If you have a little secret, be wary of...

by observador 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • observador

    the Internet, of course.

    I was reading this and immediately tought about the WT Society. The Internet ranks #1 in a list of technologies that revolutionized the way we live, and look what they say about it.

    1. The Internet. This one seems like a no-brainer, but the Net?s unique strength is that no two people will agree on why it?s so important. The world?s largest and most unruly library, it?s also a global news channel, social club, research archive, shopping service, town hall, and multimedia kiosk. Add to that the most affordable mass medium ever, and a curse to anyone with a secret to keep. Three-fifths of Americans now use the Net, but it remains to be seen whether the connections to one another will transform us, or prove that we?ll never change.

    Watchtower, be very very afraid.


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