OMG- I have a child who is driving !!

by xenawarrior 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    XenaW, the only thing that helped me was to just hand them over to the big power that be, leave them in his/her hands. I figure the BRTB can watch over them better than me when they are away. It gave me a little piece of mind.

    It's funny- of all the "milestones" that she's passed, this one has an effect on me that no others have. So many things going through my mind- is she really prepared for this? I know what it's like out there and the crazies on the road. The fear- I hope she'll be okay and won't get hurt-so much can happen.

    This is a preview of what it will be like when she leaves home. I worry even more now than I did when the kids were home. I can offer them only sparing & loving advice now and hold my breath while they run their own lives. I sometimes forget about the BPTB and handing them over and all that.

    Congratulations to her and peace to you, Mom.


  • JH

    I wasn't so nice during my teens. I drove my father's car at night while he was sleeping. He always left the keys in the ignition...

    I even made a double of his keys incase they weren't in the ignition.

    When I got my drivers licence, the man evaluating my driving seemed to be impressed by my driving skills as such a young age...

  • Stefanie

    My kid is 13. She wants hers when she is 16!

    She cant even push a shopping cart without running me over!

    I hope your not too worried Xenawarrior, it sounds like she is doing well.

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