What is the current teaching on resurrection of a Jehovah's Witness.

by Triple A 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I am not going to argue with you but you are using an old interpetation of plain obvious words. It is clear the wts is playing around with semantics to play to older JWs. BTW I did not bold anything it was the wt lib that did. As far as people destroyed in acts of judgement the WT does not know. The quotes site shows their flip flops on soddom and gammora, but for now you are right.

    IMO you can't use the older interpetation. The great crowd JW are not "christian" and not "worthy". All I know is right now the wts is playing with the idea of at least millions of wicked evil people being remembered by jehovah. The sound bite is "did not know about Jehovah?s requirements or they lacked sufficient time". Considering all this stories people that study for 20 or so years with before they become a jw and the fact that jws are about %1 of the population as of now the true estimate would be billions. Also considering everyone before christ was born and no where near the middle east you see that they are being quite shy about how many people they are alloing to "be in Gods memory" even thought they already claim wicked people are there.

    They have also expanded that everyone on earth will be judged by what they do during the 1000 years. Not if every one did 100 years of evil and died then are ressurected for 1000 years they could easily make up with righteousness sine their prospective life span would be 10 times as long.

    I am not picking a fight with you personally. It is just the WT has sold the family jewels. They have basically said everyone that dies now will be raise, but we are going to down play that for now. We will geive the perameters for billions and say millions to sound "traditional". You explaination does not fit what is printed now. It is like the 1975 fervor where the wts used carefully picked words in print and ribbed the friends at conventions and co visits. I am not trying to pick a fight. I hope I don't sond too strong, but I still think you are tainted by pre 1995 specticles.


    w99 12/1 p. 13 "Glad Tidings" From the Apocalypse ***


    Since "power of judging" is given to those who "rule as kings with him [Christ] for the thousand years," this period is, in fact, a thousand-year "day" of judgment. (Revelation 20:4, 6; compare Acts 17:31; 2 Peter 3:8.) The dead will be resurrected and, together with the survivors of "the great tribulation," will be judged equitably according to their deeds, or actions, during that time. (Revelation 20:12, 13) At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released briefly in order to submit mankind to a final test after which he, his demons, and any rebels on earth who follow him will be destroyed forever. (Revelation 20:7-10) Humans who pass the test will have their names written indelibly in "the book of life" and will be ushered into an eternity of happy life, serving and worshiping Jehovah on a paradise earth.?Revelation 20:14, 15; Psalm 37:9, 29; Isaiah 66:22, 23.


    w02 7/15 p. 7 What Really Is Hell? ***



    Revelation 20:13 states: "The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades gave up those dead in them." Yes, the Bible hell will be emptied. As Jesus promised, "the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus?] voice and come out." (John 5:28, 29) Although no longer presently existing in any form, millions of dead ones who are in Jehovah God?s memory will be resurrected, or brought back to life, in a restored earthly paradise.?Luke 23:43; Acts 24:15.

    In the new world of God?s making, resurrected humans who comply with his righteous laws will never need to die again. (Isaiah 25:8) Jehovah "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore." In fact, "the former things [will] have passed away." (Revelation 21:4) What a blessing is in store for those in hell?"the memorial tombs"! This blessing indeed is reason enough for us to take in more knowledge of Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ.?John 17:3.


    w01 7/15 p. 6 Do You Have an Immortal Spirit? ***


    Sure Hope

    The Bible says: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus?] voice and come out." (John 5:28, 29) Yes, Jesus Christ promised that all those in Jehovah?s memory will be resurrected, or brought back to life. Among them will indeed be those who have pursued a righteous course as Jehovah?s servants. But millions of other people have died without showing whether they would comply with God?s righteous standards. Either they did not know about Jehovah?s requirements or they lacked sufficient time to make needed changes. Individuals of this sort are also in God?s memory and will be resurrected, for the Bible says: "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous."?Acts 24:15.

  • Nocturne

    Sorry to burst your bubble but XQ is right on this one. Everyone who dies before armagueddon, with the exception of those that God destroyed personally in the past will be resurrected, for a resurection of life if they were righteous, or a resurection of judgement if they had not shown loyalty to God during their lifetime.

    However, I believe that they also teach that those who voluntarily turn away from the "truth" do not have hope of resurection.

  • blondie

    w02 6/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    There is one more aspect to consider: How do people in the community view suicide and the death of the person? This is especially of concern to the elders, who are interested in the reputation of the local congregation of Jehovah?s Witnesses. Depending on the general attitude toward suicide in the locality, and particularly toward the case involved, the elders may prefer not to sponsor such a funeral publicly or to have it in the Kingdom Hall.

    Still, if a Christian minister is asked to preside at the funeral, he may feel that on a private basis, he can do so. If he decides to do so, he should be discreet in not making any firm statements about whether a resurrection might be possible. Any future prospect for the dead is in the hands of Jehovah, and no one is in a position to say whether the deceased will be resurrected or not. The minister can concentrate on the Bible truths about death and offer comfort for the bereaved.

    w96 7/1 p. 22 The Triumph of True Worship Draws Near ***

    According to the Bible, all people alive today who continue living to the end of this wicked system and who are judged to be enemies of true worship will undergo the "judicial punishment of everlasting destruction." (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; see also Matthew 25:31-33, 46.) They will not have a resurrection.

    w95 6/1 pp. 14-15 Consolation From "the God of All Comfort"/What to Avoid

    When a person is grieving, there are also things not to do or say...It would also show sensitivity to avoid commenting about whether the deceased will be resurrected or not. Some brothers and sisters have been deeply hurt by judgmental remarks made about the future possibilities for a dead unbelieving spouse. We are not the judges of who will or will not be resurrected. We can be relieved that Jehovah, who sees the heart, will be far more merciful than most of us would ever be.?Psalm 86:15; Luke 6:35-37.

    w93 5/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers

    Will people be resurrected if they do not accept true Christianity now and die before the start of the great tribulation?

    It is good for all of us to resist any inclination to act as judges, recognizing that in the final analysis, Jehovah?s judgment by means of Jesus Christ is what counts. (John 5:22; Acts 10:42; 2 Timothy 4:1) But the Scriptures do provide some helpful information in answer to the foregoing question.

    Worldwide preaching of the good news of God?s Kingdom is a vital aspect of ?the sign of Jesus? presence.? This sign has been in evidence since early in this century. The preaching work is resulting in a dividing of the people of all nations in fulfillment of Jesus? illustration of "the sheep" and "the goats." With the completion of this preaching and dividing activity, the "great tribulation" will bring the present wicked system of things to an end.?Matthew 24:3, 21, 22; 25:31-46.

    Jehovah, along with his Son, will judge whether any who reject the Kingdom message and die prior to the outbreak of the great tribulation are classed as goats. Jesus said that the goats "will depart into everlasting cutting-off." Therefore, we can conclude that those who are determined by God to be goats will not receive a resurrection. They have a judgment similar to that of those who "undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction" at the time of the great tribulation.?2 Thessalonians 1:9.

    But what about those who may not seem to have been sufficiently exposed to the Kingdom message so as to have been able to make an intelligent choice for or against the truth before they died during these "last days"??2 Timothy 3:1.

    Many who die while the preaching work is in progress prior to the great tribulation will evidently receive a resurrection. This is indicated by what we read at Revelation 6:7, 8 concerning the ride of the symbolic horsemen. Many people have died as victims of wars, food shortages, and deadly plagues. Since it is "Hades" that claims these victims of "Death," they will be resurrected during Christ?s Millennial Reign, when Hades gives up all the dead in it. (Revelation 20:13) A number of those raised to life may have had some contact with the Kingdom message before they died.

    How grateful we can be that Jesus did not leave it up to humans to determine who are like sheep and who are like goats! Imperfect humans cannot properly evaluate how much of an opportunity a certain person had to hear and accept the good news. Can we know what his heart condition was or whether he truly loved righteousness? Can we measure how much his response might have been affected by his family, his religious background, or other influences? Obviously not. Yet, we can be sure that Jehovah God and Jesus Christ can evaluate such matters and then reach judgments that are perfect, just, and righteous.?Deuteronomy 32:4; Isaiah 11:1-5.

    Hence, there is no reason for us to speculate about who among those who have died recently may or may not be resurrected. This is something we have not been authorized to do. (Compare Luke 12:13, 14.) It is far wiser for us to wait on the decisions of the righteous Judges, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. This will give us more peace of mind as Jehovah?s servants. It will also help us to give better attention to what we have been assigned to do??go and make disciples of people of all the nations, teaching them to observe all the things Jesus commanded.??Matthew 28:19, 20.

  • Lewis

    Well, [sob, sob ]

    I guess that leaves me out! (Racing out to buy drugs and ice cream.)

  • Phil
    However, JWs do not believe that EVERYONE will be resurrected. The above only applies to those deemed worthy of resurrection by Jesus. Death does not absolve a person from a heinous or evil course of life, it only renders those resurrected or those given a second-chance at life as it were, to get a "fresh start" without the sins of their former lives being weighed

    This assumes that belief in Jesus Christ is a requirement to be eligible for the benefits at the exclusion of all non Christians (4.5 billion strong in existance today). I am sure Usama Bin Laden believes in God and is satisfied that what he is doing is acceptable to God.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Back to the original question, comforting words for a grieving JW are:

    "So and so was a wonderful person to so many people. I am sure she is secure in Jehovah's memory

    That, to me, is so ridiculous..... is that suppose to be conforting? I hope I'm not offending anyone, it is not my intention, but for me, 'soul sleep' and being 'somewhere' in God's memory is just very unsettling.

  • hooberus

    The Watchtower really teaches that no one will be resurrected.

    The watchtower teaches in essence that all that a person consists of is a body (no immortal soul).

    They teach that when you die your body is buried in the cemetary. Logic dictates that if the original person is to be resurrected then, that the body would have to come out of the coffin/grave (for example Lazarus).

    However the WT teaches that the perons body will not be resurrectd but will instead remain rotting in the grave forever. Thus the original person really never is resurrected.

    The WT "resurrection" doctrine is that Jehovah will find some dirt from somewhere else, and create a new body that looks like the original person (who remains dead forever). This new body is "stamped" with a information in Jehovahs brain so that it believes that it is the original person.

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    Thanks again to everyone that is contributing to this. I am learning from these responses.

    The WT "resurrection" doctrine is that Jehovah will find some dirt from somewhere else, and create a new body that looks like the original person (who remains dead forever). This new body is "stamped" with a information in Jehovahs brain so that it believes that it is the original person.

    From this could I ask the question, "When your from is recreated from Jehovah's memory, will see take on the same body?"

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    From this could I ask the question, "When your from is recreated from Jehovah's memory, will see take on the same body?"

    Sorry that is suppose to be:

    From this could I ask the question, "When your friend is recreated from Jehovah's memory, will she take on the same body?"

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    Maybe it has been answered and I am over looking it, but what in sures a Jehovah's Witness that they have done enough work to be part of the resurrection?

    Could that not do enough, because they had the light and did not perform to Jehovah's standard for the enlightened?

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