July WT. Contradicts Itself Regarding "Unbelievers"

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Here is about 2/3 of what they said:

    7/1/04 QFR At 2 Corinthians 6:14, to wom is Paul referring when he uses the term "unbelievers"?

    If we look at the context, it is evident that Paul is speaking of individuals who are clearly no part of the Christian congregation. This understanding is supported by other Bible verses that record Paul?s use of the term "unbeliever" or "unbelievers."

    For example, Paul repremands Christians for going to court "before unbelievers." (1 Corinthians 6:6)

    2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan "has blinded the minds of the unbelievers."

    These unbelievers have made no move toward serving Jehovah.

    Some unbelievers are involved in lawlessness or idolatry.

    However, not all are opposed to Jehovah?s servants. Some show an interest in the truth. Many have Christian mates and are happy to stay with them.

    However, Paul consistently applies the term "unbeliever" to individuals who, as mentioned above, are no part of the Christian congregation?

    What, though, of individuals who study the Bible and associate with the Christian congregation? What of those who are unbaptized publishers? Are they unbelivers? NO (caps mine). Individuals who have accepted the truth of the good news and are progressing steadily toward baptism should not be called unbelievers.

    Before his baptism Cornelius was called "a devout man and one fearing God."

    Would it be wise, then for a dedicated Christian to pursue courtship and marriage with someone who has been accepted as an unbaptized publisher, since, strictly speaking, Paul?s counsel recorded at 2 Corinthians 6:14 could not apply in that case? No, that would not be wise? Why not? Because of the direct counsel Paul gave regarding Christian widows. Paul wrote: "She is free to be married to whom she wants, only in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 7:39)

    What is the meaning of the expression "in the Lord" and the related expression "in Christ"?

    Romans 16:8-10 and Colossians 4:7?fellow workers, approved ones, beloved brothers, faithful ministers, fellow slaves.

    When does one become "a slave in the Lord"??when he willingly?disowns himself?A person begins to follow Christ and fully subject himself to the wil of God when he dedicates himself to God. Thereafter, he offers himself for baptism and becomes an ordained minister with an approved standing before God.

    A person who is studying the Bible with Jehovah?s Witnesses and who is making fine spiritual progress is to be commended.

    However, he has not yet dedicated himself to Jehovah and committed himself to a life of service and sacrifice. He is stil making necessary changes. He needs to complete the major changes involved in becoming a dedicated, baptized Christian before contemplating another major life change, such as marriage.

    Would it be advisable for a Christian to pursue courtship with someone who seems to be making good progress in his Bible study?perhaps with the intention of waiting until he gets baptized before marrying him?


    The motives of a Bible student could well become confused if he is aware that a dedicated Christian wants to marry him but will not do so until he is baptized.

    For the most part, an individual is an unbaptized publisher for only a limited period of time, until he progresses to the point of baptism.

    What, though if someone is of marriageable age, has been brought up in a Christian family, has been active in the congregation for a number of years, and serves as an unbaptized publisher? Well, what has held him back from giving his life to Jehovah in dedication? Why does he hesitate? Does he have doubts? While he is not an unbeliever, he cannot be spoken of as being "in the Lord."

  • XQsThaiPoes

    This is a paradox. THey would be "in the lord" if they had a church baptism but since most people "raised in the truth" never get baptized in any christian church they are not "in the lord". Cool ploy. Also they never say hey why don't you baptize your unbaptized mate? Face it if people cheated the watchtower like they did the irs looking for loop holes and exploits this religion would collapse.

  • garybuss

    Since in Paul's day they were ALL anointed, he was only speaking to and about the anointed. The unsaved "believers" of today are the "other sheep" who have not yet been identified according to The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, 1995. They can not be who Paul was speaking to / about.

    So it's all written by a unqualified writer, directed to an unqualified audience.

  • ozziepost

    Oh no, now we're gonna have another class, the "unbeliever class"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • minimus

    Thanks Blondie for posting that!!!!!!

  • minimus

    Well remember---"-The DEMONS believe and shudder!"

  • Ranch

    I was just reading the title of this thread

    July WT. Contradicts Itself Regarding "Unbelievers"

    The Watchtower has a long history of contradicting it'self on everything.

    Keep up the good work, keep exposing them!

  • minimus

    Ranch, we could take "unbelievers" out and literally fill in the blank and still be correct!

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