mobabcock reunion

by kilroy2 1 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kilroy2

    Well it is the end of the Babcock family reunion in wolverine, this year Mrs.. Anderson in all her wisdom made it a witness only reunion.

    Well almost a dubber only, she invited those that are her close family that are not dubbers, but go once a year to memorial.

    I did not go even when it was open to all in years past. I just don't like the people family or not, [small minded mutts]

    But it is interesting that if you are close enough you are ok even if you are a porn loving vodka gulping alki.

    And believe me some of Mrs.. Andersons brothers and nefs are, So all that happened to most of the family is that it polarized one half against the other half.

    Still it never amazes me how some like my unk Sherman, [a very dull minded person] will never go to a meeting, buy hookers for his son and brag that he has had more women than he ever had at his age, and still get up and leave the coffee table if any one starts to attack the wts, It shows that the mind control that the wts has on dull minded people is huge,

    Sherman will even go to his neighbors and tell them that their Christmas lights are pagan in orig.

    These people who are looked on as nothing more than pond scum still fight for those who attack them, ?????????

    I do not understand why but they will sit there and say the end is so close you can see how bad things are, I always fire back as bad as world war 1? ww2? or as bad as the dark ages? and if it is true what the dubbers teach about the big A then if it did come tomorrow you will be one to die too.

    Then you get the deer looking at head lights look, like steel shot bouncing of an iron clad, not much can get through the dull mind,

    the only thing the dull mind is good for is the defense of intelligence getting through its outer defenses,

    The truth is that dubbers love to have a get together for them selves just like they love assemblies to keep the illusion up that "if all these people believe in the same thing as I do than it must be true" bollix!!!!!!!!!!!

    The only thing I can do till I sell my home and rental property is to keep as far away from the suckers of intelligence as possible,

    I have had more crap pulled on me by so called brothers than all the worldly people that have done crap to me put together,

    I think that most of you out there can say the same, you need to watch the brothers much more than you need to watch the people of the world, Any way if any one has an experience like mine please post. thanks

  • Sunspot



    I can relate 200%! My own super-fine reg-pioneer elder's-wife daughter has pulled MORE heartbreaking and unfair sh!t on me than any other "worldly" person could ever dream up an a good day.

    She has hit waaay below the belt and has made up horrendous lies about me and her father---and that's just for starters. I only discovered her secret hate campaign recently, so it's not as secret as she thought---and people are wising up.

    It still hurts nevertheless.

    Chin up, Kilroy---they WILL get theirs!



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