(FAQ WT site) Do you shun former members?

by D wiltshire 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • ros

    They are LYING and you know it. They even shun people who have NOT faded away. (silentlambs is but one example). Shunning is their major weapon of control and they use it in every way possible to keep the ranks in obediance. Don't even tryyy to tell me the leadership is not fully aware that their "regular publishers" class are programmed to shun people, including family, for simply becoming "inactive" in many cases. If they know it is going on and don't publish something to correct the situation, they are guilty!

  • waiting

    Hey Seeker,

    Technically, you are not a former member - you are a member who simple ceases to be involved, but still a member. So am I. Therefore, technically, we are not to be shunned.

    That was not the question - as it related to "former members." How does one get to be a "former member?" One must break membership, da or df or death.

    Disfellowshipping does not sever family ties.

    Technically, you are correct, imho. The problem is, it's an unqualified statement - which is always dangerous. Most people will never differentiate physical family ties versus emotional family ties.

    Too bad, we lose.


  • Seeker

    Ros, what part of my post did you not understand? I said they lied, I said they were being deceptive, so how could you respond to me the way you did? Legalese and PR-speak IS lying, on a high level, while technically telling a very narrow truth.

    As for shunning those who walk away, that is only done unofficially. Officially they should not do that, but you and I (and certainly silentlambs) know that local bodies of elders and publishers do it anyway at times. But not always, as my example proves.

    However, waiting makes an excellent point that technically I am not a former member in that I was never DFed or DAed. However, from the way they worded it, I'm sure they are referring narrowly to persons such as myself when they said that. I think even they got tripped up by their narrow defining.

    But just to repeat, for the sake of those like ros who think I missed the point, I know they are lying. I said they are lying. However, to just run around crying, "lies!" is to give them the advantage. What I demonstrated is how they will respond to charges of "lies." To know the enemy's thoughts is to know how to attack their defenses. That's why I wrote what I did, not because I'm blind.

  • LadyBug

    Flamin liars!

  • VeniceIT

    **Do you shun former members?**

    Of course, that's why I don't talk to you HEATHN APOSTATES!!!!


  • waiting

    Hey Seeker,

    To know the enemy's thoughts is to know how to attack their defenses.

    I think that's where we all trip up - we don't read the WTBTS doublespeak like they write it. We read it as to understanding normal words and ideas. And they talk circles around us. Freaking lawyers (and my son is going to BE one of those!).

    We should be reading it somewhat akin to Nazi propaganda. Hidden agenda not to our good.

    She believed in nothing; only her scepticism kept her from being an atheist. Jean-Paul Sartre

    You have no idea how long it took me to understand the humor in the above quote.


  • teejay

    Wouldn't it be cool if a df'd person wore one of those mini-cams and recorded exactly what happens to a df'd person when they attended the meetings? Have a record of meetings lasting a week or a month. Show it to a TV producer or somebody who could put together an exposé for the nightly news.

    Just thinkin' out loud here...


  • Mulan

    What I fail to understand, is how do they think any of us will ever want to come back when they treat us like this? What is there about their behavior that makes it so attractive, that we want back in? I've gone over this with my mother so many times, I can't even count them anymore. She just smiles at me. That means, she can't think of anything to say.........or she gets up and goes into her bedroom. I fixed her good, for that one. The last time she did it, I left. She called me immediately when I got home to tell me she hadn't wanted me to leave, but to just stop talking about "those things", whatever that means.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Just a thought.

    What if a bunch of (df or da) persons who lived in the same area went to the kingdom H. on school & service meeting nite.
    And they all brought Ray Franze book (COC) or Steve Hassan Book (combating Cult mind control) but came at different times and sat indifferent seats, with the title of the books clearly visible for all to see.
    And at the end of the meeting they would all fellowship among themselves right there at the KH.
    What do tou think people would say.

  • Mulan

    I love the idea, but can't stomach the thought of going into a KH again. Someone do this, and let us know how it turns out.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

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