Hope Negative? Why humans r violent

by patio34 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cassiline
    What a good application of that! I was thinking of religious promises, but you're right---people in power cause a lot of disappointment and pain too.

    Hey Lady

    Whoops I missed what you meant. I saw UNreality and immediatly thought of the United Nations. LOL Then I went on thinking of politics. But religion and politics have been connected for so long so I think they both fit. Sorry about that my wrong take.

    You know I really am thankful that Koontz and King published that book, do you know that it was one of the most asked for books that did not exist?


  • Markfromcali
    Survival of our species will be a very strong determinant I think in not letting things go too far---I hope!

    Actually, death is the ultimate determinant in not letting things get too far - but of course thats in a more general sense, in the context of evolution of life. You can't have anything new without death in some sense. Even if you can live forever, would you really want to spend eternity as this silly biped? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  • patio34
    You know I really am thankful that Koontz and King published that book, do you know that it was one of the most asked for books that did not exist? -----Cassi

    Cassi, I didn't even know it wasn't a book (it sounds so classic from its title!) until I tried to look it up on the net. Didn't know either it was King and Koontz together. I'll have to look into it Moore (lol! Just saw 911!) more. Take care!

    Frankie, that sounds good to me!

    Mark, you're so right that death intervenes in everything. And 99% of species have gone extinct or death for the species, so maybe humans will too in millions of years, since we're such a "weed species" (meaning we can survive under all sorts of conditions due to our adaptability). Here's hoping we don't accelerate that! And instead prolong it permanently.

    By the way, Mark, I got such a laugh out of your "stalking" technique on the other thread--I'm still chuckling!


  • Markfromcali

    You know Pat, I don't even have that hope to prolong the human species. I know that may sound disturbing, but I think the key to actually do that would be to just smarten up instead of having this simple minded drive and ambition like "go team human! yay!" Theres bound to be violence when you just focus on one over another, and that's going to be the case if you focus on human and just ignore other life. Since change seem to be the constant, if we need to 'survive' we need to change, perhaps to the point where the human form no longer resembles anything like what we know as humans, eventually. When people are faced with the idea of something like a cyborg (just as one example) theres a tendancy to go "heavens! how horrid!" Of course its no surprise, most people can't even change how they feel about things as simple as food and entertainment, let alone beliefs and way of thinking and the very form of their organism. Death is just one face on the coin of change so to speak, if you resist that the result is what is called suffering.

  • patio34

    Hi again Mark,

    That's very Zen-like:

    Death is just one face on the coin of change so to speak, if you resist that the result is what is called suffering. --Mark

    From what I've read (not extensively) is that resistance to all in life is what causes suffering. It seems to me to be very

    Of course its no surprise, most people can't even change how they feel about things as simple as food and entertainment, let alone beliefs and way of thinking and the very form of their organism.valid. --Mark

    That reminds me of a quote I read somewhere that said if you feel the way you did 20 years ago, check your pulse--you may be dead.

    I tend to be in the category of not changing about food & entertainment, though, lol. But I've changed drastically--enough for me anyway--in philosophy and interaction with the world around me.

    Thanks for your informative posts.


  • patio34

    Hi DantheMan

    Thanks for the compliment (You seem to have a good take on things Patio, and I enjoy your posts.). I really really enjoy your posts too. This board is such a variety of people and I learn so much from them.

    You're from Ohio, I see. I was raised in Indpls, Indiana and, of course, so was Waiting (on this board), my younger sister. I always emphasize that since my age is showing, lol!

    Have a great Sunday (no more #@$&! meetings, lol!)



  • DanTheMan
    You're from Ohio, I see. I was raised in Indpls, Indiana and, of course, so was Waiting (on this board), my younger sister.

    I met Waiting and husband last spring down in Florida, at Joy2bfree & Just2's. Very nice lady, I enjoyed talking with her.

  • patio34

    Hey Dan,

    I was at the Florida Fest last Halloween too! Did we meet? I must have met you. Mmmmm. Searching my brain.


  • DanTheMan

    Pat, no, I wasn't there in the fall, just in the spring. They had a couple of shindigs there in 2003.

  • Markfromcali

    Hey Pat,

    I tend to be in the category of not changing about food & entertainment, though, lol. But I've changed drastically--enough for me anyway--in philosophy and interaction with the world around me.

    Actually things like food and entertainment might be deeper and more profound, because when your philosophy and world view is only a compartment in your mind then thats something everyone can have, but eating and the way we entertain our minds is more a matter of how we live from day to day.

    I don't think its necessarily change in the sense of abandoning the old and going to something new, either. After all it can just be appreciating new tastes, whether its exotic cuisine or say new music - but it doesn't mean you don't have the old from time to time, it just an expanded scope that is more inclusive. The key principle is of course not whether one tends to change or not, but whether someone is attached. Someone can have a fairly repetitive life pattern which most people consider totally boring and stagnant, but their attitude might be totally free, and if something does happen that things should change, there is no problem. On the other hand a person who likes to try different things might be attached to change in a sense, and you put them in a room with nothing to do for 10 minutes and they go nuts. Actually, in that case they are just attached to things - anything and everything, and when you have nothing then that busy mind becomes uneasy.

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