Why do men "play" dumb?

by Netty 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty

    So I am here this morning with my octopus arms, making the kids breakfast with one hand, getting them dressed with the other, doing their hair with another hand brushing their teeth with another hand, etc. you get the picture... while my husband sits at the table reading the newspaper. Both kids are complaining of sore throat and have some sort of summer cold, so I asked hime could you please get the medicine and give them some medicine, and what does he do? Nothing. So I ask again, and then he complains "Where is it, I dont know where it is (the medicine he means) so I said "ITS OUTSIDE IN THE MAILBOX WHERE IT GOES!" He is not really that dumb! He's not I know hes not. Then when he managed (I'm just so proud of him) to get it out of the fridge, (where it goes) I asked him to give it to the kids and he didnt know how much to give, so I said "TURN IT AROUND AND READ THE LABEL, LIKE WE'VE BEEN DOING NOW FOR SEVEN YEARS SINCE WE HAD OUR FIRST CHILD!" not that dumb, I know he's not.

    K, I feel waaaay better now.


  • Satanus

    Well, if the room was full of kids and a woman doing all that stuff, all at the same time to all those kids, i wouldn't wanna get in the way, which is what anything i might try to do would be. I might even go into the next room to read my paper, just to be safe. But that's me, single. Sometimes i even get in my cat's way


  • Glenmore

    Men are overweight lazy boys ..... well I am.

  • ballistic

    Has this been your experience with all men you have known?

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I've known a lot of men, fathers, who like to get very involved with their children and because of this, they do. It's their nature. They apply themselves to it, because they are by their nature drawn to do so.

    Other men, most maybe, feel out of their realm when it comes to taking care of children, and never apply themselves in this area. I can't imagine it, being a woman and mother but I don't judge them for it anymore, because I realize all the things they are so good at and all that they accomplish that I would never apply myself to learning either.

    I still think it's a little sad for the children when the father takes so little interest in his children. But I also remember the movie, Kramer vs Kramer I think it was, with Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep. Remember the huge change that came over the father in that one?? When forced by circumstances, he finally had to apply himself to taking care of his little son and he became excellent at it and very close to his son and it nearly killed him to think of this new relationship ending, and his losing custody of his newly-found treasure, his son.

  • seven006

    There is a class we take as part of our health class in Jr. High. It's called Great expectations. The theme of the course is simple. The more you do, the more is expected of you.

    Doing nothing and just pretending to read the paper is just an act in marital balance we are trying to achieve because women say we are always trying to fix things. I'd say your husband has a perfect balance.

    Personally, I think keeping the cold medicine in the mail box, right next to our sox and keys is perfect, you're a very thoughtful wife.


  • Pleasuredome


  • minimus

    Divorce him.

  • TrailBlazer04

    Cuz they're good at it


  • Dan-O

    You can give medicine to kids? Are you sure about this?

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