I have mastered the wireless router!

by Princess 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    After months of promising my seven year old son, I have finally set our computer up with DSL. That isn't such a big deal since we have had Broadband cable for at least a couple of years. The big deal is, I set up a wireless router and connected both computers to a network so we have both computers set up with DSL internet access.

    So, after hours of total frustration I gave up. Steve took us out to dinner and after getting home I crawled into bed and watched a stupid movie. Then I crawled out, poured myself a scotch and started messing with the computer again and suddenly the router configuration popped up. OMG I finally got the stupid thing working!

    Rhys is chanting "Oh Yeah" and dancing around the family room. Steve is on the other computer. It's raining buckets outside. I don't have to spend hours tomorrow on a tech line.

    We are connected!

    I couldn't possibly do it again since I have no idea how I got it to work.

  • Steve Egner
    Steve Egner

    It must have been the scotch...


  • Princess
    It must have been the scotch...

    Totally <hic>

  • xenawarrior

    YAY !!!!

    Hey, can I call you when I want to do the same thing? I have a 16 year old who is bugging me for the same thing. When I had my computer built, I had the guy put in the necessary "stuff" to network hers and mine together - I just haven't done it yet.

    Can I substitute tequila for the scotch ???

    Glad you are "connected"


  • Princess
    Can I substitute tequila for the scotch ???

    I suppose it would work if you drink enough.

    The trick was that the second computer is my reject that tried to kill me last Christmas. I had a really hard time getting it to recognize the router network adapter thingie (technical term for those who don't understand). I finally just started clicking on everything until I found it...

  • Mulan

    At least you didn't have to spend 3 hours on a tech line to India like I did, trying to get my DSL to work.

    (the phone company had hooked up the wrong phone line to the DSL, so they had to come out to fix it........3 hours totally blown, but the gal was nice, lives in Mumbai)

  • Simon

    Just make sure that "working" doesn't mean "wide open for anyone to get to your computer with"

  • Purza

    Oh man I have been there. I took me three hours to get the darn thing working -- calling the techs did nothing -- they were useless. I called a friend who was on the internet reading the directions and he walked me through every step (of course he is the IT guy at a place I used to work). It was a nightmare!!!! Last week my teenager got a new computer and I needed to get it working on her computer. Somehow I managed to get it working -- but I couldn't tell you how to do it again. I love the wireless network now -- but I would not want to install it again.


    PS -- So I can understand the dancing around the living room.

  • Princess
    Just make sure that "working" doesn't mean "wide open for anyone to get to your computer with"

    How do I know? I have McAfee security on my Dell with Firewall and Anti-virus protection, will that keep people out? The Gateway I've connected doesn't have security since it's only used by my kids to play games.

  • Simon

    You can setup a password type thing for the wireless access and also limit it to your own particular network card (MAC address)

    It depends on what make your router & network card is though as to what is the best / possible.

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