Gadgets Elder Visit - The transcript

by Gadget 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Gadget

    So glad you did this. It sort of all sounded like a cleansing of sorts.

    You seemed to hit all the major points

    Tug of war between the two congregations of who was wrong and who was right was .. we'll just say it was childlike pathetic. What a screw up that was. Unfair too.

    You covered: The U. N. thing, Child abuse and the two witness rule,

    You discussed the every changing light bulb of new light.

    Actually you sounded sort of like my brother shotgun when you said, "So, if this is right now, the other belief, the old light must be wrong. Is that right? (you made me chuckle Gadget).. because it's true!

    All in all an excellent covering of a variety of topics.

    Sheesh!.. what can they do to you now. Disfellowship you? Oh, that's right. You been there done that.

    Gadget, my dear. You done Good man!! I hope it spear headed a confidence in where you are in your recovery from the J.W. religion.

    Thanks for the transcript. They are always an eye opener to me.

    Be free

    Special K

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    gadget: nice show man. glad you held your own . and didn't back down. now you know you can handle them. wasn't so hard was it? you gave them a lot of good pointslike 1919 and out the back door. how i know , how great you feel with your self and you earned it! i suggestion if they come back . don't let them talks so much. . when you get in a good point , you have to hold their hands to the fire. till they burn. again you showed lots of courage......... john

  • SheilaM
  • avishai

    This is HUGE!!! You got them to admit to breaking the law re: the two witness rule, or if yours is a non-reporting state, at least the nationwide precedent!!!! Is this transcript from a tape?

  • shamus
    You held your ground and didn't get flustered or anything like that. But at the same time, you didn't make a dent in them either. They left with the same opinion of you, if not worse, than when they came in. Not that anyone can expect anything different from a conversation with elders like that. They're brainwashed. If they ever come around, it will take a series of events to wake them up.

    But as I said before, those things give me a headache.

    That's the impression that I got. Although you really did try, the dent factor was zero. Some people are just too far gone.

    And I do have a headache now from reading it. They can't be reasoned with.

    The one thing that I found most interesting is how you called bullshit on they're 'statistics'. It's such horseshit I can't even begin to believe it! I truly wish that someone, with a degree or anything would please give us some definite numbers on exactly how many witnesses used to be witnesses!!!! It would be lovely to have this kind of ammunition to sassult them with!

    But alas, nobody seems to know for sure, even ballpark.

  • Gadget
    Is this transcript from a tape?

    Its a transcript from a digital video I took, 49 mins worth in total.

  • Gordy

    Firstly well done in even letting Elders visit you. It seems it was quite a calm meeting. Though I think on some points you could have been harder on them. Plus you could have asked them a lot more hard hitting questions. As others have said you don't really seemed to have made much of a dent on them. I got the impression that they thought they have done OK and are expecting you back at the meetings anyday now.

  • Bubbamar

    Gadget - that was great. What a good reminder of what its like talking to a braindead dub. They didn't even really address your concern about the UN situation. They basically changed the discussion to apostates. Why the need to be defensive? Why not say something like - "well I can see how that would be upsetting...." if they were really there to address YOUR concerns. Instead they'd rather bring up something they CAN talk about - Evil Apostates.

    I did like the way they aparently had to suck air when you first brought up the UN scandal...huh,,no,no - its a lie!

    Sometimes its so obvious that they don't get to go to college. LOL

  • xjw_b12

    A tip of the hat to you Gadget. It exhausted me to read that, as all transcrpits of meetings with the Elder robotrons do. You did very well at interrupting them, and interjecting your thoughts, instead of the other way around.

    17,000 apostate sites ROFLMAO And how does he know that? I wonder if they count the pro jw sites? I wonder how many of those there is??

    And if I took a gulp of ale for everytime they said "the truth" I'd be very drunk right now.

  • Gadget
    It seems it was quite a calm meeting. Though I think on some points you could have been harder on them. Plus you could have asked them a lot more hard hitting questions.

    It was a calm meeting, that was my intention. If it had been anything other than that I think they would have just automatically classed me as a raving apostate and left so I wouldn't have been able to mention any points at all. I think you can do a heck of a lot more with sugar and spice than you can with venom.

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