energy secret Sequestered by U.S. Government

by one 27 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • talesin

    Not sure whether this particular story is bunk,


    I find it verrrry interesting that we have developed technology that, for example, can send probes to Mars, and operate on fetuses in utero, but we just can't seem to find viable alternatives to fossil fuel.

    Geez, it couldn't be that the world's economy revolves around OIL? Nah, I'm just a crazy conspiracy theory nut!

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    All energy comes from stellar thermogenesis.The sun bombards this earth with 126 trillion horsepower every second. One 1000 mega watt Nuclear Power plant has a 'steady' active output equal to 600 square miles of solar cells. The power generation needs to be de-centralized.Simply put,if i was God almighty i would change the building code so that one-half of home power consumption be produced in-house. This is easy to achive right now.If I was God I would change LOTS of things. Undaunted Danny

  • talesin

    YES, Danny! Me, too.

  • Jim_TX

    Might as well throw more gasoline on this fire...,362,718.WKU.&OS=PN/6,362,718&RS=PN/6,362,718

    (If the Patent Search Addy doesn't work... just go to the Patent Office web site and type in the Patent number... it'll bring it up.)


    Jim TX

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    This is a very interesting senate briefing regarding the energy crisis and unconventional energy sources.

    Note the address of this website.

    Regarding how much oil we have left:

    Gregg Esterbrook, in a recent article (2) discusses the world?s estimated oil reserves. Based on industry estimates, he suggests that there are estimated ?proven reserves? of 1,000 billion barrels of oil which only represents a 25 year supply at our present rate of consumption with its 2% annual increase. He states, ?Whatever number is correct, the world has decades of oil ahead. What it may not have is decades of cheap oil. Once the production peak comes and reserve levels begin to dwindle, the supply/demand equation may shift quickly toward higher prices. The debate, then, centers on how soon the peak will be reached.? Estimates are that the peak will be reached by 2010. At present, the global oil trade depends on OPEC for about 42% of its oil consumption which could hit 50% by 2009. If OPEC?s reserves turn out to be inflated as some in the industry believe, then the world oil production peak may occur much sooner with a subsequent sharp hike in prices. This is just barely within our time framework for introducing new technologies if we start now.

    This also covers -

    Future Energy Overunity, Cold Fog Discovery, Betavoltaic Battery, Nuclear Remediation, Electrostatic Motors, Biomass Gasification, Charge Clusters, Thin-Film Electrolytic Cell Power Unit

    And personally, I am excited by the theories of zero-point energy. The only problem would be security, in theory it is capable of producing so much energy that a nuke would look like a firecracker.

    Also, theoretically and experimentally, there is growing support for a breakthrough in zero point energy conversion[12], which is the subject of more than one patent, the most recent being Dr. Frank Mead?s patent #5,590,031
  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    All my life I held Issac newton and Jesus Christ as my mentors.I would gleefully(techy nerd) with wonderlust in my eyes discuss all the ways we will make the earth a better place in the 'new system'.

    The usual response I would get from the J-ho's;"all enviromental and energy problems will be resolved cause jehover is gonna get rid of 99% of the world's population.

    They gave me shit in the car group one day cause I bought my mom an enviromentally friendly (to 'satan's system') trash compactor.

  • one


    Very interesting,

    Do you know when the "compilation" of briefings was requested and completed?

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    one -

    The briefing was requested by Senator Smith (R-NH and Chair of the EPW) and Mr. David Conover (Chief of Staff-EPW) because of the need to look at energy and technology issues over times scales of 5-20 years. The briefing was organized by Dr. Theodore Loder and was held on Oct. 18, 2000 in the Senate Dirksen Building, Washington, DC.

    btw the EPW is U.S Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works -

    I also thought this was interesting..

    In summary, the risks associated with our present course are ever-increased environmental degradation coupled with a significant long lasting economic downturn, recession or depression.

    As the old Chinese proverb states, ? if we do not change direction, we will likely end up where we are heading.? A simple look at the numbers story tells us that we must change direction dramatically, with vision and conviction.

    As a world community, we must realize that we will need the last remaining decades of fossil fuels to create and integrate new energy sources without losing the momentum of our developing world society. Because the US is a major user of energy per capita and we affect environmental issues by both example and laws, we must lead on these issues.

    Where do we want to be in 20-30 years from now as a country and a world?

    We want to be at a point in our global development where we are no longer dependant on fossil fuels for our energy generation and we want to arrive there by a route that does not create global environmental and economic chaos.

    What if we do not act now?

    Again Lt. Col. Bearden?s comments: ?Make no mistake. This is the most deadly and certain strategic threat to the U.S. and the rest of the world, in all my experience. If we do not solve this energy problem, and deploy it very, very quickly with a massive effort, then we will overrun the 2003 "point of no return" and, just as an airplane does when it overruns the point of no return on the runway, this nation will be heading for a total crash, as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow. Yet everywhere one looks, one sees "business as usual," "trust us, we know best". . . . . .

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