Business Dealing Between JW's & Ex-JW's

by roybatty 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty

    I don?t know if anyone else recalls this or not, but I remember reading articles in the WT publications about having business dealings with ex-JWs and how Witnesses should do everything possible to avoid this. They even stated that if your business partner becomes Df?d, you should do everything possible to get out the business (i.e. buy him out or letting him buy you out). Knowing how JW?s will do just about anything to avoid ex-JW?s has made me wonder if anyone here has ever had any business dealings with a JW after they themselves have been either df?d or da?d? If you walk into Wal-Mart and the cashier is someone you knew from the Kingdom Hall, they?d have no other choice but to service you. I?m thinking about something else. What about having a Witness who actually owns the business come and do work for you? What if they refuse? Is this against the law? I recall a couple of years ago there was a HUGE uproar when some African Americans went to Denny?s for a meal and felt that they were slighted because of their race. I believe it resulted in a lawsuit and some type of settlement. Whether this lawsuit was merited or not is not the point. Does this also apply to religion? What would have happened if Denny?s refused to serve someone a meal because they were Jewish? What would happen if you called a local elder who owns a home improvement business and asked him to come and give you a quote on painting your house. Would he do it? Or if you needed some business cards printed and you went to a local printshop that was owned and operated by a Witness couple, would they do this work? It?s pretty cut and dry that someone cannot refuse to hire someone based upon their race, religion or any type of disability but is the same true about refusing to do work for someone based upon these crtiteria? What has caught my attention is that the WT has documented their stand on how to cutoff all dealings with ex-JWs, both personal and business. Is this lawful?

  • Gadget


  • Ranch

    I'm not DF or DA'd and when I stopped attending meetings my JW houskeeper and my JW employes quit leaving my family in a major financial bind.

  • Confucious

    Not a lawyer, but probably not.

    But like all things, there has to be someone to step up to the plate and show just cause that their civil right were violated (USA) or that they can show just cause how they lost out money unjustly because of this, this or that.

    In addition, if it was say a "DF'd Brother" who was a contractor for the WT and they stopped using him.

    Being a contractor in the U.S., you basically have no rights.

  • gumby
    I remember reading articles in the WT publications about having business dealings with ex-JWs and how Witnesses should do everything possible to avoid this.

    Which is bullshit in practice!

    Witnesses will seek out whoever they want if they need something you have.......such as a service, if they cannot find it easier or cheaper somewhere else. I have been out for almost 10 years and have been asked SEVERAL times to do work for them. This is a definate no no in their belief structure, but when it comes to saving a buck or getting good service.....they throw that belief out the window.

    The society said in no uncertain term that DFed ones are not to be used in buisness matters unless there is unresolved dealing yet to be handled ........and once they are handled, they are to wash their hands of you.


  • freedom96

    I don't run into too many witnesses, at least those who know who I am.

    I did have a chance recently to go into the business of some old witness friends who I have not seen in a long time.

    They have since gotten a lot more active in the religion, and you can just tell that they feel superior because they are so "theocratic." Though they did accept my business.

    So sad, what a waste of a life.

  • roybatty
    But like all things, there has to be someone to step up to the plate and show just cause that their civil right were violated (USA) or that they can show just cause how they lost out money unjustly because of this, this or that.

    Having a JW business owner refuse to do work for me probably wouldn't be a problem but why go after a poor sap who's brainwashed. Question is, can the WTS be connected and sued?

  • SAHS


    The society said in no uncertain term that DFed ones are not to be used in buisness matters unless there is unresolved dealing yet to be handled ........and once they are handled, they are to wash their hands of you.

    I thought that, according to the NWT Bible, when someone gets disfellowshipped, then, at least in a business sense, they are simply to be dealt with as though they are just another person ?in the world.?

    Matthew 18:17: ?17 If he does not listen to them, speak to the congregation. If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.? (NWT)

    So, how could the Society really have any right, legal or otherwise, to demand JWs to either stop or refrain from any business dealings? If that were the case, then if a JW got a parking ticket from a DF?d cop, then they wouldn?t have to pay it because that would be a type of ?business dealing.?


  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    I posted something similar to this before. At the grocery store that I use when I run out of something (ie. two blocks from my place) here is an elder's wife that is a cashier. She always works the express lane, and since I always get 10 items or less, I constantly use her stand. I can see the pained look on her face, but she has never, ever refused me service. I, do go out of my way to be plesant.

    LABD, of the living well is the best revenge, class

  • blondie

    I can remember a sister who worked as a cashier at a department store. When I was still active, she said to me, "A DF'd person came through my line. Should I have checked them out?"

    I said, "If you had refused, wouldn't you have been fired?"

    That convinced her, nothing like money to put things in perspective.

    JWs are so good at "gnat" things while they are gulping down the "camel."


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