JWs--cult or am i just bitter?

by sinamongurl 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • codeblue

    The answer lies in study: Steve Hassan has written 2 books about Mind control. I have just read both of them. The first book: "Combatting Cult Mind Control"....never mentions JW's...yet in examination of what is a cult.........you will come to your own conclusion. I think that is the best way to determine.

    I am sorry you are going thru such anguish in your life. I have went thru mine, not df'd...just a person who wants to serve god the true way.....distraught over the Dateline Special 2 years ago that identified the WTBS as having 6,000 lawsuits, pedophile lawsuitts, against them....A very shocking evening for me......It was truly a "defining moment" for me.


  • Junction-Guy

    Hi Sinamon, I remember a Sinamon from my JW days back in Dayton Ohio, could this possibly be you? have you ever lived in Ohio? if so reply back here or in my message box. I would love to talk with you


  • sinamongurl

    Actually, no im not that Sinamon

    but u can still talk to me


  • M.J.

    Like it's been mentioned in previous topics: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/70660/1.ashx

    and my post: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/73476/1177710/post.ashx#1177710

    it can be very helpful to look at stories of what people go through in leaving other "cults" / "high-control groups" or whatever you want to call them. There are plenty of stories from ex-members of such groups on the net which will totally remind you of your own experience, and in the process remind you that "reality" as viewed by someone locked in the WTS is merely just another version of "reality" that is perpetuated by a number of groups out there.

  • trumangirl

    Sinamongirl - my best wishes and love to you on your journey. Good on you.


  • frankiespeakin


    I know it is quite a blow when you first find out the WT has lied big time and you were part of a cult. It stuned me when first found out and things changed so fast as I came out of the fog. Try to go slow if you can and gradually things will clear up. you may need to get a little more rest if you can,,that might help.

  • cruzanheart

    Sin, I know how you feel, and I did go into therapy for a while to get rid of the anxiety attacks. It isn't as hard as you think to find an understanding therapist -- there are a hell of a lot of ex-JWs out there trying to make sense of the real world. Look for a therapist who will, first and foremost, LISTEN to you. Try to find one with experience in cults and mind control, but not a fanatic, just someone nice and sensible and objective. What you need more than anything else after all the emotional stuff that's been heaped on you is someone who doesn't have an ax to grind in any of this, who will just listen and offer some good common sense advice on how to get through it and feel better.

    It's great on the other side -- don't give up!


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Sinamon -

    If your so called "friends" refuse to talk to you because a bunch of old men who don't know their heads from their butts declare you as a bad person, then you have every right to be bitter. And then they wonder why DFed people usually never return to the borg and why they bear such a negative connotation in the eyes of the layperson.

    At any rate, I'm glad you at least have one true friend whom you keep in touch with.

  • Luscious Vixen
    Luscious Vixen

    Dear sinamongirl,

    Congrats on reaching out and really trying to look at things from all sides... my husband was raised a witness and has since left and I can understand how some might say it's a cult and others strongly disagree well, I must say welcome and good luck contining your journey through life of freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Swan

    Bitter? You have every right to be bitter. Bitter is good. Bitter is natural. Eventually bitter fades, but until then, don't worry about being bitter. You've earned the right to be bitter. How? Lets consider a few of the numerous reasons:

    You were lied to your whole life (I am assuming you were raised in it).

    You no longer believe it, and for that you are considered despicable, degenerate, leprous, vomit eating dog by them.

    They will get up and walk away if you happen to be eating something in the same lunchroom.

    They will get off the elevator when you get on.

    You spent countless hours worrying over getting in your time, giving a good number 3 talk, having all your lessons underlined, personal study, prayers, etc.

    You waited for days (all totaled up) in line to use a restroom, and when you went to wash, you were only allowed one towel to dry your hands and the mirrors were covered up with brown paper.

    You dropped in hundreds of dollars total in food tickets, book money, magazine money, and contributions to the worldwide witnessing work, for the kingdom hall building fund, the bring the missionaries home for the assemblies fund, the assembly hall building fund, buy the circuit overseer lunch fund, and whatever else they could dream up.

    No matter how much you did contribute, that still that didn't make you important enough to warrant two towels in the district convention restroom.

    No matter how much you did contribute or do, it wasn't enough, and if you voiced that opinion, then you weren't putting kingdom interests first, you were being self centered, you weren't a joyful worker, Satan was using you, etc.

    You were important enough to cook and clean and bring food to quick builds and volunteer at the assemblies scrubbing toilets (at least you didn't have to wait in that bloody f---ing line to do that), but you couldn't say a prayer, you couldn't give an opinion differing from a brother, you couldn't speak directly to the audience, and you had to wear a hat, towel, or napkin on your head to arrange a field service car group if a man was present.

    Your very life was in serious jeopardy if you were ever involved in an accident where a transfusion was needed.

    You may or may not have had all your shots as a child, but you don't know for sure because the rules kept changing.

    You had to remember to scream, or not to scream, if you were raped, depending on the fluctuating opinions of a dozen or so old geezers in Brooklyn, NY. If you didn't get raped the right way, then you were raped again in the JC meeting, where you got to tell three men what panties you were wearing that day.

    If you were lucky, the weather cooperated when you attended an assembly in an outdoor stadium.

    If you were lucky (I wasn't), you were baptized in a heated pool and not out in a freezing river in Canada (like me).

    I'm getting tired, so I won't be going on. I'm sure you will find plenty of reasons on your own to be bitter.

    Bitter is good.

    Be bitter.

    Enjoy your bitterness.

    It's the first time in your life you get to be bitter without being told you have the wrong attitude.

    Yes, bitter is very good.


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