings in store for humanity after God destroys these conflicting nations, see the book, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. This publication gives Biblical and historical proof that in 1914, God?s Kingdom began its long-awaited rule in heaven?with the consequence that universal peace will arrive before the generation of that time passes away. (Matthew 24:34) In the words of a prophetic Bible psalm: ?Evildoers themselves will be cut off, but those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.??Psalm 37:9, 11.

  • reboot

    In the letter I received from the Society they stated that..

    We had been using the library for many years prior to 1991, but in that year it became necessary to register as an NGO to have continued access'

    after this period they had to be shown to fulfill the critera for association unless the next time they wished to renew their status it would be refused.

    They also stated that...

    'association of NO's with the DPI does not constitute their incorporation in to the UN system...'

    but they had to sign a charter of agreement that meant they agreed to the aims of the UN-to promise to promote the aimsof the UN and disseminate information to support them, by using the magazines as a mouthpiece...if the magazines written by the FDS are Jehovahs mouthpiece that creates an interesting bed mate analogy.

    But perhaps the most telling part of the letter was at the end.The WTBS wrote...

    ''Still, the Criteria for Association of NGO's AT LEAST IN THEIR LATEST VERSION contain some language that we cannot subscribe to. When we realise this we immediately withfrew our resignation.''

    The UN told me that the criteria has NEVER changed and she didnt know why they thought it had...interestingly they disassociated themselves just two days after the Guardian made their association public knowledge.

  • avengers
    ''Still, the Criteria for Association of NGO's AT LEAST IN THEIR LATEST VERSION contain some language that we cannot subscribe to. When we realise this we immediately withfrew our resignation.''

    The UN told me that the criteria has NEVER changed and she didnt know why they thought it had...interestingly they disassociated themselves just two days after the Guardian made their association public knowledge.

    I wrote the Watchtower Society about this. They said they never said anything changed.

    Concerning the first point: In our letter dated 5 November 2001 we dit not state that the Criteria for association of NGO?s since 1991 were changed. We only wanted to note that ?when the Society realized this (what the Criteria contained to that effect), the registration immediately [is] withdrawn. ?

    Answer that one.!

  • Elsewhere
    "Before being accepted for NGO status the Society, in common with other applicants, had to demonstrate their commitment and ability to work with the UN and they had to submit at least six examples of how they were promoting the UN?s activities (highlighted on next page). Various articles in the Watchtower and Awake, which highlighted the work of the United Nations, fulfilled this requirement."

    Wouldn't these publications need to have been produced before they were able to join the UN in 1991, meaning that the six examples would have had to be printed before 1991?

    The six examples gives were printed after the WTS joined the WTS... so which publications did they use that were published pre-1991?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Watchtower & Awake! references for 1989

    (Note that this is only the two magazines - no WTS books or booklets are included in this list so that it will not be overly long.)

    According to the official WTB&TS reference CD, the 1989 Watchtower used the phrase "United Nations" 13 times. The AWAKE! used it 13 times. I will offer the entire paragraph containing each instance of the phrase so that the reader can judge if the tone is positive, neutral, or negative.


    AWAKE! April 8, 1989 "Watching the World" page 30

    Third World Children Dying

    According to UNICEF (United Nations Children?s Fund), in 1987 backsliding economies in Third World countries caused the death rate for children under five years of age to swell by some 500,000. UNICEF?s director, in an interview with The New York Times, explains why: "Most societies under the pressure of economic adversity have cut back disproportionately on services: health, education, social welfare programs." What has brought on all the economic adversity? One culprit is the debt crisis. Governments in Latin America, Africa, and Asia have fallen deeper and deeper into debt of late, and so have less to spend on services that the poor need. As UNICEF?s director told the Times: "A resolution of the debt crisis is required if you?re going to get light into those tunnels."


    The WATCHTOWER April 15, 1989 "The Infamous Harlot--Her Destruction" page 14

    12 By divine providence, Jehovah?s Witnesses received enlightenment on that mystery in 1942. World War II was then raging at its height, and many thought it would escalate into Armageddon. But Jehovah had a different thought! There was still much work for his Witnesses to do! At their New World Theocratic Assembly of September 18-20, 1942, with the key city Cleveland, Ohio, tied in with 51 other locations in the United States, Nathan H. Knorr, president of the Watch Tower Society, gave the public talk, "Peace?Can It Last?" Therein he reviewed Revelation 17:8, which says of the "scarlet-colored wild beast" that it "was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction." He showed how the League of Nations "was" from 1920 to 1939. Then the "is not" stage was reached because of the League?s demise. But after World War II, this combine of nations would ascend out of the abyss. Was that Bible-based forecast fulfilled? Truly it was! In 1945 the international "wild beast" emerged from its abyss of inactivity as the United Nations.

    13 Babylon the Great, though weakened by her fall, has continued to pursue her harlotlike ways with the UN "beast." For example, in June 1965, dignitaries from the world?s seven leading branches of religion, so-called Christian and non-Christian, said to represent one half of the world?s population, assembled in San Francisco to celebrate the UN?s 20th birthday. In that same year, Pope Paul VI described the UN as "the last hope of concord and peace," and later Pope John Paul II expressed his hope that "the United Nations will ever remain the supreme forum of peace and justice." In 1986 the world empire of false religion took the lead in sponsoring the UN?s International Year of Peace. But did true peace and security come in response to their religious prayers? Far from it! More and more, member nations of the UN are showing that they have no real love for the great harlot.


    Commenting on this gathering, Pope Paul VI said: "How truly right and proper it is that a religious convocation for peace has been included among the ceremonies commemorative of the signing of the United Nations Charter twenty years ago."


    AWAKE! April 22, 1989 "Watching the World" page 30


    The United Nations surprised most of its critics by stringing together a number of major achievements last year. Although it did not end any war, the UN acted as a peacemaker in conflicts in Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf, southwestern Africa, Western Sahara, Cyprus, and Kampuchea. In addition, its peacekeeping forces won the Nobel Prize for Peace last September. Also, in December the UN made substantial cuts in its budget for the years 1990 and 1991, much to the pleasure of the superpower members. Sir Bryan Urquhart, recently retired under secretary of the UN for peacekeeping, said: "The rigors of the Cold War no longer paralyze the United Nations. It even seems possible humanity could take the great step forward towards a community of nations."


    The WATCHTOWER May 15, 1989 "Babylon the Great--Her Destruction" page 6

    How False Religion Will Perish

    In highly symbolic language, the book of Revelation describes the destruction of Babylon the Great. At Revelation 17:16 we read: "The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire." "The ten horns" symbolize all the political powers now on the world scene and that support the United Nations, the "scarlet-colored wild beast," itself the image of the Devil?s bloodstained political system.?Revelation 16:2; 17:3.

    According to Bible prophecy, the political powers associated with the United Nations will turn against the world empire of false religion and devastate her. All false religions will be affected. Some political systems have already shown their impatience with false religion?s interference in political and social spheres. Some socialistic countries have taken a stand for atheism and have reduced religion to a virtual nonentity, as in Albania, or to a compliant handmaiden, as in Russia and China. Elsewhere, political rulers show strong resentment for the liberation theology of some Catholic priests in poorer countries. Yet others repress religions that get involved in racial matters. Even in so-called liberal countries, some politicians resent clerical meddling in politics and social issues.


    AWAKE! May 22, 1989 "Watching the World" page 30

    Africa News reports that Jehovah?s Witnesses in Mozambique were granted a measure of religious freedom in 1988. In 1975 the government exiled thousands of them to a remote northern district of the country because they refused to repeat political slogans, an act that violates their Bible-trained conscience. They lived in isolation there until 1986, when rebels against the Mozambican government began to attack them, kidnapping and enslaving women and murdering dozens by death squad. They fled to neighboring Malawi, which in turn insisted that the United Nations get them out of the country. Then the Mozambican government lifted the restrictions that had exiled the Witnesses, allowing them to return to the homes they left 14 years before. They still hold faithfully to their Christian neutrality. Commendably, the government is currently allowing them to live and worship in peace.


    AWAKE! June 8, 1989 "Can Human Power Stop it?" page 7

    Yet, the armament business is flourishing more than ever. And no one seems to be able to close down this mighty arms bazaar. The two biggest international peace organizations ever formed in history, the League of Nations and its successor, the United Nations, have not been able to convince even one of their member nations to ?beat its swords into plowshares.? The arms business has become so politically and economically intertwined with world affairs that many people feel that it is beyond human power to stop it. Then, is there any power strong enough to do it?


    AWAKE! June 22, 1989 "How Safe is Your Fod?" page 18

    Tackling the Problem

    How near is man to reaching the goal of providing an adequate amount of safe food for all people? Commenting on the problem, a United Nations report on food safety said: "In the last 40 years, international organizations have produced a large number of technical reports and initiated many programmes to deal with this issue. Yet food-borne illness continues to increase."


    AWAKE! August 8, 1989 "Help for Those With Special Needs" page 7

    In 1824 Louis Braille, a 15-year-old blind student from France, developed a reading system based on a series of raised dots and dashes. Five years later he published the now famous dot system based on cells of six dots, with 63 possible arrangements representing the alphabet as well as punctuation and numbers. For the visually impaired, learning Braille represents a considerable commitment in terms of time and effort. Rather than viewing this as too great a challenge, the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) volume Working With Braille offers this assurance: "It must be emphasized that the perception of Braille characters is well within the capabilities of our tactile [touch] senses."


    The WATCHTOWER September 1, 1989 "Full of Blasphemous Names" page 7

    "Full of Blasphemous Names"

    THE Bible book of Revelation describes a vision of "a scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names." It exists for a while, then goes into an abyss from which it later arises. (Revelation 17:3, 8) Frequently, the pages of this magazine have identified this scarlet-colored beast with, initially, the League of Nations and, subsequently, its successor, the United Nations. But why is the scarlet-colored beast said to be "full of blasphemous names"?


    All such expectations were proved false when World War II erupted in 1939. The League failed. It was merely a human organization made up of imperfect men. So is its successor, the United Nations. Yet, on the day the UN Charter was signed, an editorial in The New York Times labeled it "the tree of peace" and said, "A great hope is born . . . Great things may come." Similarly, church leaders have labeled the UN "the sole hope" for peace and "the last hope."

    Ascribing to human organizations things that God?s Kingdom alone will accomplish is blasphemous. Thus, the Bible foretells that after a short existence, the United Nations will go "off into destruction." Only God?s perfect heavenly government can bring lasting peace to mankind.?Revelation 17:11, 12; Isaiah 9:6, 7; Daniel 2:44.


    The WATCHTOWER September 1, 1989 "Organizing Now for the Thousand years to Come" page 15

    17 Especially since the middle of the fourth decade of the 20th century has the great crowd of other sheep been brought into the organized one flock under the glorified one Shepherd, the reigning King, Jesus Christ. In a world that continues getting more and more disorganized despite the existence of the United Nations organization, those of this great crowd wholeheartedly support the anointed remnant and thus give evidence of the unifying power of Jehovah?s holy spirit. Determinedly, they keep organized with the remnant while looking forward to special service on earth during Jesus Christ?s Thousand Year Reign.


    AWAKE! September 8, 1989 "Watching the World" page 28

    · One million firearms are in the hands of Colombia?s private citizens, reports the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva. The city of Medell í n alone has one violent death every three hours. This problem is compounded by a major internal war raging in Colombia among drug cartels. Drug barons have set up paramilitary groups to protect themselves and their families, which has led to an incalculable number of victims who have disappeared or have been murdered, observed the New Zealand Herald.


    AWAKE! October 8, 1989 "Watching the World" page 28


    Myanmar is the new official name for the Southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma. In addition, the name of the country?s capital and largest city was changed from Rangoon to Yangon. These versions now match present usage in the Burmese language. The country?s new name was adopted by the United Nations on June 22, 1989.


    AWAKE! December 8, 1989 "Part 23: 1945 Onward--The Time for Settling Accounts Is Near" page 25-27

    Thus, it comes as no surprise that Babylon the Great actively supported the 1986 International Year of Peace, designated as such by the United Nations organization, the charter of which calls on it "to maintain international peace and security." During that year, the Catholic pope, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, and 700 other religious leaders, including professed Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, African animists, native Americans (Indians), Jews, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Shintoists, and Jains, met together at Assisi, near Rome, to pray in behalf of peace.


    Religious involvement in the search for peace confirms what Dag Hammarskj ö ld, former secretary-general of the United Nations, once said: "The [UN] Organization and the churches stand side by side as participants in the efforts of all men of good will, irrespective of their creed or form of worship, to establish peace on earth."


    AWAKE! December 8, 1989 "The quest for Peace and Security" page 26

    1985: (October) United Nations celebrates 40th birthday and proclaims 1986 as the International Year of Peace.


    The WATCHTOWER December 15, 1989 "Peace--Will It Come by Disarmament" page 4

    Was the United Nations more successful in establishing a sound foundation for disarmament following the second world war? No, but its lack of success was not for want of determined effort. With nuclear weapons of mass destruction now being available, though, disarmament was an issue of great urgency. "The previous contention that armaments races were economically inexpedient and led inevitably to war," says The New Encyclop F dia Britannica, "was replaced by the argument that the future use of nuclear weapons in quantity threatened civilization itself."


    The WATCHTOWER December 15, 1989 "Peace--The Reality" page 5

    Peace?The Reality

    FEW would criticize the ideals behind the efforts of the United Nations to secure peace. "?Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares? expresses the United Nations goal of world peace," says "The World Book Encyclopedia," adding, "The United Nations has two main goals: peace and human dignity."


    AWAKE! December 22, 1989 "The French Revolution--A Foregleam of Things to Come" page 27

    More than 150 years later, in 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, inspired by the French text of 1789. But today, as in the past, many who pay lip service to such rights show utter disregard for the principles set forth. How true are the words of Ecclesiastes 8:9: "Some men have power and others have to suffer under them."?Today?s English Version.

  • reboot

    I dont think its like that-i'll have to phone them and check,obviously, the criteria for association has to be fulfilled but I dont think that it has to necessarily be befre..the magazines I remember that were very pro UN were after 1991. thats why I cited them as 'proof' to the elders that their association with the UN was affecting the contents of the publication.im ill today but when i'm feeling a little better i'll see if I can ring and find the mags.

  • Terry

    Plausible deniability is another factor.

    If you are planning a "crime" you want to be able to deny plausibly that your intention was criminal.

    The Watchtower cabal was guilty of visiting the harlot; but, they had to be able to give some plausible reason for being in her bed.

    They just "happened' to be in her room using her bookshelf for research. They, of course, never gazed upon her nakedness!

    They got sleeply and had to lie down. When they woke up--why, there she was next to them!! Why was their fly open? To circulate air.

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