WT Load Even Possible to Carry???

by Confucious 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Confucious

    Hey guys,

    I was a Reg Pioneer along with my wife for 9 years.

    During this time, we honestly tried to do EVERYTHING by the book.

    But we would always feel guilty because in some way we were ALWAYS falling short. This starting the whole guilt thing.

    But it just occured to me, is it even POSSIBLE to carry the load???

    Does anyone want to offer a guess-timation on whether it is even possible in a months time to do all the following...

    1) All meetings.

    2) STUDY for meeting.

    3) Personal Study.

    4) Congregation Responsibilities (average MS - Say Accounts Servant)

    5) Read their average portion of Assemblies NEW RELEASES.

    6) Field Service (Pioneer.)

    7) KH Cleaning (One time a month)

    8) Coming 1/2 early before the meetings and staying 1/2 hour later to associate.

    I'm sure there's other things I didn't mention.

    Any thoughts???

  • jgnat

    I added up meeting attendance, minimum field service, travel to and from and came up with 15% of a JW's day. That did not include study time. 15% may not seem like much, but we spend about 30% of our time sleeping, 5% eating.


  • mustang

    I pIONEERED about half that long. Actually, I didn't bother with the guilt: if I made it, OK; if not the CO could chew me out on Saturday afternoon. Fending off the flak developed a hard shell, I guess.

    No, it is not possible to carry that burden: anybody who runs a "time budget", "manpower loading" or develops "time standards " on it will see that. In industry we call those people Manufacturing Engineers. I decided to get paid for doing what the day brought. That includes any incidental ass-chewing's.

    I have become SPIRITUALLY WEAK and I am proud of it!!!

    I was just reading through another post about shunning. I was getting the sense of how WONDERFUL it is to NOT HAVE THOSE PRIVILEGES that the eLDERS threaten you with.

    JW's need a good, solid LAITY CLASS, that refuses to do any Field Service or put anything in the Contribution Box. You won't see any salary, so you might as well KEEP WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE.


  • avengers

    Is your load too heavy?

  • Farkel


    : I was a Reg Pioneer along with my wife for 9 years.

    : During this time, we honestly tried to do EVERYTHING by the book.

    : But we would always feel guilty because in some way we were ALWAYS falling short. This starting the whole guilt thing.

    : But it just occured to me, is it even POSSIBLE to carry the load???

    A friend of mine who was a CO, DO and had many other valuable positions in the WTS over forty years gave me a chilling answer to a simple question. I asked him if he had ever had even a simple compliment for all his years of faithful service.

    He said that his boss had written a glowing letter about how good he was and his boss's boss had read it and told the boss to tone it down as it was "giving too much glory" to the man.

    This in face of the fact the WTS leaders give themselves glory all the time.

    I asked my friend, "as a District Overseer and special trouble-shooter for the Watchtower for all those years, including your years at Brooklyn Bethel, did anyone above you ever pat you on the back and say, "well done?" He replied, "Never. It doesn't work that way."


  • metatron

    You misunderstand the real purpose of these activities, brother.

    The whole point is to keep you exhausted and so busy that they retain control of you. They quietly understand

    this point at higher levels in the Watchtower organization.


  • gespro

    Referring to the overloaded donkey pic, I can see a new Awake article in the making:

    "I Am an Ass for the Watchower Society"

    Hmmm I'm seeing some great Tshirts to wear to the door with that donkey logo...

    It is indeed impossible to jump through the hoops the Borg has set up AND spend that quality time applying the Family book advice [am I out-dated or what?]

    gespro -the not so traumitized

  • Jasmine

    Don't forget....

    Bible reading

    Meditation (it's the new thing put on our * to do list *)

    Daily Text

    Family Study


    Sheparding Calls (for MS and / or elder)

    Pioneer meetings

    Pioneer Assist Program

    Reading Yearbook

    Preparing for talks / demos / field service groups

  • skittles4u

    At what point does it turn from a load into a burden?

    My goodness, that's alot to do.

  • Valis

    PLUS when you throw in parents working all the time "family" becomes less and less of a reality.


    District Overbeer.

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