JW golfs to win $ need scriptural advice

by Beans 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beans

    Well a JW at my work is taking a day off work to play in a golf tournament to win money. He has to pay $60 to enter and can win up to $2500.

    Now I said that is really like gambling and he said he checked it out and it wa OK, so I asked if he had asked an elder and he said he looked on the disk.

    So I need any info from the bible and publications that will prove him wrong so I can council him next week!



  • Nosferatu

    Here ya go, Beans!

    g81 7/22 25-27

    BALANCE IS THE KEY TO VICTORY. Sports, such as gymnastics, teach us the need for balance.

    It should be remembered, however, that sports can also do us a disservice. They can make us too competitive, determined to win at any cost. The more violent contact sports can brutalize the participants. It would also be unwise to devote excessive time or energy to sports. They are not the best way to learn these important lessons for life-they only illustrate the principles.

    w76 5/15 291-295

    This was the experience of a girl who had become a champion discus thrower. She relates: "Every day I would be at the stadium for training. Rain or wind would not stop me. My goal was to win the Italian record for my sport." But, then, as she studied the Bible, this girl realized that involvement with competitive sports could hinder her from cultivating the right Christian spirit. So she decided to quit sports and eventually, as she herself wrote, "was baptized in Rome at the same stadium where I used to be honored for my sports performances."

    Another who began to look at his life differently was the owner of a gymnasium where judo and karate were taught. After studying the Bible, his conscience moved him to view training for violence in a different light. He decided to sever his connections with these "martial arts." Having acted in harmony with his conscience, he takes delight in acquainting others with the Christian message of peace.

    w75 8/15 499-504

    16 The apostle Paul, in giving directions to the young overseer Timothy, stated: "Be training yourself with godly devotion as your aim. For bodily training is beneficial for a little; but godly devotion is beneficial for all things, as it holds promise of the life now and that which is to come." (1 Tim. 4:7, 8) Thus the apostle Paul recognized that bodily training can be of benefit to the body, but it must be kept in its subordinate place in relation to the primary aim of godly devotion. In moderation, sports can provide wholesome association, entertainment and physical exercise, which is good for both the body and the mind, but overindulgence in such pleasure can rob one of necessary sleep or rest. This would not be wise. We can begin to take sports too seriously and get involved too strenuously. Serious injuries can result. Sports can develop the spirit of competition. The balanced Christian, however, avoids a competitive spirit that leads to taking pride in beating others in games. (Gal. 5:26) Moderation is necessary in order to conserve one's energy as well as time for the primary things relating to godly devotion. The Bible counsels: "Let your reasonableness become known to all men." (Phil. 4:5) Jesus warned against letting the "pleasures of this life" choke out the "word of God" that is planted in the heart.-Luke 8:11, 14.

    g89 11/8 8-11

    In fact, the use of drugs and other illegal therapies to gain, unfairly, the competitive edge plagues many sports in all countries. Each country wants to surpass the others, so no one wants to stop giving drugs to athletes. In a timely way, the European Parliament pointed out that "the ambitious expectations and frequent sporting events keep an athlete under such pressure as to increase the temptation to make use of more or less legal means of maintaining good physical and psychological form. The temptation is also made greater by the fact that sports trainers have few scruples." Doping is even practiced on young boys.

    g86 11/8 14-18

    The apostle Paul also counsels us: "Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another." (Galatians 5:26) While there is nothing necessarily wrong with Christians' engaging in sports activities in moderation, we should guard against the competitive win-at-all-costs spirit so evident in professional sports. Fierce competition can lead to violence.-Philippians 4:5.

    km 8/98 5-6

    5. The text at Galatians 5:26 rules out all competitive sports and games for true Christians. [Weekly Bible reading; see g95 12/8 p. 15 par. 8.] False. The Bible condemns, not all competition, but competition that stirs up vanity, rivalry, greed, envy, or violence.

    w85 9/15 13

    Although nationalism may spur many sports fans to violence, true Christians are neutral, peace-loving advocates of God's Kingdom. Moreover, they avoid getting caught up in the worldly competitive spirit.-John 17:16; Romans 12:18; Galatians 5:26.

    g76 2/8 27-28 (Will Everlasting Life be boring?)

    Yes, just as we never tire of eating, so mankind will never get tired of learning new things, acquiring new skills. There will be time daily for such things. Mankind will have ample time to exercise both mind and body. With commercialized, competitive sports a thing of the past, no doubt there will be more healthful ways of expending energy, such as in community games, in hiking, in swimming. Lovers of music will learn to play expertly the grandest of music, that will then be composed, on all the variety of instruments that perfect men will no doubt invent.

    w70 6/15 355-356

    What, then, about playing games? In this case much depends on the spirit that the players show. Are they trying to stir up competition? Or are they simply having a good time playing? Since it is easy to stir up the spirit of competition in games and sports, some may desire to look for ways to play games that eliminate or minimize the element of competition.

    Noting the competitive spirit that dominates worldly organized sports, many persons on learning Christian principles have refused to share in them. They no longer want to be infected by the unchristian spirit of competition. This is the desire of natives who recently learned Bible truths on the Pacific island of Ponape. A representative writes: "The group here has dropped the fierce interdistrict pride, which is particularly apparent during . . . interdistrict athletic events."

    It is wise for Christians to examine their attitudes and motives. Have you been infected by the world's fiercely competitive spirit? Do you call forth or challenge persons? Have you the desire to show that you are better? Be honest with yourself, and do your utmost to heed the Bible encouragement: "Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another."-Gal. 5:26.

    g70 12/22 8-11

    What a joy! When I got home to report my success, father clapped his hands with gladness. Tears welled up in his eyes. He had always worried about our future, but now this son of his had made a success of golf. Family, relatives, friends, all came by to congratulate me. It seemed that my happiness was at its zenith.

    But at this point my Bible studies were finally penetrating my heart, challenging my way of life. I began to realize that the road that Jehovah outlined for man to follow was exactly opposite to the one I was trying to follow. God's Word counsels that we should be satisfied with "sustenance and covering" and that "the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things." (1 Tim. 6:6-10) The Bible tells us to serve God, but I was looking for fame, for people to look up to me.

    Here the Bible was saying that we should not become like people of this world, and was I not doing the very opposite? The world of pro golf was full of betting and competition. Failure at a shot meant anger; failure of an opponent brought relief and joy. Is this not an ugly way of looking at things? The road I was walking was just as opposed to God and the Bible as evolution is to creation.

    There could be no compromise. I must choose one course and reject the other. But, reject pro golf? How could I ever do it? And God's truth? I could not give that up either. But God's way offered the reward of everlasting life, and I did want life. Compared to God's precious Word of truth, pro golf should have been no problem. But at this point pro golf was only half removed from my heart. I decided to decrease my time and effort devoted to golf and increase my time and effort at studying the Bible.

    From that time on, it seemed that my viewpoint continued to undergo a change day by day, week by week. It seemed that Jehovah's spirit resulting from my increased study was directing matters. Though I still liked golf, it was no longer a way of life for me. Association with the Witnesses at a circuit assembly in March 1968 made an impression on me that I cannot put into words. But so powerful was it that I put through a phone call from the assembly auditorium to the golf club and announced that I was quitting pro golf. The following month I sought new employment, and was able now to attend all meetings of the Witnesses. At these meetings one can really strengthen one's faith and have much pleasurable enjoyment. I should have started sooner.

    Of course, quitting professional golf seemed, for some reasons, no easier than getting into it, from my experience. Father again opposed me, and he had good reason to be upset. I had quit university over his objections, and now within six months of achieving pro-golfer status I was quitting that too. How frustrating it must have been for him. He has tried to be a good father, that I must admit. But now I am again bringing him worry and heartache. What keeps me going is the hope that this situation is only temporary, for I pray that by my maintaining faithfulness to God and his precious truth my parents may yet learn the way to life also and have everlasting joy with me.

    Right now I am enjoying the privilege of being a full-time minister, as one of Jehovah's witnesses, spending at least 150 hours each month in the ministry, seeking to share with others the rich and satisfying truths of the Bible and its message of hope for all peoples. During the past two years I have been free of the feeling of frustration that often assailed me in the golfing profession. I have come to know that there is no greater satisfaction or joy than for man, made in the image of God, to use his life in harmony with the will of God. I wish that more men and women and youths could appreciate that truth!

    g80 11/8 16-19

    Those with desk jobs and drivers are encouraged to do at least five minutes of vigorous exercise, until they work up a sweat, both morning and evening, and to use their day off, not to sit in front of the TV, but to get out and walk. Engaging in a sport like golf or tennis as often as possible is suggested as ideal. Also, taking a few minutes daily to jog near home would fill the bill. Jehovah's Witnesses who regularly make house-to-house calls in their work of Bible education get good exercise in that way.

  • 1914

    Donate some to WTBS. No further discussion needed.

  • 4JWY

    If he plays well enough to win money - he is definitely too involved with his game! (WTS view- that's what my son was told)

    If putting a couple bucks into the fishing jackpot is wrong - cash goes to the one with the biggest catch - then I'm sure they would view paying to put the balls in the hole in the same "light".

  • blondie

    *** g94 8/8 p. 15 Is Gambling for Christians? ***

    What if a person is offered a free lottery ticket or free money to use for gambling? In either case, accepting such an offer would still be supporting a gambling operation?an operation out of harmony with godly principles.

    *** w93 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***


    Christians do not wager money, may they accept tickets or participate in drawings in which they may win prizes?

    This is a question that has arisen from time to time, so it has already been addressed in our publications. In some languages, we have made available indexes of our literature, such as the Watch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985 (and a similar one covering 1986-1990). If a Christian has such indexes in his language, these can prove very useful in locating satisfying answers quickly.

    The question asked above is an example. Looking in the Index for 1930-1985 under the heading "Questions From Readers," one finds the subheading "?drawings,? may Christian accept ticket for?" The reader is referred to the section "Questions From Readers" in The Watchtower of February 15, 1973, page 127. Many Witnesses have the bound volume (or individual issues) of The Watchtower for 1973, or it may be consulted in the library of many Kingdom Halls.

    The discussion published in 1973 pointed out that Christians rightly avoid any sweepstakes or drawings that involve buying chances (such as raffle tickets) or putting up money for a chance to win some prize. Simply put, we avoid gambling, which certainly is an expression of greediness.?1 Corinthians 5:11; 6:10; Ephesians 4:19; 5:3, 5.

    A store or a business, though, may use drawings as a means of advertising. All a person has to do is submit his name or send in a form or a ticket, without buying anything. The drawing is part of the advertising scheme; it is designed to be an impartial method of deciding who will be given the prize or prizes. Certain Christians might feel that they could accept the prize in a drawing that did not involve gambling, just as they could accept free samples or other presents that a business or a store might use in its advertising program.

    However, some Christians would shun anything of this sort, not wanting to stumble or confuse others and also seeking to keep far from any enticement to trust so-called Lady Luck. As Isaiah 65:11 shows, God?s servants do not link themselves with "the god of Good Luck" or "the god of Destiny." They may also feel that they would not want to be part of any publicity that winners might be required to share in. Those who feel this way should certainly not be critical of a Christian or Christians whose conscience allows them to be involved in such drawings.?Compare Romans 14:1-4.


    The same material is indexed under the headings "Advertising," "Business," and "Gambling," so the versatility of the Index helps one to locate the information.


    w02 11/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers


    it wrong to bet if only small amounts of money are involved?

    God?s Word does not discuss gambling in detail, but it does say enough to show that all gambling is incompatible with Bible principles. For instance, it is widely acknowledged that gambling incites greed. That fact alone is an important consideration for Christians, since the Bible states that "greedy persons" will not inherit God?s Kingdom and classes covetousness with idolatry.?1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; Colossians 3:5.

    Gambling also incites egotism and an unhealthy competitive spirit, a strong desire to win. The apostle Paul warned against such things when he wrote: "Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another." (Galatians 5:26) Further, gambling encourages in some a superstitious reliance on good luck. Gamblers develop all kinds of superstitions, hoping to influence luck in their favor. They remind us of the unfaithful Israelites who were "setting in order a table for the god of Good Luck and those filling up mixed wine for the god of Destiny."?Isaiah 65:11.

    Some might reason that betting small amounts of money while playing a friendly card or board game with relatives or close friends is no more than innocent entertainment. True, someone who bets a small amount of money may not view himself as greedy, egotistical, competitive, or superstitious. Still, what effect could his gambling have on the ones he is gambling with? Many compulsive gamblers began by making petty bets ?just for fun.? (Luke 16:10) A seemingly innocent diversion turned out to be something far more sinister in their case.

    That is especially true where children are concerned. Many children have felt the excitement of winning a small bet and have been tempted to go for larger sums. (1 Timothy 6:10) A long-term study published in the United States by the Arizona Council on Compulsive Gambling confirms that many gambling addicts began at an early age "by placing small bets on sporting events or playing cards with friends or relatives." Another report says that "children start gambling at home, usually at card games with family and friends." The report adds that "thirty percent of children who gambled started doing so before their eleventh birthday." Many teenage gamblers finance their addiction with crime or immorality, according to the study Why Do People Gamble Too Much?Pathological and Problem Gambling. What a tragic consequence of something that may have seemed at first to be harmless!

    Since we are living in a world that already has too many snares and temptations, why unnecessarily expose ourselves to yet another? (Proverbs 27:12) Gambling?with or without children present, for small or for large sums?endangers spirituality and should be avoided. Christians who enjoy board or card games as recreation would be better advised to keep a penciled score or to play the game simply for fun without keeping score . Wise Christians who care about their own spirituality as well as that of their friends and family avoid the practice of gambling?even for small sums of money.


    The World Book Encyclopedia defines gambling as "betting on the outcome of a game, event, or chance happening."
    It further states that "gamblers or players usually bet money on . . . such games of chance as lotteries, card games, and dice."
  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    Personally, I dont think he is really doing anything wrong. Some places require registration fees. The reward for winning is not a gamble of chance but of skill. What about those Williams sisters that play tennis. I am sure they dont play Wimbleton for free do they. I imagine a registration fee is required. Those girls are JWs right?

    One of the things that I have come to terms with is although the Borg has offered suggestions or even stern recommendations through the years on certain matters it was our over-bearing mentor's conscience that enforced the rules.

    I dont think there is anything wrong with gambling unless a person becomes so hooked that they put their family's needs on the line. Hey i slammed 5 bucks on the 290 mil lottery 2 weeks ago. I dont play all the time, but when the pot gets that big, who can resist? Can I get DFed for that? That would be lame if I could.

  • Beans

    Thanks alot!

    What reference is the ie: g86 11/8 14-18 from?


  • Nosferatu

    "g" is the abbreviation for Awake! 11/8 is November 8 issue. 14-18 is the pages.

  • Beans


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    Leave the poor guy alone. This may be a step toward his awakening from the WTBTS' grip.


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