
by cameo 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo


    Don't know if this has been asked before (and sorry if it has). This is for all the "born-into" former Witnesses:

    If you hadn't been born into the religion, do you think you would have become a Witness sometime in your life?

  • Been there
  • cameo

    I'll take that as a "no". hee hee

  • LittleToe

    What a difficult question.

    It's like asking what it's like to be a boy, or a certain age, and how it mmight be otherwise...

    I'd like to think not, as my mind has always been a tad open, but who can say?

  • frenchbabyface

    No ... "didn't bought it for good" even in being born in

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Absolutely not.

  • Simon

    Everyone will say "no" ... right? And yet people *do* join ... so some of us are delluding ourselves.

    BTW: My answer is "no" too ... but then that's knowing what I know now.

    The important thing for me is that my kids probably won't because I can warn them about religions like this.

  • DanTheMan

    I was an adult convert, and I used to look around at all the ones who were raised in it and think "they would never have become JW on their own".

  • Athanasius

    It is doubtful that I would have chosen the JW religion had I not been raised in the sect.

  • Robdar

    Had to pop into this thread to say hi to Athanasius. BTW, I still like your picture, Athan. Hey, do you still have the sketch of that picture that I drew for you?

    Now back to the topic. No, I would not have chosen the JWs or any religion.


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