To: Humble - Slander? Lies? What?

by Amazing 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • BoozeRunner

    Mulan, you make an excellent point.... I also had a discussion with a brother who spoke about those who were posting scriptures on their websites. He basically told me the same thing that you were told. Additionally, he spoke about using the WTS CD for preparing talks!!! How insane!!! I used it to prepare my talks and as I practiced and refined it, it was easier to make changes than re-writing the entire talk out.
    IMHO, the WTS was discouraging computer literacy in order to head off so-called apostates early on.

    Humble... if you are sincerely reading the posts here, you will find that we "apostates" are actually quite pleasant to ANY who join this board. Amazingly, venom is automatically spewed from JW Loyalists as soon as they see the opinions that many here have of the WTS-keyword being WTS, not GOD.
    Yes, there are those with atheistic views also, but they are entitled to free expression also. Freedom of expression is what makes it possible for J-dubs to go from door-to-door, is it not? It aso allows YOU to be here despite the WTS directives which say you should NOT be here.
    Welcome, and enjoy the interchange of ideas and opinions.


  • nelly136

    .<<< Yes, I would get counseled if they knew I was here.<<<<

    quote]JWs have been told by the Nov.99KM to stay off of the Internet[/quote]

    >>>Your comment is not true. You misread the information. They never said "Stay off of the Internet".>>>>

    so why would you be counseled?
    just curious,

    (who really must learn to make those little quote box thingys)

  • ianao



    [ q u o t e ] Hello [ / q u o t e ]

  • Englishman


    You've converted Fifty people ? And you also design web sites?

    When do you sleep?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • somebody


    Most had terrible lives, some drunkards, some drug addicts, some had family problems.

    As many JWs that I know do. And we all know how the Society says to deal with such people. Hand them over to satan! That oughtta teach em!

    I am proud that I was able to guide them into the teachings of our Lord, Jesus and his father.

    That's another lie. Anyone who was ever a member of your organisation knows that the teachings of Jesus are NOT taught, nor followed. The teachings of the ORGANISATION are!

    If you disagree with that, then tell us where in the Bible that it is a teaching of Jesus to disfellowship fellow sinners and treat them as decievers and the antichrist. Of course you aren't going to tell us, because Jesus NEVER taught to hand people over to satan. He never even taught to disfellowship unrepentant sinners! Once again, it's an evil teaching of YOUR ORGANISATION, to keep the members in line so as not to lose too much of the billions of dollars they already have. I don't know how you can be PROUD of helping to draw 50 people into your organisation. It's amazing that you can face yourself with no remorse. It's amazing that you could lie to all those 50 poeple you raked into placing thier loyalty to an incorperated printing company, and guiding them to look to that business for salvation. sad, sad, sad. I pray that someday you'll never say that you're proud of what you've done again. I'm happy that I know longer try and guide people to follow an organisation. And I still pray for forgiveness that I ever did, under the intruction of a publishing company. Some people choose to follow the teachings of an organisation, some people choose follow Jesus' words recorded in th Bible. You've been here long enough ,and we can see what choice you've made AFTER knowing the truth about the corrupt organisation you are a member of. You choose to follow an organisation. That is what you give your loyalty to. That's ok, because you'll have to answer for what you do, just as we all do. At least when judement day comes, I won't be one trying to explain why I followed an organisation and guided more people to do the same. I won't be one saying that I'm proud that I did so either.

    I hope you can find your heart again one day.


  • Billygoat

    I guess I'll just repost my previous posting since it hasn't been answered:



    May I preface this by stating that I'm not being accusatory in any way! Here is your quote:

    "I have had to pleasure of bringing in about 50 persons into the organization."

    Do you feel YOU brought in around 50 people into the JW organization? Isn't that similar to the story in Numbers 20:10 where Moses said, "Hear now, you rebels; shall we bring forth water for you out of this rock?"? Are you taking credit for bringing these people in? If so, what happened to Moses when he made that statement above?


  • Seeker

    Humble said:

    You are right that "bad associations spoil useful habits." That is why the WTBTS has suggested that we don't frequent sites just like this one. Yes, I would get counseled if they knew I was here. I choose to post because the name of the forum is deceaving. It says that it is a "Forum for JW's". This is a false statement and that's how I came here in the first place. If I made it here, other Witnesses might be lurking around. I post for their purpose, so that along with all the accusations, some lies, some slanders, they can also read the view of a current witness.

    Ah, so Humble has put himself precisely in the same spot as Uzzah...

  • Billygoat

    Somebody & Seeker,

    Great points!


  • Kent

    As usual, Amazing - whe the goin' gets tough - the cowards are gone!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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