It's all about "who you know"..... Even in God's domain!

by Doubtfully Yours 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    So here I am thinking, meditating if you will, on my biblical upbringing; then I came to the conclusion..... It's all about who you know! Even in biblical times. For real!!!

    Take the example of King David. Remember how he commited adultery, first in his mind and heart then carried it out in the flesh, then tried to cover it up and when he couldn't do it then he had the guy in a sure death position at a war. Remember?!!!

    Then, to add insult to injury, he carried on like nothing happened, and if it wouldn't have been for a whistle blower he would've concealed this forever! (Remind you all of the WTBTS UN deal?!)

    But, did he pay the ultimate price that their own law stipulated for adultery, or for killing someone?! NO, of course NO!!!!!!!!!! Why???!!! Because it's all about who you know. He was God's designated King! The Law didn't apply the same to him, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, I said to myself "self, don't sweat the stuff that's goes on in the Org, because God himself set the pattern on how things are done!".

    It's all about who you know, I'm telling you all!!!

    Alright now. You all now tell me about your warped reasonings and conclusions.


  • skittles4u

    This happens on ALL levels of society, this isn't any different.

    But I see your point.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Agree, Skittles4u. You're absolutely right.

    Then I thought some more... It makes perfect sense that humans should be this way! I mean, we were created in God's image, according to the Bible of course, and this same God behaves in such a way, so of course his creation will behave likewise!

    Alrigth, today is a deep thinking day. It may have gone too deep, though. Humor me please.


  • iiz2cool

    When I was a JW I could not "progress" to the point of being made an MS. One MS friend of mine said to me "It's not who you know, it's who you blow." At first I just thought he was being an idiot, as usual. As time went on I thought there must be some truth in it. It seemed like being a "yes man" was the only way to get appointed. So I gave up trying.


  • skittles4u

    I saw many elders sons become appointed ms's when man they were the biggest losers around.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Walter, in the current congregation I attend there's no bigger truth than that you mentioned.

    But, hey, like I posted initially, the Creator sets the pattern!


  • FlyingHighNow
    "It's not who you know, it's who you blow." At first I just thought he was being an idiot, as usual. As time went on I thought there must be some truth in it. It seemed like being a "yes man" was the only way to get appointed. So I gave up trying.

    Phew, Walter! For a minute there I thought that you were going to say that in order to be appointed as MS or Elder you had to give out blow jobs. Didn't know blow meant yes man. Thanks for clarifying that.


    DY, I used to find it very stumbling to know things like Arron was spared even though he is the one who actually had the golden calf made and then those others who participated were swallowed up by the earth or something like that. But you see, they explained to me that it was the heart condition of the ones spared that was what saved them. I still think it very unfair of "God" to be so hard on the others. They were only human afterall.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Skittles4u, you're so right! It still goes on today. Big on nepotism, BIG!

    Hey, God could've picked another among the myriad of angels the Bible mentions that he created for the exclusive assignment of redeeming mankind. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who was his choice??? His, biblically described, primogenital Son!!!

    God sets the pattern!!!


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    There's another example, the one about Aaron! Plenty more like that in the Bible! Aaron is a very good one, though.

    I too was thrown by the "it's who you blow" phrase. Good thing it was clarified.

    If it wouldn't have been for a whistle blower, the WTBTS would've still been affiliated with the UN. And who really knows what other organizations they're affiliated with, but forbid their members to even go to a YMCA/YWCA location for exercise!

    Cant' wait 'till I leave them for good!!!

    Then again, I go back to the original, this Creator God has set the pattern for this and many other things.

    Imagination is running away with me today. I'm drinking tonight for sure.

    Hey, here's another warped conclusion... Scientists say that the human body can function properly with only a quarter of a kidney. So, why did the Creator gave us two kidneys then? Did he suspect that when we discovered the entertaining effect of alcohol we'd consume it in excess and then it would take 2 kidneys to process all the toxins?! Think about it!

    Alright, keep those comments coming you all!


  • Jasmine

    I can follow you line of thinking Doubtful

    My dad stepped down as an elder a few years back because he needed a break, but now, he's not being re-appointed because some the other brothers he used to serve with are power tripping! He's such a good man, but couldn't get back on the body if his life depended on see it works both ways. It's all who you know!

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