Swearing on the platform

by sleepy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glenmore

    Well, I was chairman one Sunday and after the talk I said "let's stand and a shake a leg or two or three and sing song such-and-such". I was counselled not to say things like that from the stage. As usual I always gravitated to turning my performance into some kinda stand-up comedy routine. I also said "half-assed" one time. I sincerely thought it was "half-fast" as in half-fastened - I'm a Limey I didn't know, the elders heads dropped (as usual). It's probably best that they deleted me later for telling them I should resign due to my immoderate drinking. Cheers! Glen

  • GentlyFeral

    One Thursday night a brother I admired and respected was giving a talk about Jehovah's love & forgiveness. Coming to the end of a long list, he led up to the Ransom sacrifice with "...and what's really kinky... I mean, uh, amazing..."

    Nice save, brother :)


  • nb-dfed

    I remember an elder once talking about his shit-kicker boots in the kh parking lot. That kind of shocked me. My uncle was reading the paragraphs at bookstudy one night and kept saying "orgasm" instead of "organism". My aunt and still laugh about that one to this day. I also remember being at my grandparents for a family dinner when my husband and I were still witnesses. I forget what happened, but he yelled out "Oh [edit]!' Everyone pretended like they didn't hear him. Thankfully my elder-former p.o. granpa is almost deaf and didn't hear it!!

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