Feild service just became totally optional. July 1 watchtower 2004.

by XQsThaiPoes 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    "today we likewise do not use fear or simular negative emotions, such as shame, to coerce others into obeying christ. Only whole souled obedience based on love for god and christ makes jehovahs heart rejoyce."

    So if you feel half-a* about door knocking stay home.

  • Gopher

    What they publish in the Watchtower is just trying to persuade some people that their ministry appeals to people in a LOVING way.

    What they publish in the "Our Kingdom Ministry" and say at service meetings and assemblies and such is quite different. They DO want to instill fear of the future and fear of Jehovah (Armageddon!!) to motivate people to urgent action, to come to God's only true organization.

    Of course, any "ministry" (religious or otherwise) to be effective, must come from the heart. But to a JW, you're not a "Witness" unless you go out and witness.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Part of being a witness is being an observant innocent bystander

  • Elsewhere
    to coerce others into obeying christ.

    That's right... don't use guilt to tell people they are disobeying christ.

  • Badger

    This is great, XQ...I'm using this henceforth...very Lutheran.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    EW tell a jew a buddist or muslim they a disobeying the christ. Not so bad eh?

  • outbutnotdown

    They don't coerce them with negative emotions, etc.? That's weird!!!!!! I could swear that after reading that quote, I felt coerced into believing that for me to be acceptable in Jehoober's eyes, I would have to be whole-souled in my devotion to their organization, which has always been and still is based on how many hours you put in brain-washing teaching others.

    When an organization's whole premise is that they are chosen by God, they can be nothing other than be coercive. (IMHO)


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Now Brother, did you you remember to hand in your service report this month? You know it is a loving expression of the bountiful gifts we give to show our thankfulness. And of course you would not want to be labeled weak and put on the inactive list.

  • searcher

    Are they trying to appear mainstream?

  • Satanus

    No real change. It would impact the bottom line too much, if it was left up to the individual's discretion. It's like when some things became matters of the conscience. They added the line, 'just because it's a conscience matter, doesn't mean that you can do what you want'.



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