Judgement mode!

by Mysterious 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    Seeing it from the outside is scary.

    Recently a JW relative here confided that she was going to go live separate from her husband for a while because she needed to sort out some of her personal issues and had to be alone. Of course the elders are in there like a dirty shirt every other day telling the poor woman what she is doing is unscriptural (um really =/ it's not permanent no worse than husbands who live somewhere else to work for a while) etc etc. She is seeing a counsellor which I am very glad and just wants some time to work things out. Her husband is there brow beating her in front of company saying she is spirtually weak and the person who was there with me launches into a lecture about guarding her spirutuality and wishing there was anything she could do to change her mind.

    Me? I said sometimes you have to put yourself first only you know what is best for you. And that no matter who turns their back on her for this I would never do so. I've been through enough of that myself.

    Just scary the disregard JWs have for PEOPLE when they launch into their ridiculous watchtower judgemental mode. And made me sick to see someone do that to someone suffering from depression and other emotional issues. Although surrounded by people like that no wonder! Want a modern day example of possession? Brain washing on that level is pretty close to it.

  • Gretchen956

    I just hope that their little ploy of "tough love" backfires on them. She just could get a whiff of how excellent life outside the borg is. Sometimes these things happen for the best reason of all, to allow escape. I know you and your dad can be of help.


  • Netty

    It is very sick, the types of things they are saying to her. Poor thing, nice you are there to give her a better perspecitve. I wish her good luck with her situation.

  • Mysterious

    I am hoping her depression may keep her away from enough meetings that the doubts she is having help foster an attitude to think for herself. That or the everday details about how my life is going when I chat with her will make her realize the big bad world isnt so big and bad anymore. The phrase used here is "if you miss a meeting you'll fall out of the truth(tm)". It was so true for me at least. I milked an illness for several meetings longer than it was worth because I knew I was leaving and I never wanted to go back again.

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