Court Ruling...SMART

by Yerusalyim 7 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim

    Well, the ultra intelligent Palestinian Terrorists took any good will the Palestinians might have gotten from the (meaningless) ruling by the World Court that Wall the Israelis are building is illegal by blowing up another Israeli Bus...thus proving the need for the wall.

    Israel rejected the authority of the world court when this whole thing started, sending as their only piece of evidence a bus which had been blown up by a Palestinian Terrorist.

    More meaningful was the Israeli supreme court ruling that about 25 miles of the wall had to be torn down and re-routed...this will happen.

  • Simon

    Doesn't it equally prove how useless and devisive the wall is?

    Do you agree that the Israelis blow any "good will" and show what they really think of peace each time they shoot dead some Palestinian child? (or, as recently, shoot at a British MP on a fact-finding mission!!)

  • Yerusalyim
    Doesn't it equally prove how useless and devisive the wall is? Actually, this is the first one the Palis have been able to pull off since March...though they've been trying...once the wall is finished, it will almost completely stop this...for instance...Gaza is completely cordoned off, there hasn't been a suicide bomber from there in years.

    Do you agree that the Israelis blow any "good will" Where have they ever received any "good will" surely not in europe. and show what they really think of peace each time they shoot dead some Palestinian child? Generally speaking, they quickly apologize for those instances...when have the terrorists apologized for killing Israeli kids. (or, as recently, shoot at a British MP on a fact-finding mission!!) Didn't hear about that...I suspect the MP was somewhere he shouldn't have went.

    Another fine example of Europes growing anti-Semitism is the woman beaten on a train while an entire train load of people looked on...the assaulters and the passengers thought she was Jewish...turns out she wasn't.

  • Richie

    There's a great deal of talk about the "Wall". The UN hates it. The EU thinks it's a barrier to Peace. The Americans have shown their reluctant displeasure with it. And the Palestinians absolutely despise it. So far so good.

    There is little concern for the millions of Israelis who've lost friends and loved-ones at the hands of Palestinian and other Arab terrorists. Especially after the Oslo Peace Talks collapsed in 2000 at Camp David, because Arafat wouldn't say yes to Peace.

    I think it's fair to say that it is quite humiliating for Jewish Israelis to be seen as body parts strewn along sidewalks and streets? Or to have Jewish Israeli flesh and blood scraped off walls, ceilings, floors and windows after being blown up by Palestinian suicide murderers?
    Don't you think for a moment that it's a hardship for Israelis who have to fear 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, that some Palestinian murderer is going to end their lives, or maim them, or do the same to someone they care about?

    The "Wall" kills no one. The "Wall" harms no one. The "Wall" is a defacto barrier and possible future border between Palestinians who want to murder and terrorize Jews. And the Jews who don't want to be terrorized, murdered and maimed. That's what the "Wall" is.

    I have heard this "Wall" referred to as the Berlin Wall and the Apartheid Wall. Nothing could be further from the truth. Apartheid was the White South African policy of using Black Africans for cheap labor, and then not allowing them to live an equal life in their own country. The Blacks were banished to Townships. In this case, the Israelis are telling the Palestinians that they don't necessarily want them leaving their territories to come into Israel.

    If this "Wall" is akin to Apartheid, then so is the US/Mexico "Wall", and the US/Canadian border. Both of which exist exclusively to control who gets into the USA, and who does not. How do these US barriers differ from Israel's "Wall"? Mexicans and Canadians are not trying to enter the USA to terrorize and murder innocent Americans. Yet the USA maintains a Wall between themselves and their peaceful neighbors nonetheless.

    The other contention that this "Wall" is like the Berlin Wall is also a specious argument. The Berlin Wall was created to keep people in, like caged animals. Israel's "Wall", is to keep people out. Quite a difference don't you think? Comparing Israel's "Wall" to Apartheid and the Berlin Wall is nothing more than a psychologically dishonest equivalence; very much like the Arab and anti-Semites' use of the Swastika as an equivalent to the Star of David.

    The Palestinians and Israel's Arab neighbors have had more than ample opportunities to make Peace with the Jewish State, and to create a separate sovereign homeland for the Palestinian people. But; regardless of whatever Israel has offered and brought to the Peace Table, including the 2000 Ehud Barak, Camp David agreement with President Bill Clinton and Yasser Arafat, it seems never to be enough.
    The Palestinians and other Arabs turned down the Balfour Declaration in 1917, the Peel Commission in 1937, the UN Resolution to create a Two State Solution in 1948, the Oslo Accord in 1993, and now the Road Map to Peace in 2003.

    And for those who've tried to make Peace:

    On July 20, 1951, King Abdullah of Jordan was assassinated by Palestinians while visiting the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. They killed him out of fear that he was about to enter into a Peace Treaty with Israel.

    On October 6, 1981, President Anwar al-Sadat was murdered by members of the Moslem Brotherhood while attending a military parade. He was assassinated for making Peace with Israel in 1979.

    It takes an idiot to repeatedly bang his head against a brick wall in the belief that if he bangs his head ad infinitum, the brick wall will give before his head breaks. This has been the bitter experience of the Israelis, banging their heads against the Palestinian/Arab/UN/EU brick wall without so much as making a dent. Some Israelis finally got the message that this brick wall is not going to give. So what's the solution?

    The Israeli "Wall" is the near final admission by Israel, that they have run out of options with the Palestinians, and they have come to the final conclusion that they can no longer bang their heads against the Palestinian/Arab brick wall.

    So many people wrongly focussed on the financial suffering, inconvenience and humiliation the "Wall" is causing some Palestinians. But they didn't deal with the true reason for the "Wall", and its success in stopping Palestinian murderers from doing their evil deeds in Israel. They also didn't focus on Ariel Sharon's offer to the Palestinians: "Stop the violence, return to the ?Road Map For Peace' which the Palestinians had agreed to in writing, and Israel will stop building the "Wall". This is quite an important offer to ignore. No?

    What the world also failed to comprehend was the Gaza "Wall" created by Israel. Since Israel built a "Wall" around Gaza, not one murderer of Israeli Jews successfully entered Israel from Gaza to do their evil deed. Not one!

    In a near perfect world where your neighbors don't try to murder you and your family, or blow up your home, having a "Wall" to separate you from them is not necessary, and perhaps even unfriendly. But this is not a near perfect world. And in the Middle East amongst the Arabs, it is just about as imperfect as one can imagine.

    Richie :*)

  • Richie

    The Palestinians are an incredible people. Since 1967, they've been screaming to all who will listen that the Israelis have to leave Gaza. And now that the Israelis have announced they will leave; the sooner the better, the Palestinians are screaming that the Israelis can't leave without negotiations. What's to negotiate? The Palestinians want the Israelis out. The Israelis are leaving. They seem to have a real problem making up their mind.

    Here's an even better example of Palestinian double-speak: The Palestinians have embraced murder and murderers as a form of hero-worship. In America, there's an American Idol title reserved for the man or woman who is the most entertaining singer. Amongst the Palestinians; the position of Palestinian Idol is reserved for all suicide murderers. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for everyone else, the winners never get a chance to repeat or further their careers. (And that is always a "good" thing: they get killed, good riddance)

    Nonetheless; Palestinian school children are taught the names of the dead murderers as Martyrs. School properties, parks, and playgrounds are named after the murderers. And children play and trade with Martyr-cards containing the photos, names and resumes of the murderers, just like North American kids trade in sport-cards. And just like many North American kids who go to summer camp to learn how to swim, hike, carve, and get along with their peers, Palestinian kids go to camp to learn how to hate Jews, Americans and train for Jihad. None of what I've just written is a secret. It is openly, and proudly publicized by the Palestinian Authority and their controlled media.

    A retired Israeli military officer just opened a small museum outside Tel Aviv to show the history and effects of Palestinian murder since the Intifada began in the year 2000, after Arafat walked away from the best peace offer the Palestinians could have ever hoped for. In this museum are exhibits of Palestinian suicide bombings (murders) of various flavors. There are photos of the carnage. And there are documents which were seized by Israeli military raiders that tie the Palestinian Authority (Arafat) directly to the terrorism which has murdered and maimed thousands of Israeli Jews. There is absolutely nothing there that is untrue or embellished. It simply tells it like it is. But that's too much for the Palestinians.

    Saeb Erekat, one of the more prominent Palestinian mouthpieces is very upset with the museum. He thinks that it is an Israeli provocation, and not helpful to building trust between the two sides. To him: It will only create further animosity and hard-feelings. Erekat never said that the exhibit was not accurate. He just doesn't like to see the true face of his people exhibited in public. This I can understand.

    If my leaders and populace were blood-thirsty murderers who applauded and hero-worshiped acts of terrorism, I too would like to keep that away from public scrutiny. Who wouldn't? But regardless of what Saeb Erekat wants or doesn't want: What is - Is.

    The Palestinian leadership and most of its population have behaved like despicable savages. The museum only shows their true history. Nothing bothers cockroaches as much as a bright light. If Erekat and his Palestinian buddies don't like the truth; then change what makes it so. Otherwise, suffer the consequences.

    In the meantime; there should be more museums the likes of the one created near Tel Aviv. Maybe the Europeans and the UN need a museum for them to have a good look at how they behave too. Does the oil-for food scandal ring a bell among other things?

    Richie :*)

  • Richie

    Israel's Right to Self-Defense

    By Alan M. Dershowitz The Jerusalem Post | July 12, 2004

    The Israeli government has both a legal and a moral obligation to comply with the Israeli Supreme Court's decision regarding the security fence.

    After all, the Supreme Court is a creation of the Knesset and is therefore representative of all of the people -- Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike. Moreover, the Supreme Court has a real stake in both sides of the fence dispute. Its job is to balance the security needs of its citizens against the humanitarian concerns of West Bank Palestinians. It tried to strike that balance by upholding the concept of a security fence while insisting that the Israeli military authorities give due weight to the needs of the Palestinians, even if that requires some compromise on the security of Israelis.

    Contrast this with the questionable status of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. No Israeli judge may serve on that court as a permanent member, while sworn enemies of Israel serve among its judges, several of whom represent countries that do not abide by the rule of law.

    Virtually every democracy voted against that court's taking jurisdiction over the fence case, while nearly every country that voted to take jurisdiction was a tyranny. Israel owes the International Court absolutely no deference. It is under neither a moral nor a legal obligation to give any weight to its predetermined decision.
    By showing its preference for Palestinian property rights over the lives of Jews, the International Court displayed its bigotry.
    The Supreme Court of Israel recognized the unquestionable reality that the security fence has saved numerous lives and promises to save more, but it also recognized that this benefit must be weighed against the material disadvantages to West Bank Palestinians. The International Court, on the other hand, discounted the saving of lives and focused only on the Palestinian interests.

    The International Court of Justice is much like a Mississippi court in the 1930s. The all-white Mississippi court, which excluded blacks from serving on it, could do justice in disputes between whites, but it was incapable of doing justice in cases between a white and a black. It would always favor white litigants. So, too, the International Court. It is perfectly capable of resolving disputes between Sweden and Norway, but it is incapable of doing justice where Israel is involved, because Israel is the excluded black when it comes to that court -- indeed when it comes to most United Nations organs.

    A judicial decision can have no legitimacy when rendered against a nation that is willfully excluded from the court's membership by bigotry.

    Just as the world should have disregarded any decision against blacks rendered by a Mississippi court in the 1930s, so too should all decent people contemptuously disregard the bigoted decisions of the International Court of Justice when it comes to Israel. To give any credence to the decisions of that court is to legitimize bigotry.

    The International Court of Justice should be a court of last resort to which aggrieved litigants can appeal when their own country's domestic courts are closed to them. The Israeli Supreme Court is not only open to all Israeli Arabs, but also to all West Bank and Gaza Arabs. Israel's Supreme Court is the only court in the Middle East where an Arab can actually win a case against his government.

    The decision of the International Court of Justice against Israel should harm the reputation of that court in the minds of objective observers rather than damage the credibility of Israel. The Israeli government will comply with the rule of law by following the decision of its own Supreme Court.

    If the International Court of Justice were itself to apply the rule of law instead of the calculus of politics, it might deserve respect.

    Now -- like the general assembly of which it's a creation and the Mississippi courts of the 1930s of which it's a clone -- all it deserves is the contempt of decent people for its bigoted processes and its predetermined partisan result.
    Prof. Dershowitz wrote this article the day before the International Court rendered this opinion because he was certain -- based on the composition of the court -- that its verdict would be against Israel. Following the decision he did not have to change a single word.

  • logical

    Am I the only one who find this entire thing CHILDISH? Its the sort of shit that goes on in kids playgrounds and stuff.... these sad freaks need to grow the hell up.

  • Yerusalyim


    Which ones need to grow up...the ones building the wall, or the ones killing babies on purpose?

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