What does the Watchtower really think about women?

by hubert 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hubert

    In the Watchtower book "Let God Be True", c. 1946, on page 24, it reads...quote.."for woman is MERELY a LOWLY CREATURE whom God created for man as man's helper." unquote.

    What happened to "women's lib"?

    How do you women feel about being called a "lowly creature"? and Not even being called a "human being"?

    Ever notice that the W.T. take everything out of a dictionary? To cover their a_ _ ?

  • Gretchen956

    If the Watchtower called me a zebra because I'm a woman it wouldn't make that true either. We're only lowly if we allow ourselves to be because we cave in to their patriarchal BS. I don't buy it and I never did.


  • blondie

    After over 40 years associated with the WTS...I think I have a good idea. I spent all 40 years proving that mentally, morally, emotionally, and spiritually I and any woman was the equal and superior to any man in their organization.

    If women were that inferior then according to their doctrine, no woman would ever have been selected to be among those "kings and priests" that would rule with Christ.

    In The Beginning

    The account of man's creation in the book of Genesis is so familiar and so entrenched in our cultural heritage that many accept as actual historic fact the assertion that Woman was created from one of Adam's ribs.

    Science has railed against such simple beliefs for centuries; last week, at a dig in the escarpments along the western shore of the Dead Sea, archeologists have uncovered ancient, original texts that pre-date these writings by 1,300 years. Translated, their account of life's beginnings on earth are much more scientifically plausible...

    "... and God created Woman, giving her three breasts to succor her young".

    And God spoke, saying to her, "I have created thee as I see fit, but mine is no longer the only opinion in the universe (sigh). Is there anything about thee that thou would prefer differently? "

    And Woman spoke, saying, "Lord, I am not made to birth whole litters; I do not need but two breasts."

    And God said, "Thou speak wisely, as I have created thee with wisdom." There was a crack and a lingering odor of ozone, and it was done, and Woman stood holding her third breast in her hand.

    "Now just what am I going to do with this useless boob?" Woman exclaimed.

    And so it was, God created Man.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Blondie, have I told you lately just how cool you really are?

  • 4JWY


  • avengers
    "Now just what am I going to do with this useless boob?" Woman exclaimed.

    And so it was, God created Man.

    Good one Blondie. Hadn't heard that one yet.

    Now I know why I'm always searching for the other two.


  • hubert

    <"Now just what am I going to do with this useless boob?" woman exclaimed.

    And so it was, God created man.>

    Ha, Ha, Blondie. That's not quite the answer I was looking for. But it's a good one!

    Seriousely, though, did anyone ever read that quote? And if so, what were your thoughts at the time?

  • seedy3

    Ok which one of you women is going to do my laundry.................................... seedy ducks under the protection of the computer case

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