"Don't Say The WATCHTOWER Says This.....Say The Bible Says It"

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Don't tell people, "This is what We say". Rather, tell them, "This is what God says".

    "Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent beguiled me..."

  • Bubbamar
    I wonder why they feel it necessary to even give such an instruction? I wonder why?

    That's the real question!! Any speculation as to what led them to give these orders....I mean suggestions? ahem.

    Why don't they stop using watchtowers then - and only use the bible. Since it is the same thing, afterall.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    A Paduan said: Don't tell people, "This is what We say". Rather, tell them, "This is what God says".

    "Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent beguiled me..." Danny sez: In the devils confabulation with Eve. He spoke 54 words only 5 were lies ( "you positively will not die" ). It's about the same ratio with the WT$.

  • Elsewhere

    Danny sez: In the devils confabulation with Eve. He spoke 54 words only 5 were lies ( "you positively will not die" ). It's about the same ratio with the WT$.

    Actually, the snake did not lie. Gawd said that she would die the day she ate the fruit, the devil said she would not. As a recall, she lived for hundreds of years after eating that fruit... so it was Gawd who lied. The snake also said that her eyes would be opened and she would come to know good and bad... this DID happen. So Gawd lied, and the snake spoke the truth.

    Also, a simple but important point... where in the Genesis account is it said that the humans were meant to live forever? Never! At no time did Gawd ever tell them that they would not die in reward for their obedience. This is an assumption made up by the WTS. This is also why most churches teach that humans go to heaven after they die... because churches never made up the assumption that humans were supposed to live forever on earth.

    Read the Genesis account yourself... without the JW teachings in your mind... you will see these things.

  • micheal

    Try getting them to study with someone without "a bible aid" and let's see how far they can go. Eventually they will always NEED that other publication.

  • Evesapple

    so in other words....'lie'

  • iiz2cool
    Try getting them to study with someone without "a bible aid" and let's see how far they can go.

    They don't study the bible, they study WT literature. The bible is used only to provide pre-selected "proof texts" in an effort to provide legitimacy to their useless drivel.


  • undercover

    Elsewhere, dude;

    Wow, I never realized those things until you posted that. I just found an online Bible site and read the account. The only thing that I noticed was that the translation that I read did not say "you will die the day you eat of it". It just says "you will die". I can't remember how the NWT says it. But nowhere does it say that man was to live forever. Womans punishment was to crave her husband and have childbirth pains. The man's punishment was to have to toil the ground make his own way instead of having a garden life. No mention of of death for their sin.

    Of course someone (a dub) would point to Romans(?) where it says the "wages sins pay is death" blah blah.

    It's amazing how different the Bible reads when you don't allow the WTS influence in while reading it.

  • Elsewhere
    Of course someone (a dub) would point to Romans(?) where it says the "wages sins pay is death" blah blah.

    You have to remember that religions are constantly evolving over time... one religion borrows ideas from others... new ideas are invented.

    The followers of John and Jesus borrowed Hebrew teachings... and mixed in some other pagan teachings... and WAMMO... you have Christianity. The whole "wages of sin" thing was yet another idea grafted onto what Christians believe... otherwise the whole idea of a Messiah dieing for their sins would be meaningless. The bible writers kept adapting their teachings just as the WTS has had to keep adapting their teachings.

    The Hebrews "borrowed" the Genesis account from the Epic of Gilgamesh (do a search on the internet to read about that).

    A great book to read is: The Book your Church Doesn't Want you to Read

  • Mary
    Womans punishment was to crave her husband and have childbirth pains.

    Then why the f*ck do I crave chocolate and have financial pains?

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