Our Cockatiel needs help

by outoftheorg 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    We have a male Cockatiel and were given a female. After almost 2 yrs together they began to mate.

    We thought it was cute. Then she started laying eggs. We thought that was cute too.

    We knew they would not hatch.

    BUT THEY DID!!!!. sorry

    Went on the internet for info and there were lots of cautions there, but we can't find out what kind of

    "soft food" as they tell us, is needed.

    We are totally ignorant about what to do when there is a very little bird in our house and he is hungry.

    Any help you can give us will be greatfully accepted by both of our birds and their little one.

    Outoftheorg, of the- at a total loss here group.

  • cruzanheart

    Call your vet! Or somebody's vet! See if there's an ornithological society in your area and call them! Good luck.


  • Satanus

    Pet shops. Phone the pet shops. They feed all kinds of little birds. If you can't find one there, i can give you a number here.


  • Quietly Patient
    Quietly Patient

    I actually worked in a pet shop, and hand raised a few cockatiels once upon a time, there is specific food for baby birds that you mix like formula, be prepared because it's round the clock keeping them warm and fed, will the parents let you touch he/she? Have they rejected her or are they showing signs of aggression?

  • imallgrowedup


    It would seem to me..... that now is the time to SHOUT!!!!!


    Wish I could help you.... hope you get some advice soon!!


  • outoftheorg

    Thanks for your help folks.

    It is 10.00 pm here in sw Idaho so the pet stores and vets will have to wait till tomorrow.

    Yes QP they will let me touch the chick and they are trying to keep the chick covered. See no signs of aggression at this point.

    The only info I could find on the net was"to use soft foods" but no explanation as to WHAT soft foods.

    I hope the birds will do the feeding, I don't want to be up around the clock.

    Thanks again for your replies. Any more info would be welcome.


  • outoftheorg

    I am willing growed up. What do you want me to SHOUT sorry.


  • outoftheorg
  • Maya

    about half way down, it describes the "soft foods"..........



    Howdy there!

    Well, I am a proud owner of a lovable cockatiel. Her name is Nimh. She's a rescued bird: no feet. But she's a lovely little thing, affectionate and playful. Loves to sit beside Rayzorblade on the computer and hit the [Esc] and [Caps Lock] keys, occasionally rendering my typed words, useless or all IN CAPS. Little monster.

    Well, I have been around baby cockatiels, and male/female cockatiels. You're lucky that the parent birds did not become aggressive; even if you are familiar to them.

    This little bird, believe it or not, will be OK for a couple of days, in fact, I have a feeling the parent birds (normally) will feed the baby. They'll make do, and watch the male: he'll real take care of the little bird.

    The soft food you are asking about, I know can be purchased from a reputable pet store/avian store.

    Keep in mind, as tame as your cockatiels may be, their instincts will kick in and probably feed baby chick anyways, but of course, the additional soft food will help.

    I also own one budgie (female) named: Baby.

    Both are very active and keep me running.

    I'll do some on-line searches at the various avian websites out there.

    Best of luck, but I believe baby bird will be OK.

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