The stupidity of it all

by l3gi0n 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • l3gi0n

    Sorry elsewhere, but I bought my wife diamonds.. and even knowing where they come from she wants more..

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    manufactured diamonds, according to WIRED will soon be around $5 a carat, and the makers will use the inflated prices invented by debeers as long as they can get away with it.

  • Leolaia

    I'm glad I don't care a rat's ass for diamonds.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    In our country there were/are people who lived in beautiful places where their parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents, great-great ........and so on and back and into the past for more than forty thousand years and years.

    Anyway, our relatives came and saw what they had, murdered many, wanted what they had, gave them disease, drove them off, killed and herded them up, told them who God really was or else (and they already had the 'or else'), and after that we put them down as stupid, and weak (loving life, they just didn't have the heart or methodology to kill us all).

    So now we pay the sons of the murderers to have their precious lands, but what really matters is when we dress well to see God at all the weekend christian gatherings where the other really good folk are.

    It is well known that in modern society many people who are treated for depression are simply those who know truth, and the depression is a natural phase of grief that others or even peers are dead to this - ie. refuse to be true (some would say alive in a like world). But there are many people in their lives - they just haven't met them.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    If you *really* think about it, diamonds are nothing but a clear, shiny rock. Rubies, emeralds, amethysts and opals are much prettier with all the color, if you ask me.

    Country Girl

    P.S. Oh.. and pearls are pretty nice, too.

  • shamus
    It is well known that in modern society many people who are treated for depression are simply those who know truth, and the depression is a natural phase of grief for death.

    So you're saying that I suffer from depression because I know that I am going to die one day. So thinking about dying one day makes one feel suicidal.

    You're wrong, wrong wrong. If these sources are well know, then please do elaborate. More common myths of depression rise up. My father tells me to snap out of it.

  • DanTheMan
    manufactured diamonds, according to WIRED will soon be around $5 a carat, and the makers will use the inflated prices invented by debeers as long as they can get away with it.

    I saw that article. Usually Wired is way too smart a mag for this dumb midwesterner, but I really enjoyed this particular feature. I hope it's the end of blood diamonds and the Debeers cartel. here's a link:

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    So you're saying that I suffer from depression because I know that I am going to die one day. So thinking about dying one day makes one feel suicidal.

    No, that's not what I'm saying - sorry, I'll edit it.

    I'm saying that it's a grief for seeing what is true, and those surrounding you are dead to it.

  • Balsam

    A Paduan,

    I love your comment: It is well known that in modern society many people who are treated for depression are simply those who know truth, and the depression is a natural phase of grief that others or even peers are dead to this - ie. refuse to be true (some would say alive in a like world). But there are many people in their lives - they just haven't met them.

    I too have seen that, man's inhumanity to man never stops. God has nothing to do with it. I've come to feel as most Deist feel. He might have put us here but has little concern for the ills of human society.


  • NewSense

    l3gion - You speak of children working in "sweet" shops. Are you talking about kids working in candy stores? Or do you mean *sweat* shops?

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