Regular Self-Pleasuring Reduces Chance of Prostate Cancer

by hemp lover 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    At least, according to the July Playboy Advisor, it does.

    Q. Does regular masturbation reduce the chance that you'll get prostate cancer?

    A. Apparently yes. You'll go blind and grow hair on your palms, but you'll live forever. Scientists at the National Cancer Institute examined, over eight years, the self-reported ejaculation frquency of nearly 30,000 men. Those who came most often -- a lifetime average of 21 times a month -- were one-third less likely to develop organ-confined or slow-growing prostate cancer than the control group of men, who came four to seven times a month. The study found a benefit in men who had more than 12 orgasms a month. Regular ejaculation may be beneficial because it flushes out carcinogens in the gland. Come for life. And get an exam annually after you hit 50. If you're African-American or have a family history of prostate cancer, start at 40.

    This has been a Public Service Announcement. Gentlemen, start your engines!

  • ohiocowboy

    Looks like I'll be around for a looooooooooooooong time!

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma
    a lifetime average of 21 times a month -- were one-third less likely to develop organ-confined or slow-growing prostate cancer than the control group of men

    wooohoo! So the magic number is 63 (21 x 3) I will be three thirds or 100% less likely to develop prostate cancer. 63 times a month? Easy.



  • gitasatsangha

    Yay.. I can finally chalk it up as excersize time.

    Err.. I mean, someone who did that, could.

  • NeonMadman
    wooohoo! So the magic number is 63 (21 x 3) I will be three thirds or 100% less likely to develop prostate cancer. 63 times a month? Easy.

    Yeah, see if you can keep that up when you're 50!

  • iiz2cool

    Looks like I have no worries!!!

    I don't understand the part about hairy palms though. I would think the frequent (if not constant) friction would decrease the chances of hair growing on the palms.


  • Shutterbug

    Uh, iiz2cool, do you have hair on lyour palms. Inquiring (nosey) minds want to know.

  • Elsewhere

    Bad monkey!!! Bad!!! No!!!

    Excuse me while I go discipline my monkey.

  • iiz2cool
    Uh, iiz2cool, do you have hair on lyour palms. Inquiring (nosey) minds want to know.

    Nope. Too much friction. Must be all the TYPING! Walter

  • Corvin

    21 times and cancer free

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