Embarrasing Moments

by Free2Bme 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • esther

    Free, thanks for sharing. As Francois said, it always happens to the bashful ones. As Tracy says

    You've got more balls than a woman's got a right to, sharing such embarassing stuff with us. I have been laughing sooooo hard. Hey sweetie....don't worry about the spare tire thing...trust me...all they saw was the "enormous boobs".

    I have also been laughing so hard. I love the way you told your stories, too. Thanks again


  • LadyBug

    Well Free thanks for the laughs

    You reminded me of a couple of my own, although I must admit nowhere near as good as yours.

    One I remember was I was wearing a boob tube, (elasticated top with no straps). My brother was dragging me around the yard. Yes you guessed it ... my top came down and exposed my boobs. Very humiliating.

    One time I was around 20 I was playing a game (no not sexually) with a guy against the wall. And what should happen but a fart popped out. We laughed and made a joke, but the embarrassment was extreme.

    When I was about 19 I was at work sitting at my desk when I decided I needed the filing cabinet. My chair had rollers on the bottom, but of course they chose not to work this time and as I shoved back, my chair fell over backwards with me still on it ...legs up in the air.

    The worst part was there were 3 guys sitting at their desks behind me who enjoyed the floor show so much not one of them came to help me up. For years I burst out laughing with embarrassment every time I remembered that moment.

    I had good sized boobs too and was forever looking down and realising I was exposing myself to the world.

    Tracey - whatever were you thinking .... swallow the gum.

    Not so pleasant memories

  • Free2Bme

    Just laughing at everyone!!
    Have to tell you this but it's not me thank God.
    My husband is Turkish and the women are pretty serious and respectable especially in the workplace. I lived there for a year and never heard a man fart let alone a woman!
    My hubby worked in an office with several others including a young lady. One afternoon she bent over to pick something up and broke wind.
    Everyone in the office had heard but pretended they hadn't as laughing was not an option. The poor girl was so ashamed she took her bag and left the job never to return!!!
    (Hubby bumped into her a long time after and was happy to see her as they had got on well.As soon as she saw him she blushed scarlet and scarpered!)

    My hubby still can't quite get used to English farting contests although he aint so innocent himself when we get to bed.

    Who started such a disgusting subject?


  • BugEye


    You definitly have ample boobs

    As for the farting, hmmmmmmm

    Sweet lovely BEW.


  • safe4kids

    Ah Free....love these stories! And what a dear you are for sharing them with us! Last night when I posted, I honestly couldn't think of an embarrassing story of mine...but this morning I've thought of two so here goes:

    (BEW, you reminded me of this one) When I was 18 or 19, our service meetings were on Friday nights and afterwards, half the congregation would go out for pizza and beer. I would always sit at a long table with many of the young people (read cute brothers!). Anyway, one night I was sitting across from a brother I kinda liked and he was teasing me, acting as though he was going to flick pepperoni on me...I jerked backwards to avoid it....and over I went, skirt flew up and my legs were in the air! Every person in the place saw it, and laughed so hard that no one helped me up either!!!! God, I was mortified...and oh, the jokes I had to put with from then on!
    The other story took place when I was about 21...hubby and I went out of town to a party and had a bit too much to drink...in the car on the way to our hotel, we got frisky (nuff said ; at the hotel, the receptionist was looking at me very oddly as were the people we shared an elevator with and I just couldn't figure out why.....the next morning as we were preparing to leave, I could NOT find my pants!!!! OH HORROR!!! But surely...I hadn't been so drunk as to come in the night before with no pants on!!! There were a few truly awful moments before we finally found them...good thing too as there was no way I was showing my face outside that room if we hadn't!!!!

    Dana (who always knows where her pants are now!)

  • Seeker

    Not having ample boobs, nor having ever worn a skirt, I can't quite relate a story like those. The closest I ever got wasn't all that bad. You know how guys are always checking to make sure their zipper is up? Well, this is why:

    I was on my way to work one summer morning. Got on the bus and sat down in one of those seats that faces a bench of seats opposite. My mind was absent-mindedly thinking of stuff, not noticing the little old ladies across from me. They got off at their stop and I kept going. Only then, finally, did I notice my zipper was down, and had been down since I put my pants on that morning. Evidently I was in a rush, and forgot that step. Not only was the zipper down, but the way I was sprawled out on the seat the zipper was as wide open as you could get.

    I like to say that my little friend wanted to see the sights that day. In any case, I'm not sure if I gave a show to the little old ladies or not, and yes, I was wearing underwear so there was a limit to the thrill they could have had, but still...

  • orbison

    being relatively new in the truth, i was honored to work in service with co's wife, after service we went to my home, my 2 yr old at the time was being watched by my ever truly male x husband
    as i opened the door, i was horrified as i looked down the lobby and hallway, about 2.5 feet up from the floor was a true line all the way down the hallway of maxi pads stuck on the wall.
    should have known then to dump x

  • Free2Bme

    LOL keep em coming. I like to feel I am not alone.
    One of my former friends used to go red when we teased her (frequently of course) about her early days courting her now husband.
    After a rather drawn out goodnight kiss on the doorstep she asked him if he could move his keys out of his pocket as they were sticking into her.
    She was so shocked when she found out!


  • think41self

    LOL @ everyone's stories!

    BEW...yes dear...I thought of swallowing the gum...but as I said, he was inches from my face and was afraid he would notice my tongue working it back and the loud swallow!!!


    My son's very embarrasing story is when he was little, about 4 yrs old, and found the box of tampons under the bathroom sink. Well, of course he didn't know what they were...and he and his brother were into playing army(yes I even bought them a package of those little army men). We went to my Mom's house and he was in the back yard playing with those army men with his cousins and little brother. I noticed them throwing the men up in the air...but there seemed to be these white things attached to the men and also free flying through the air. Went out to investigate and...you guessed it...there were tampons ALL OVER the back yard and strapped to the poor army men. When I asked my son what they were doing, he said "Watch out Mom, don't step on the bombs!" We had a good laugh over that one!! To this day, my son is mortified that he thought they were bombs. Ahhhhh, makes me wish they were little again....NOT.


  • orbison

    yesterday i took a long hot bath, stretched back, looked up to the ceiling and remembered about 15 yrs ago,,doing the same thing
    and kaboom,,there were about 200 spitballs on the ceiling above the bath,,had to love my three boys
    not embarrasing moment,,but a prescious one now:)

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