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by frankiespeakin 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    This is from 4/15/1892:









    SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE, (INCLUDES ALSO A SUBSCRIPTION TO TWO COPIES OF OLD THEOLOGY TRACTS QUARTERLY) By Express Order, Postal Money Order, Bank Draft, or Registered Letter. Foreign only by Foreign Money Order.


    N.B.--Those of the interested, who by reason of old age or accidents, or other adversity, are unable to pay, will be supplied FREE, if they will send a Postal Card each December, stating their case and requesting the paper.






    In our issue of April 1st we mentioned that Brother and Sister Russell had purchased, while in Jerusalem, a lot of olive-wood articles (Napkin-rings, Egg-cups, Pen-holders and Paperweights) designed to be mementoes for TOWER readers. They could not, of course, purchase sufficient to send one to each reader, and so concluded to let the Tract Fund have the charge and benefit, and donated them to you through it. A moderate price was put upon each article, and, after paying the freight and customs duty and postage, any profit remaining will go to augment the general fund for the spread of the Truth. Thus the articles will not only be mementoes of the Holy Land and of Brother and Sister Russell's visit to it last year, but also, indirectly, gifts from them.
    Not content with this, they purchased also a quantity of Flower Cards (cards upon which some of the wild flowers and grasses of Palestine are pasted in pretty designs), and these they insist shall not be sold, but given gratis, post-paid, to TOWER subscribers, as special mementoes of their love, which may go to those unable to afford even the small price to secure the olive-wood articles; although one card goes with each order of olive-wood articles also.

    Several have sent money for extra Flower Cards, saying that they would like them for their friends; but none will be offered for sale until all the Tower readers who will accept them as love-tokens have had full opportunity to secure them. After that, if any remain, they will be supplied at ten cents each or three for 25 cents; and the proceeds, after paying postage, etc., will go to the Tract Fund. Please take notice that the Pen-holders are all gone; of the other olive-wood articles and cards we still have a supply; especially of the Napkin-rings, of which a larger quantity came than of others, they being considered very desirable. Watch Tower Tract Society.




    Murdoch's Translation of the Syriac-Peshito manuscript is sometimes inquired for.

    We can supply it in substantial half-leather binding, post paid for $2.




    A number of letters containing money have recently been lost in the mails. Do not send us money. The postoffice clerks are not all honest, although many of them are so. Thieves can feel the money in the envelope and are tempted thereby to steal. Send Bank Drafts, Money Orders or Express Orders, if you would make sure of our receiving what you send.


    Money being lost in the mail Hmmmmmmmmm

  • frankiespeakin

    July 1 1888:

    ::R1051 : page 8::


    We are in receipt of many letters asking, whether this work is of any value to English readers who have no knowledge of the Greek. We answer, Yes; it is specially designed for such: and the Diaglott, together with Young's Analytical Concordance, are worth more than a year's study of the Greek. Both should be in the hands of every Bible student; but if you cannot afford both, the Diaglott is the most valuable--indeed almost indispensable.

    Many orders come for the Diaglott from persons not subscribers to the TOWER, and for extra copies for friends from those who are subscribers. Hence, we must explain particularly, why we can supply this work to TOWER subscribers only, and to these only one copy each, at the special price $1.50. The reasons are as follows:

    Some years ago a Brother, who is a great friend to the TOWER, and a great admirer of the Emphatic Diaglott also, suggested that, Every student of God's plan, as presented in the TOWER, ought to have the aid which the Diaglott affords. The difficulty which seemed to stand in the way was, that it is of necessity an expensive work (Retail price in cloth binding $4.00, postage 16 cts. = $4.16.) and the great majority of our readers are far from wealthy, like the majority of the saints in all ages. To meet this difficulty, the Brother proposed to the TOWER PUB. CO., that, if they would be at the trouble and expense of mailing the books, he would supply one copy each to all TOWER subscribers, at a price to bring the book within the reach of all, viz. $1.50, including postage.

    This was begun when our subscription list was much smaller than now, and is still continued: New readers of either DIAGLOTT or TOWER need both. Subscribers will please save us the annoyance of refusing, and returning their money, by ordering only one copy of the Diaglott: unless your first copy has worn out,--in which case, in ordering another, mention this fact. The only way for others to get the book at this special price is to subscribe for the TOWER: and the Diaglott must be mailed direct to the subscriber and not to another person.


    Bringing in the sheaves,, were bringing in the sheaves,, we will go rejiocing bringing in the sheaves

  • frankiespeakin

    I wonder how many of these letters Chucky wrote himself:


    ::R2528 : page 239::



    ::page 239::

    DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--Many thanks for VOL. V. It is truly a wonderful book and inspired me with awe when I read it and wonder why God has permitted me to understand his wonderful plan even as well as I do. My husband is reading it every spare moment. Sister Mooney has not yet received her copy of DAWN V. and thinks her subscription paid. Please have it seen to. ISABELLA LUNHAM.-- Illinois.


    ::R2528 : page 239::

    DEAR SIR AND BROTHER:--I have just completed the first reading of VOL. V. and it is not necessary to commend it. It commends itself to every thinking mind that will weigh its arguments. There is however one position taken on page 352 in reference to `1 Thes. 4:14` that confuses me and if your position be the correct one and the sleepers referred to in `verse 15` are the same sleepers referred to in `verse 14` it would imply that the general resurrection of all the dead must take place before the glorification of those of the Church who are alive at that time. I state the matter as clearly as I can in the hope that you will point out wherein my difficulty lies.

    Yours in the hope founded on the Ransom,
    A. F. HENKELS.-- Pennsylvania.

    [REPLY.--Your favor of the 6th is at hand. I am glad to know that you have enjoyed thus far the study of DAWN VOL. V., and that it commends itself to your heart and head, except on the one point mentioned. On that point I would say:

    We must distinguish as between references to the Church and references to the world. Both classes die, both classes sleep, both classes need resurrection, yet they are different classes in every respect. In `1 Cor. 15` the apostle points out that "as by a man came death, by a man came also the resurrection of the dead." He further points out that "As all in Adam die, even so all in Christ shall be made alive," but "every man in his own order" or class. Some will be made alive in Christ now at the end of the present age as his bride and joint-heir, and will be of the first order or first resurrection: others will be made alive in Christ during the Millennial age, completed at its close as his children, and will constitute the second order or subsequent resurrection. Both orders are referred to in the same connection.

    Now in reference to the text which troubles you, `1 Thes. 4:14,15`. `Verse 14` refers to mankind in general, and `verse 15` to the Church. All mankind "sleep in Jesus" as we show on page 352 of VOL. V., and all mankind are to be awakened, but not all in the first order or first resurrection. The apostle passes from the consideration of the general fact to the consideration of the first order, the Church, which is always made most prominent throughout the New Testament

    ::R2528 : page 240::

    as most interesting to the Lord's people. Thus in `verse 15` he speaks of the last members of the Church at the close of this age, indicating that the change of the remaining members will not precede that of the same class who have already fallen asleep. That this second class refers not to the world in general who "sleep in Jesus," but to the saints, is clearly indicated in the `16th verse`, where they are spoken of as the "dead in Christ." The whole world sleeps in Jesus in the sense that Jesus bought the whole world, and is to be the quickener or lifegiver to the whole world; but only the saints are dead in Christ --members of Christ's body, the Anointed body. I trust this will make the subject more clear to you.--EDITOR.]


    MY DEAR BROTHER:--Inasmuch as it has been something more than a year since I have written you I feel at liberty to trespass upon your time for a little while now to thank you for VOL. V. of MILLENNIAL DAWN. It is, in my judgment, with the possible exception of VOL. I. the most instructive of the DAWN series yet published. I feel assured that members of the household of faith privileged to peruse its pages will with myself acknowledge having received from it a blessing and spiritual uplift.

    While my most earnest studies during the past years have been to be thoroughly clear upon the foundation stone of the gospel--the Ransom, yet in this work I have been permitted to see many new beauties of the height and depth and length and breadth of God's love through our dear Redeemer toward us as a class and the entire race as a whole. Many of the points brought out in the chapters devoted to the operations of the Spirit, as for example, "the spirit of fear," as treated on pages 213 and 214, must of necessity be exceedingly helpful, as I feel confident all true children of God have had similar tempting and discouragements.

    The short chapter upon "the spirit of a sound mind" also will be especially helpful to other dear ones who like myself are found by the truth a little lower down the scale of Christian character than the majority of professing followers of our dear Master at least appear to be. All of the company here in Philadelphia are quite hearty in their praise of the whole subject from first to last and acknowledge having received great blessings from it for which we thank our heavenly Father sincerely.

    We continue to have excellent meetings at which the spirit of our dear Master is displayed by all. The number attending and interest shown is, I think, all we could look for, inasmuch as we are so scattered.

    Hoping this may find you well and enjoying all spiritual and needful temporal blessings, with Christian love to yourself and all your household, I remain,

    Yours in the love and service of our Redeemer and King, J. WYLIE MACALLISTER.-- Pennsylvania.


    DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I have received VOL. V. of DAWN and I am reading it very carefully. I think, as do all with whom I have talked, that it is "meat in due season" and my prayer is that all may benefit by it and be able to "give a reason for the hope that is in them." There are some who have not received theirs as yet. Will you let me know when you can let me have 25 or 30 of them and the price, paper covers? There are a great many who have read the four volumes that do not subscribe for the TOWER that are anxious for it. I consider it good for those who have never read any of the other volumes. The "atonement" is a grand theme for every Christian to fully understand. Please find checks and orders. And may that peace and fellowship of Christ which prevailed at our Boston Convention remain with us forever, is the prayer of, Your Brother in Christ,
    WM. J. DAVIS.-- Massachusetts.

    [We now have DAWN VOL. V. in good supply. For prices see second page of this journal. Encourage all who manifest any interest in present truth to become WATCH TOWER subscribers. Assure them that if too poor to pay they are thoroughly welcome to its visits free upon the terms stated on page 2. Those who hope to be able to pay in the future may say so and have it continued year by year indefinitely; so long as they continue to ask for it. We desire that so far as possible the WATCH TOWER lists may represent all who are interested in the Divine plan of salvation as presented in MILLENNIAL DAWN: nevertheless we are all aware that this would increase its issues three or four fold. And this is what we desire--not for our gain but for the assistance which we believe would thus be rendered to many who need it.--EDITOR.]

    ::page 240::


    DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--It gives me pleasure to write you again. You will find report of meetings, etc., on list sheets, therefore will not say anything about them in regular letter, except that some interesting meetings have been held since I left St. Louis.

    Words would fail to express the amount of spiritual and intellectual benefit I derived from the convention. It was indeed "a feast of fat things" to me, and I think also to all the other interested friends present.

    Since the Council Bluffs Convention (held a little more than a year ago), I have met quite a few of the friends who attended it and all confessed that it was a means of great spiritual blessing to them.

    I am more and more convinced that these conventions are being greatly blessed of the Lord to the edifying of his people, and the dissemination of "harvest" truths amongst many, who will be benefited by them later. There are four results of such gatherings in which I greatly rejoice: (1) the direct benefit to the Church, by way of instruction, fellowship, etc., (2) the distribution of DAWNS, Tracts, etc., (3) the newspaper reports, many of them more or less favorable, and (4) it gives to many of the Lord's dear people, that you otherwise might not meet in the flesh, an opportunity to become personally acquainted with you.

    And this last reason, dear brother, may be of more importance than you would be willing to admit.

    With much love in the Lord, your brother and servant, FRANK DRAPER.-- Pilgrim.
    This phraise seems might reacurring in different forms:
    I feel at liberty to trespass upon your time
  • Leolaia
    Leolaia now requires you to pay a subscription (of $30 bucks) in order to see any pics of the upcoming movie. Sucks too.

  • frankiespeakin


    Your what I concider an expert at this,, so I think you can look at these letters and tell if they are writen by say one or two people,, can you give a quick glance and state an opinion???

  • Leolaia

    Well, I've found only two occurrences of the expression:

    "MY DEAR BROTHER:--Inasmuch as it has been something more than a year since I have written you I feel at liberty to trespass upon your time for a little while now to thank you for VOL. V. of MILLENNIAL DAWN." (J. WYLIE MACALLISTER.-- Pennsylvania, WT 1/11/1899)

    In this same connection I shall take the liberty to trespass upon your valuable time, dear Pastor, in presenting to you another question, of less import perhaps, but of great interest, closely related to the one mentioned above. (L. JOSEPH LARSEN. -- Wisconsin, WT 10/1/1908)

    No, I do not think this can constitute evidence of both being written by a single hand. "Trespass upon one's time" is an expression that occurred quite a bit in English (cf. the entry in Webster's dictionary for "trespass" which mentions "to trespass upon the time or patience of another"), same goes with "taking the liberty". I think you would need a cluster of several rare expressions between two texts to support a claim that they are from the same hand, and yet this would not be enough to prove your case. After all, as we know from our collective experience with dub-speak, the use of certain marked expressions may be distributed throughout a particular social group.

  • frankiespeakin


    Thanks. I'm not interest so much in the same exact wording as in the thought of humble indulgance being express, because I have noticed it frequently in other so called letter from readers.

    I just noticed that all these leters have a similar glowing admiration for the writting of CT Russell. It has the feel of manipulation thru self promotion disquised as reader praise.

  • Kenneson


    Why would these people have to be made up by Russell? Goodness knows there were many people around the country who read and approved of his writings. One name I recognize in those letters is Frank Draper. He was very much a real person, a representative of the Watch Tower Society. I have in my possession a copy of an article that appeared in the Jacksonville, Florida Times Union (Feb. 6, 1905) with this headline "Second Adventist. Discourse on the World's Judgment Day by F. Draper. Different Conception of Future Punishments and the Time They Begin." I fail to see why the others weren't real people as well. Just about every issue of the W.T. has letters from readers. Too many to make up.

  • frankiespeakin


    The reason I feel this way is because these letters are carefully crafted to do something in this case sell books.

    I realize that perhaps he may have lots of letters to choose from and chose the ones that fit with what he is trying to sell but it has the feel when I read it that it is all the same person.

  • frankiespeakin

    See here is what I mean from 8/1/ 1897 They all sound fake and or at least doctored,,they all for the most part start off glowing in a very similar manner:

    Michigan. DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--Allow me to address you a few lines concerning the effect of your work, the I., II. and III. volumes of MILLENNIAL DAWN, upon me. It found me through a friend in a creed bed. And reading and examining it I found the bed too short. I was acting as superintendent of a Sunday School at the time, and I resigned and withdrew from the Evangelical Association; not without a church meeting, however.

    I was able to get a great deal of truth before them, and the minister, having more knowledge of the Scriptures than the rest, and I having given him my reason for withdrawing before the meeting, confessed to the truth privately, but simply said he would have to defend the discipline or he could not preach. He lacked a love and appreciation of the truth. He could not condemn and did not do so, but by his silence allowed the members to condemn the truth.

    This step cost me the friendship of all my neighbors for a time, but they have shown every respect since, tho the minister keeps them so guarded that I cannot get them to read MILLENNIAL DAWN and examine the truth for themselves.

    I am so thankful to God for his great mercy to me in revealing this truth to me. Oh! I desire strength to fight the good fight of faith to the end. I pray God to be with you in his might in strengthening you in spreading the truth, and may the Lord reward you for your good work, as no one else is able to bless. Pray for me. Yours in Christ, L. L. PARNEY.



    DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I take the liberty of writing to thank you for your very clear, forcible, logical, convincing and satisfactory presentation of the truth in your three volumes of MILLENNIAL DAWN. Altho I have been acquainted with the Word of God from childhood, I never knew so much of my heavenly Father's glorious provision for our fallen race as I have learned since reading your valuable works. While I am surprised and ashamed that for so many years I knew nothing of what is so clearly pointed out in God's Word, I feel very thankful that at eventide it is light. Praise the Lord for clearly revealing his glorious purposes, which till lately were hidden from me. I long to tell others the blessed tidings that gladden my heart. Glory to God, my Savior is here; Christ, the divine Bridegroom is present.

    Since I have seen something of the Millennial Dawn, I have been trying to point others to its glorious light. I have conversed about it whenever I had an opportunity, and lent DAWNS to any who were willing to read them. Last May I publicly left the Methodist church of which I had been a member from my youth. All our family were members of that church, but two of them have left because they are believers in the great truths you teach. Our youngest son, who lives at M., left before I did. He is very diligent and earnest in his efforts to spread the light.

    The people here are strongly prejudiced against what they think are new doctrines. One of them told me he wanted to die in the same faith as his fathers. I told him that if all his forefathers had been of his opinion they would have been Roman Catholics, and farther back they were heathen. One man to whom I lent the DAWNS acknowledged that no one could disprove them, but said that it was hard to give up opinions that had been instilled into the mind in childhood. Some are so prejudiced that they will not read the books at all. We never tire of reading them and the TOWERS over and over again.

    My husband joins with me in kind regards to yourself and Sister Russell. May the Lord bless you abundantly in your great work. Your Sister in Christ,



    DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I bless God for the MILLENNIAL DAWN, for it has removed all doubts and fears and revealed to me the perfect plan of God for the redemption of man, and I have since reading it made a personal acquaintance with my Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, and he is now ruling supreme in my heart, and I am looking for his coming [the full establishment of his Kingdom?] when I shall see him as he is and be like him. O, bless the Lord all my soul!

    I was groping in darkness, but I was seeking after truth, and hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and bless God he has filled me and given me the Comforter, who he has promised shall abide with me forever.

    I will tell you how the DAWN happened to fall into my hands. One day in looking over the books in the Public Library, under the head of Religion, I saw this book, and in scanning its pages I thought it was just what I wanted, so I took it home and read it on three different occasions, and it has been a great blessing to me; and not only to me, but I showed it to a friend of mine who had almost fallen into infidelity, and was attending meetings of a club which is composed of Anarchists, Communists and Socialists, and proffered to believe in their teachings; but praise God, he is now interested in the truth, and my prayer is that the Lord will manifest himself to him that he may make a personal acquaintance with Him and accept the ransom provided for all who will accept its benefits.

    Yours in Christ, CHARLES PETERSON.

    The more I look at his early writting especially his advertizment the more I think snake oil salesman.

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