Simony and Circuit Overseers

by millie210 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • millie210

    It is known as "the green handshake" and everyone knows it happens.

    The giving of money to C.O.'s to curry favor or perhaps a position or some special privilege.

    Here is my question:

    If an elder gives a lot of money to a C.O. is there a way that ever shows up in records?

    Does a C.O. have to report or account for large sums of cash?

    How about the donor? Can they hide this under charitable contributions and not mention the C.O. specifically?


  • cultBgone

    Millie, in the US an individual may accept cash gifts up to $14,000 from any other individual without reporting them for tax purposes.  That is the level above which the Gift Tax kicks in.

    You can bet your bottom dollar that these cash gifts are never reported.

  • DesirousOfChange

    CultBgone is right about the gift limits with the IRS, however the CO is NOT a charitable organization, so it is not a tax deductible donation. It is simply a "gift". Like giving cash to your kids or friends.

  • millie210

    Thank you both for replying.

    What about on the end of the giver? Do they report (itemize) how much they give and to whom?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Millie: I was referring to the giver -- it is not a tax deduction for the giver due to the fact that a gift to an individual, even if they are associated with a charity/church, does not qualify. To be a tax deductible gift, the cash would have to be given to the qualified organization and they can disperse it to the CO  (or whoever).

    If you are questioning if there is any report within the JW Org?  No. At least not on the Cong or Circuit level. These are anonymous gifts and they are tax free to the recipient as long as no one person exceeds the $14K annual limit.

    I have seen at least one CO where it was obvious that he used their cash gifts to offset the "bill" for expenses that he submitted to the Cong, but most certainly do not do so. In an affluent Cong, I'm sure the COs pocket $100s in "gifts" in any given week. Plus all their expenses are paid for by either the Cong, the Circuit, or the WTS.


  • millie210

    Thanks Doc.

    So basically a lot of money can change hands and there is no accounting for it.(pun obvious) 

    Thanks for explaining! 

  • _Morpheus
    Doc, im sure it is largely dependant on the area but i had a childhood friend who became a CO on the east coast of the USA. He confided that he PLANED on receiving around $500 per visit. He was disapointed if it was less than that.. I asked if he ever felt it swayed his impartiality in dealing with the friends.... His reply..." Those that are incluned by jehovah to give money arnt the type to get in trouble".  This was a little less than a year ago.  I dont know if those economics hold up in less affluent areas but here it seemed pretty standard
  • DesirousOfChange

    Morpheus, when possible, the circuits are even designed so that there are some affluent congregations in the mix vs. all rural, economically challenged areas. If you live near a major city, you'll notice the circuits are "pie shaped" so that some of the Congs is each circuit are from the Metro areas that tend to have higher incomes per household. That is also advantageous for the CirAssm donations. Now, some areas and thus some circuits just don't have that option, i.e., the poorer states like Ark, Miss, Ala.  Hopefully a CO doesn't get stuck in a "poor" circuit two consecutive cycles. (Of course, FLA is reserved for all the old guys.)


  • jerryjax99
    Hey Millie, I can shed some light on my experience with giving $ to the C.O. When I was JW and an MS handling all the cong. accounts I was in charge of writing the check that was to be given to the C.O. Basically all the funds that the cong. donated for the C.O. visit was deposited into the cong. account and then I would write the check personally to him. For the end of the month report that was posted on the board that check would be deducted from the account under our total expenses for that month.
  • millie210

    thank you Jerryjax, I appreciate your response. At least with what you mentioned, there was a record.

    It sounds like the system was one that could allow for some record keeping (such as what you did) and some under the counter passing of money that no one can guess at.

    I had hoped that there was a cap on what the Society allowed C.O.'s to accept in cash handouts but it doesnt sound like there is any such thing. 

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