The Prince Concert...(Gag)

by NikL 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca
    Of course, Michael Jackson gave large sums of money to the Society,

    Umm, how do we know if he donated, and if so, how much?

    Is there any proof, Larc?

  • esther
    He was on stage for over 2 hours and did all of our favorite songs (except the nasty ones and the ones with swearing!)

    What are good little dubs doing having favorite songs that are nasty and have swearing in?


  • Lindy


    You said:
    "They are all individuals.
    Their religion is not as strict as you imagine."

    Are you even a JW? Reason I asked was becaue you used the word they and their when most JWs use we and us. "We aer individuals," "Our religion." Seemed a bit wierd to me. Even I, being away for awhile still have the tendency to us the "we, "us" terminology time and again.

    As far as how else would Prince do his ministry? Just like all JWs, why not, is he special and so above the rest of them? Not according to the Bible. If he calls on doors, he might be more effective than most at the door, don't ya think? I was told that at least half your ministry should be worked at the door. The rules are different for one who come in with "worldy fame"?

    And if his fame is a problem in accomplishing Jesus'command, then he should give it up and do something else to make his money. Many have given up worldly careers and have given up college that was paid for to go into the full-time work. Prince to good for this to apply to him? He could live modestly, as the Society says you should, on his investments alone! The Society discourages it's own that have never been famous, not to draw attention to their selves, and they also discourage ones from even getting a further education that might lead them into rich heights and possible fame, even on a local level. So what makes Prince so special?

    He is part of the whole now and he should start blending in. No one else gets special treatments of compensations, I don't know why he should.

    But let me guess, Prince is still doing it because he is famous and the JW uppers don't want to make public waves. It would become negative publicity and I don't think the Society wants that. I think he probably gives quite a bit too, and I don't mean blood.

    He also might think twice about being a JW if they got on him like they would on a young JW trying to form a band. Prince and his family are used to a high life style, and giving that up to preach door to door would be to much for him, right? Not everyone can follow Christ's and the disciples example, huh?. Isn't there an example about a rich man being asked to give up his life style and follow Jesus. Oh, I see, today is different, right? Hmmmmm

    I ponder over the fact that you might be a troll, might not even be a JW and if you are, you are extremely naive, and immature and do not think critically.(Of course JW's are discouraged for critical and independent thinking so it wouldn't be all your fault if it was true.)


    Why do you put ALL JW's into one box?
    They are all individuals.
    Their religion is not as strict as you imagine.
    How else can he do his ministry?
    Can't very well call on doors, can he?

    Many singers preach their way of life at concerts.
    Why not Prince?
    If he really believes, then he should do so.
    That's my mind anyway.

  • 68storm

    He said how Jesus was his saviour?

    Seems to me that whoever Prince studied with, didn't do a very good job. Was he a born again before this? I don't recall any jws ever stating to me that Jesus was their saviour.

    Remember, his death was only to equalize Adam's sin.

    I just had a thought! Maybe he feels he is of the Annointed.


  • RunningMan

    Prince's conversion may be the worst thing that has ever happened to JW's.

    Many Witnesses, like the one quoted, have now been opened up to his music
    and influence. If he ever leaves the organization, it can be a jolt to persons
    like this, causing them to take a look at his reasons.

    High profile people are more likely to leave the JW's than others. They face
    more temptations, opportunities, and exposure than the average person. Also,
    Prince will have more worldly association than most people.

    I believe that it is just a matter of time before he leaves, and takes a few
    people with him.

  • NikL

    Hi Prisca,
    I can't recall the exact issue but there was an Awake! article that mentioned the large ammount given to the society by "a successfull entertainer" or something along that line. It was pretty obvious they were talking about Michael Jackson.

  • Skeptic


    "I don't recall any jws ever stating to me that Jesus was their saviour."

    In Canada, we used to tell this to "born-again" householders as a method of getting them to listen to us. Once we found that a householder was born-again, we would emphasize Jesus. I believe this was brought out in a KM, but I am not sure.


  • BoozeRunner

    "what are good little dubs doing having favorite songs that are nast and have swearing in them?"

    These songs were ALWAYS their favorites, the just wouldnt be caught at a Prince concert for fear of repercussions.
    Now they have carte blanche to attend. I bet my paycheck that if Prince sang some of those songs, the faihful little j-dubs would know the words better than his PURPLENESS himself.

    Boozy, who finds it hilarious that while j-dubs are grooving to sanitized Prince songs, I get to make exotic dancers gyrate to such songs as SEXY MOTHERF*CKER each weekend.

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