Ozzie's Weekend Poll #107

by ozziepost 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    How's the wekend for you? Mrs Ozzie and I attended the most incredible concert today - the best violinist we've heard up close and personal. Brilliant - even if he is a pom!!!

    Well, it's district convention time downunder and it seems we should mark the time with our own reminiscences. So......

    our poll question this weekend is................

    What best describes your look at district conventions?

    1. Looking tired.

    2. Looking excited

    3. Looking after the kids.

    4. Looking for talent.

    5. Looking friendly.

    6. Looking guilty. (huh??)

    7. Looking for the toilets.

    8. Looking for the exit.

    9. Looking for the coach.

    10. Looking for my car.

    11. Looking for my songbook.

    12. Looking for the "Lost & Found".

    13. Looking "theocratic" TM

    14. Looking happy.

    15. Looking for the Bethel service meeting. (You'll be sorry!)

    16. Looking very appealing.

    17. Looking for the Internet monitoring department.

    18. Looking for the apostates.

    19. Just looking!

    20. Other (please detail) [this should be good!]

    OK, what dya reckon? Settle back with a good drink and reminisce for a while, then let us know what your strongest recollections are.


    Cheers, Ozzie


  • Iforget

    Ooooo you forgot the best one...

    Reading the book you smuggled inside your bible. You could read and everyone thought you were really into the scripture.

    Besides that....just looking at other people. Wondering when my real family was going to come rescue me from this freak show.

  • Glenmore

    1, 3, 5, 12 and 20 (looking around to see if I knew anyone)

  • Mulan

    I was one of those odd ones who liked the DC...............until the last two of course, when we were trying to fade. So this is me at the DC.

    2. Looking excited

    3. Looking after the kids. (that was the hard part)

    4. Looking for talent. (of course)

    5. Looking friendly.

    7. Looking for the toilets.

    13. Looking "theocratic" TM

    14. Looking happy.

    15. Looking for the Bethel service meeting. (cute boys at those meetings)

    16. Looking very appealing. (especially as a teenager)

    18. Looking for the apostates.

    19. Just looking!

  • blondie


    For the last 20 years I have found the conventions to be soooooooooooooooo boring.

    I would bring something to read in a Bible leather cover, listen to music on my walkman rather than tape the program, do Bible research unrelated to the program at hand...

    Blondie (missed the last 2 DCs and 5 CAs/SDAs)

  • Gadget

    4. Looking for talent.

    Thats what I did at every assembly. The last convention I went to in 2003 I dissappeared on the Friday dinnertime to attend a wiccan ritual at a nearby holistic fair.........

  • Princess

    I was always looking for friends and lunch. The rest of it I've blocked from my memory.

  • Mutz

    10, always 10. I was off to the car ASAP. Listening to the talks on the radio of course! :)

  • StinkyPantz

    20. Looking damn sexy!

  • Valis

    Looking for a job so I didn't have to sit down the whole time.


    District Overbeer

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